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2 consecutive days of Low intensity blasts in India

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The last resort when one doesn't have an answer.

I should be the one saying this. Don't run in circles i asked you in simple english that tell us all where the world including the US has said that Pakistan is a state sponsoring terrorism. You cant come up with that but all the remaining BS. Hey you didn't even responded to the post directed towards you, i can understand why.

Don't worry, these terrorist attacks will not go without their perpetrators and their supporters meeting justice.

Give this threat to someone else.

The world has lost any patience with the terrorists and their supporters, India is not alone in this fight now as we were for 2 decades.

Yeah and your definition of the word world is??

Even if we were alone, we would come out on tops.

I don't see it happening any time soon specially after the kind of pathetic attitude that is shown by Indians. You tend to hide behind excuses and blaming others for your failures, is this the way you gonna come on top, i don't think so.
Its the lie which most of Indians love to tell but lets see what is the actual position.

(posted by RR in another thread)
"The argument by the Hindutva fanatics is that Pakistan is full of Indian people because during Partition Pakistan was flooded by lots of Indians, so that Pakistan now looks Indian! A very simple calculation to disprove this statement is as follows.. "

Let us see what does India mean and Indian mean? I must confess my intellectually ability is not a match for Mr. RoadRunner, nor do I have time enough to ponder over to justify my existence ;)

Indian means anyone who belongs to India(mind you Janaji not Republic of India).

India as per the tectonic plate or geologically comprises of mostly the Indian Subcontinent.. the mountains let me remind you are formed when different tectonic plates collapse into each other, so the flora and fauna too of the Indian subcontinent is similar wrt the nations in them and much different from the areas yonder the mountains which formed as a result of tectonic plates crashing.. hence it is so called a subcontinent..

As per some accounts India was the nation bound by Indus on the west, Ganges on the east, Sea in the south, as per some other accounts Bounded on West North and East by mountains and South by Sea..which is commensurate with the geological evidence..

Now as per Vedas India is called Jambudvipa, aka Jambu Island and this corresponds to the time when India was an Island, remember I talked about tectonic plates crashing.. this was before that.. so scientifically Vedas assertion has been proved that India was an Island which crashed into the two tectonic plates to give rises to mountains covering the northern part of India..

Now Indian is simply anyone who is ethnically native to India.. unless most Pakistanis happen to have foreign ancestry that is ancestry not belonging to INDIA that we speak off.. which is again untrue.. so yes almost all Pakistanis are Indian and almost all Indian are Indian..

A dissimilar case is of Iran... where many tribes which have origins yonder the Iranian Plateau claim to be Iranian and pledge allegiance to Iran because of the shared history.. (Lors, Pars, Kurds, Azeris, Arabs, Khorasanis etc.)
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Reality will bite once things start happening!


The illiterate Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Paksitan are the source of all problems!

Educate yourself before the US educates you!

Don't break up Paksitan!


Good to see you in your elements.

Sadly, it does not impress as it would to the illiterates of NWFP and FATA!!

What this thread and RAW/Indian planned bombing in Ahmadabad have to do with Pashtuns or NWFP????????

As far illiteracy is concerned well Indians are also in the same line.

Go and check the reality a country called India is having most hungery, illiterate people.
but anyway in India sab acha ha India shinning with billions of poor and illiterates

Reality will bite once things start happening!

You mean your sponsored terrorism. Well don't worry we will take care of that, we did take care of your sponsored BLA leader, Your Brig Mehta in Afghanistan was already blown back straight to hell, we even didn't had to get our hands dirty. We surely take care of what you have to bring it more. By the way a piece of advice, take care of your own mess before another STAN's comes out.
I should be the one saying this. Don't run in circles i asked you in simple english that tell us all where the world including the US has said that Pakistan is a state sponsoring terrorism. You cant come up with that but all the remaining BS. Hey you didn't even responded to the post directed towards you, i can understand why.

Karzai says it almost daily. How does he do it if not at the USA's behest? You yourself said that Karzai can't do it without USA's support.

Read the USA media. They accuse Pakistan of duplicity almost daily and every presidential candidate talks of sending troops to Pakistan! What for if they don't suspect you of harboring the terrorists?

USA officially asks you to "Do more" on a daily basis. They may not say so in so many words, but it is very clear they doubt your intentions or capability or both.
You mean your sponsored terrorism. Well don't worry we will take care of that, we did take care of your sponsored BLA leader, Your Brig Mehta in Afghanistan was already blown back straight to hell, we even didn't had to get our hands dirty. We surely take care of what you have to bring it more. By the way a piece of advice, take care of your own mess before another STAN's comes out.

I am afraid that some of the STANs already around us may not be there for long if they continue on the same path.

Most likely it won't happen because of us but their own actions.
What this thread and RAW/Indian planned bombing in Ahmadabad have to do with Pashtuns or NWFP????????

As far illiteracy is concerned well Indians are also in the same line.

Go and check the reality a country called India is having most hungery, illiterate people.
but anyway in India sab acha ha India shinning with billions of poor and illiterates

Janaji if I remember correctly you are a journalist? I recommend if you can to get your hands on the documentary "Going to school in India" .. Brilliant.. shows the amount of effort and sacrifice(time and money) undertaken by families(most often poor hungry and illiterate) to make sure their offspring study and succeed.. It is not surprising to see even middle class parents spending half their monthly income on Children's tutions and school fees etc.

Look at India of today, the sons of Brahmins, Baniyas, Kayastha and Pandits(learned) are now being given competition(more like beaten mercilessly) in all fields by children of Chamars, Yadavs and Thakurs(drop outs)..
What is Indian Mujahideen?

Yet another attack and yet again an obscure militant organisation calling itself the Indian Mujhadeen has taken responsibility. But what actually is the Indian Mujhadeen?

Minutes before 16 bombs ripped through Ahmedabad, an email was sent to over 20 media houses, including some foreign news organisations.

The third time a little known group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen sent such an email just before terror strikes. The first being the serial blasts in courts in Uttar Pradesh in November last year followed by blasts in Jaipur earlier this year. On each occasion, the group claimed it was avenging the killings of Indian Muslims.

But what actually is the Indian Mujhadeen. Investigations into the Jaipur and UP serial blasts led to a nondescript cyber cafe and then to servers in France and other European countries. Investigators say the Indian Mujhadeen is a front for groups operating out of Pakistan most likely the Lasker-e-Toiba.

Jaipur is India's best-known tourist centre and Banglore is India's cyber capital, striking them is ISI 's key aim and the Lashkar's long stated objective.

How Indian is 'Indian Mujahideen'?

* An Indian group claiming responsibility for terror strikes gives the ISI and Pakistan more reason to deny any involvement

* In each of three emails, the group lays special emphasis on being India-based. They have mentioned it over a dozen times in Saturday's email leading investigators to believe that it is done purposefully to protect groups like the LeT

* Saturday's email targets Jamait-e-Ulema-Hind and its leader Arshad Madni known for his moderate stand. The Jamait has long been targeted by the LeT and the ISI

In the past, arrested Lashkar militants have said they always wanted to target Gujarat, Bangalore and tourist destinations. What Indian Mujhadeen has done perhaps indicates that it is just another face of the LeT.

NDTV.com: What is Indian Mujahideen?

:) NDTV is enough to doubt the credibility of what has been said above.

As far such email well in the past to Indian media and police came up with such fake and pathatic ideas to just befool own people.
Its a pitty India has never succeeded in reaching to the bottom of any of the incident simply due to her obsession with ISI which always block the prospect of looking into other possible sorces and assests which could be involved in such attacks.

Jaipur is India's best-known tourist centre and Banglore is India's cyber capital, striking them is ISI 's key aim and the Lashkar's long stated objective.

:) and what is the proof of it what NDTV is saying. I remmber when i was in India just minuts after Jaipur blasts NDTV started broadcasting provicative commentry and programs blaming ISI and was forcing Indian govt to halt talks with Pakistan.

How Indian is 'Indian Mujahideen'?

* An Indian group claiming responsibility for terror strikes gives the ISI and Pakistan more reason to deny any involvement

* In each of three emails, the group lays special emphasis on being India-based. They have mentioned it over a dozen times in Saturday's email leading investigators to believe that it is done purposefully to protect groups like the LeT

* Saturday's email targets Jamait-e-Ulema-Hind and its leader Arshad Madni known for his moderate stand. The Jamait has long been targeted by the LeT and the ISI.

And it can be otherway round too my dear look at the last point of your own post wherein it is mentioned that email targets the JUH leader. So it can be a trick by Indians themselves to create an impression that look outsiders are targeting moderate Muslims leaders in India.
Its such a funny thing that Indians have never given any importance to any Muslim cleric be they are moderate or not and now suddenly the Indians are in love with them.
The talk of illiteracy, backwardness and poverty of India by a NWFP tribal is hilarious to say the least.

They are nowhere near the top of the world on these parameter AFAIK.
:) NDTV is enough to doubt the credibility of what has been said above.

I didn't quite get this one.. are you saying NDTV is not credible?

As far such email well in the past to Indian media and police came up with such fake and pathatic ideas to just befool own people.
Its a pitty India has never succeeded in reaching to the bottom of any of the incident simply due to her obsession with ISI which always block the prospect of looking into other possible sorces and assests which could be involved in such attacks.

Janaji, lets ponder over this issue a bit,
Indian Police blames Pakistan and ISI what is the public response?

Mr. Goher still peddles Ice cream on TV, Mussarat Abbas still sings on Indian TV "Talent Hunt Shows" Mashallah kya gaata hai, Wasim Akram peddles diabetes medicine, Adnan Sami still hosts gameshows, Romeos get drunk and then play Atif Aslam songs

Nobody blames Pakistani people, there are elements or power centres in Pakistan that are doing this... of which I have no doubt nor do I doubt the innocence of innocents in Pakistan and India.. and the lackadaisical attitude of Indian agencies incl the dreaded R&AW( I wonder if they can't predict ISI's response, how can they then help Baloch? ;))... these same elements are responsible to an extent for the blasts in Pakistan as well... (so no need to say ISI is equally complacent ;))

:) and what is the proof of it what NDTV is saying. I remmber when i was in India just minuts after Jaipur blasts NDTV started broadcasting provicative commentry and programs blaming ISI and was forcing Indian govt to halt talks with Pakistan.

You were in India? Lovely.. dhan ho gaye bhaag hamaray.. I would love to read your experiences.

NDTV is one of the most pro-Pak channels, I find it quite irritating at times the length Ms. Dutt, the editor goes to to get the views from Pakistan.. I prefer India TV for the sensationalism..

And it can be otherway round too my dear look at the last point of your own post wherein it is mentioned that email targets the JUH leader. So it can be a trick by Indians themselves to create an impression that look outsiders are targeting moderate Muslims leaders in India.
Its such a funny thing that Indians have never given any importance to any Muslim cleric be they are moderate or not and now suddenly the Indians are in love with them.

If you are equating the analysis of the NDTV journalists with what the GoI thinks then you are being a bit too naive..

any govt or indeed any political party will never give importance to any cleric.. unless it doesn't suit them ;)

PS: Offtopic, I think Mr. Omar Abdullah has the chance to be the next PM.. He has to play his cards right..
The talk of illiteracy, backwardness and poverty of India by a NWFP tribal is hilarious to say the least.

They are nowhere near the top of the world on these parameter AFAIK.

:) Vinod tell me does your above post realy reflect Indian Education standard ????????

:) if its is so then what can i say.

AS far the talk of illiteracy, Your learned Brgadier had started this i guess you guys after sensing that Indian stance on recent bombing is tooooooooo weak have started resorting to such personal attacks and that too without any logics
^^ The idea was not personal attack but to point out the absurdity of your statement.

Go and check the reality a country called India is having most hungery, illiterate people.
but anyway in India sab acha ha India shinning with billions of poor and illiterates

Surely those living in glass house should not throw stones at others.

Anyway Indian literacy rate is higher than Pakistan's by a good margin and your own province I hear is one of the laggards within Pakistan on all the parameters you mentioned.

Hardly the right credentials to taunt others on these parameters.
Karzai says it almost daily. How does he do it if not at the USA's behest? You yourself said that Karzai can't do it without USA's support.

Read the USA media. They accuse Pakistan of duplicity almost daily and every presidential candidate talks of sending troops to Pakistan! What for if they don't suspect you of harboring the terrorists?

USA officially asks you to "Do more" on a daily basis. They may not say so in so many words, but it is very clear they doubt your intentions or capability or both.

So are you agreeing that Karzai is a puppet. By the way if US has a problem it doesn't need Karzai to convey the msg, it can do it on its own. Every presidential candidate, really last time i checked Obama was the only one who said and in return faced heavy criticism from the republicans on that and finally rephrased his statement. Besides we know how democratics feel about Pakistan, but does that according your level of thinking makes it the world. When US officially asks us to do more, they mean more military action over the tribal areas against AQ not that we are sponsoring AQ or taliban. You said world accuses Pakistan of a state sponsoring terrorism i asked which world and this is what you can come up with US telling us to do more, you don't see any difference between the two, how pathetic, let me give you an example of a state sponsoring terrorism according to the US, take Iran as an example and how officially the US accuse Iran of state sponsoring terrorism or for that matter take the example of Syria. US doesn't say to do more to these countires, just check out the US official response to these countries maybe you could understand the definition of a state sponsoring terrorism in the eyes of the US. Also US does not give F-16s to these nations or perhaps upgrade them if it did then the supply lines for the F-14 spares would have been going on. God you guys can go this low to prove your point.
I am afraid that some of the STANs already around us may not be there for long if they continue on the same path.

Most likely it won't happen because of us but their own actions.

Really! would be like a wet dream come true for you guys. But then again Pakistan is there to stay and you will face disappointment in your quest.
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