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2 die as protests flare across India over anti-Muslim comments

Do not glorify the idea of "loving death" please, a lot of death lovers have been known to fall for this rubbish in crowded markets and so on rather than on battlefields. They will forever be condemned as cowards, not heroes.

One would expect a Pakistani to know better but...

I love Orwell and Orwellian dystopian stuff in general, Animal Farm was great too, as have been so many amazing movies on the subject.

Besides, this guy has never stepped out of his village or state, never got laid either and he's pushing 40 or beyond it.. that should tell you something.

Read again what i wrote, or u cant comprehend?
Muslims are the ones who started it by violently protesting over such a petty issue.

For the last dozen posts I read from you - I bet you are false flagging for India under Pakistan flag. :-)

That's alright. Chal raha hai - rehney do....
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Its a nuisance for everyone around them, starting violent mass protests because someone said a few mean words about your religion doesn't really help your cause. All this will result in is radicalization of even more Indian Hindus.
Why did she think it fit to say a few mean words about a subject that is nothing to do with her?
Play stupid games...
You want to live in North Korea do you?

Where the leader is worshipped like a demigod. And practices extreme cruelty!

Where people starve to death but no one is allowed to report on it.

Even Hinduvta is not that vile.

Demigod status aside ( which is not Communist at all ) I am sure there are no more starving people in North Korea and when it was present it was due to the geography of the country and not due to the system's policies, and the policies are free housing, free healthcare, free education and so on which are not present in India or other South Asian countries. And there must be more starving people in South Asia then were even in North Korea but this is not mentioned by Western-government-controlled Western mainstream media because South Asia, India and Pakistan in particular are darlings of the Western bloc. The moment South Asia become Communist or Socialist is the day the Western governments will start squealing about starvation deaths here.

As I said previously, the most heinous genocides has been under secular regimes.

USSR, Nazis and currently North Korea.

Read 1984!!

I love Orwell and Orwellian dystopian stuff in general, Animal Farm was great too, as have been so many amazing movies on the subject.

Yes, next you will recommend books by Gorbachev and YouTube lectures by Obomba and Tony B'liar. Or perhaps a round of the book called Karmayogi which is a loving interview of none other than Pragati Purush Narendra bhai Modi ji, Dear Leader of Vishwaguru India, in which he enlightens us with the truth that the Shudras and Dalits in India have cleaned the gutters and the drains generations after generations because it gives them "Aadhyatmik anand" ( spiritual bliss ) so they do it for the love of the society and the gods. Now Sharma, you too should go start cleaning the gutters and partake of this sublime divine pleasure in addition to the Brahmanvad that you propagate. And India is certainly not the greatest dystopia in history.

Religious people need to be kept in check. Otherwise you get this....

Agreed. Then please also say that for the 500 million Hindutvadis in India and abroad.

But they are ruling India, aren't they? So such voice is laughable from an Indian!

Absolutely !

Besides, this guy has never stepped out of his village or state, never got laid either and he's pushing 40 or beyond it.. that should tell you something.

That should tell us two things :

1. You are like those Hindutvadi code monkeys and finance company backoffice workers for Wall Street who may roam the world three times a month yet their internal psychological system keeps them in a bubble of utmost jahaalat and they never get rid of their extreme Capitalism and Hindutvad and don't become mellow, considerate and worldly wise. They live how their stupid family and society taught them. They are those thugs who started giving rape threats and death threats to the known organizers and participants of the Dismantling Global Hindutva conference in North America even before the conference had started. The Hindutvadi thugs who went to North America from India did things like disrupt the classrooms of the academics among the conference's participants. Our drawling Sharma here is the enabler of these thugs.

2. You are an ardent user of Tinder and nightclubs from where you pick up un-self-respecting, frivolous and unfeminine females ( you posted photos ) whose major achievement in life is to start organizations that speak up for the 60+ million street dogs in India. I will not cast a second glance at such females and you can't charm any other type of female. You didn't take up my challenge to forget those Tinder and nightclub females and instead try to charm the intelligent, lovely and actual-contributor -to-society Shehla Rashid.
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2 die as protests flare across India over anti-Muslim comments​

Published: June 11, 2022 13:07:54 | Updated: June 11, 2022 15:36:14

Supporters of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a religious and political party, gather as an effigy depicting suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokeswoman Nupur Sharma is carried during a protest against the comments on Prophet Mohammed, in Karachi, Pakistan Jun 10, 2022. Reuters
Supporters of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a religious and political party, gather as an effigy depicting suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokeswoman Nupur Sharma is carried during a protest against the comments on Prophet Mohammed, in Karachi, Pakistan Jun 10, 2022. Reuters

At least two people have died and 10 others injured in India's Jharkhand as agitated crowds clashed with police during protests over derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad made by two former members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, bdnews24.com reports citing media reports.

Authorities at the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in Ranchi, the state's capital, confirmed the deaths and said the 10 others have been receiving treatment at the hospital, private broadcaster NDTV reports.

On Friday, the authorities put different parts of Ranchi under curfew after protesters confronted police. Police fired blank shots and charged batons as the crowds demanded the arrest of suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, whose anti-Muslim remarks have kicked up a storm.

City police chief Anshuman Kumar confirmed to NDTV that the two people died of gunshot injuries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has faced a backlash from Muslims at home and abroad, including from a number of Gulf countries, after Nupur and another official from his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) commented in late May and earlier this month on the prophet's private life, Reuters reports.

Nupur has been suspended and the other official has been expelled by the party, but it has failed to calm the anger of the Muslim community in the country.

In West Bengal's Howrah, protesters blocked roads and railway tracks in different parts of the district, prompting calls from the BJP for the deployment of the Indian Army to control the situation.
The agitators clashed with police at Dhulagarh, Panchla and Uluberia when they tried to lift the blockade on a stretch of the national highway, a police officer told NDTV.

The West Bengal government subsequently suspended internet services in Howrah until 6 am on Monday.

Police charged and fired tear gas at protesters in the Uttar Pradesh city of Prayagraj, where broken bricks and stones littered the streets, a video from ANI showed.

The law enforcers arrested 109 people from different districts of Uttar Pradesh for their alleged role in the protests on Friday, Prashant Kumar, a senior Uttar Pradesh police official told Reuters.
Protests in other cities and towns remained peaceful.

In Kashmir, small groups gathered in dozens of locations, some of them chanting slogans against the fired BJP officials. Authorities in the restive territory, which is also claimed by neighbouring Pakistan, cut off mobile internet connections to forestall any violence, a police official told Reuters.

Protesters, including children, marched holding posters of the two BJP officials and called for police to arrest Sharma in Ahmedabad, the main city in Modi's home state of Gujarat.

"So far, no strict action has been taken against Nupur Sharma," protester Mohammad Jabir told Reuters. "She should be arrested as soon as possible."

Sharma was not available for comment. She said last week that she did not intend to hurt anyone's religious feelings.
Police in New Delhi told Reuters on Thursday that they have filed a complaint against Sharma and others for "inciting people on divisive lines" on social media.

The BJP has instructed officials to be "extremely cautious" when talking about religion on public platforms and has said it does not promote insults against any sect or religion.

More the Indian fascists throw fuel on fire the better. They will only be to be blamed when the whole country in engulfed.
Im glad muslims of india are rising, i hope the hindus continue their hate and continue to instigate and target muslims, this is the only way muslims will unite and rise. Once the muslims unite and rise, the majority hindus are mere carrots for them. You cannot fight a nation that loves death in a battlefield more than life.

"Muslims" of India ? You mean the Indian cousins of those in Pakistan who lynched Mashal Khan in 2017 or of those who lynched Farkhunda in Afghanistan in 2015 ? Those highly-emotional-for-what-reason-exactly-question-mark types going about screaming "Ghustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda sar tan se juda" who have nothing in them of the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad and who would not hesitate a second to honor kill their sister or cousin because she was seen with a man and who would not hesitate a second in grabbing an MBA degree ? Where were these beardos when the farmers of India agitated against the government's farm laws in 2020-21 including the one-year agitation in Delhi in which 700 farmers died because of various reasons but the main reason being the stubbornness of Modi government ? Since these two dead did not participate in the betterment of Indian society and the world and had nothing Islamic in them I have no sympathy for them.
Secularism is responsible for the three biggest genocide in human history: USSR, NAZIS, Cultural revolution
Hitler was a Christian. Read his speeches.
Religion comes in the way of many ideologies,not just secularism.
Secularism is not the same as communism.
Western Europe does it well. Even the restrictive nations like France.

Like all countries, faith is on a decline in India.
Please don’t open multiple threads about the same issue. Threads already exist.
"Muslims" of India ? You mean the Indian cousins of those in Pakistan who lynched Mashal Khan in 2017 or of those who lynched Farkhunda in Afghanistan in 2015 ? Those highly-emotional-for-what-reason-exactly-question-mark types going about screaming "Ghustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza sar tan se juda sar tan se juda" who have nothing in them of the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad and who would not hesitate a second to honor kill their sister or cousin because she was seen with a man and who would not hesitate a second in grabbing an MBA degree ? Where were these beardos when the farmers of India agitated against the government's farm laws in 2020-21 including the one-year agitation in Delhi in which 700 farmers died because of various reasons but the main reason being the stubbornness of Modi government ? Since these two dead did not participate in the betterment of Indian society and the world and had nothing Islamic in them I have no sympathy for them.

Why would u have sympathy for poor working class muslims? U r just a hypocrite. I thought communism ensures equal rights for all working class.
Again those two are the Muslims who are killed??
That b...ch nupur Sharma can only stay alive by spending her days in a locked house. What a stupid mistake she made.
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