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1st squadron of LCA likely to be inducted into IAF by 2010: ACM Fali Major

No it was reported in another forum that it offers now around 83/84 Kn thrust with afterburner (wiki says 85Kn for F404-GE-IN20 turbofan).

That's not true, the LCA mk1 version is already in weapon testing phase and like most sources say will be operational by next year. Even mk2 version with AESA, Kaveri/EJ200 is expected to enter service alongside MMRCA in 2015.
let have a bet. if LCA were to be operational by 2020, I would eat my keyboard. otherwise, you eat your keyboard.
frankly speaking, LCA would not be operational until 2020 ,accordint to its advancement.

engine. fire control, radar, missile....almost all component still not integerated....

Wait for the right Time, Even ATV was not expected to be released anywhere before 2020. What happend to those who had a comment on that? Well, You cant expect everything to be open to media or public,especially in military.
Mods please move this thread to the LCA designated sticky thread!!!

Please search for the related thread to your news before starting new thread.
let have a bet. if LCA were to be operational by 2020, I would eat my keyboard. otherwise, you eat your keyboard.

Friend i think china taking india too much lightly. We as indians too never expected nuclear submarine as till 2020. Guess what india proved us indians wrong. All am trying to say is this is not 1962. Dont live in past. Even china got mugged by japan when japan army raped chinees womens and cut head of chinees males. Can japan do that now? Can germany got gutts to attack uk? Its all past. 1962 left way back. Its 2009. If u think india soft target than i would say 'god help china'. India aint no little country and do match ur weapons quality to our weapons quality. Dont relie on quantity. quantity is waste of money. It might feel good factor but quality always wins and its cheap in long run. India concentrating in quality. Remember always that israel, france, russia and now america helping india to achieve quality. China is all about numbers. Wheather u like it or not friend.
We will compare it with JF-17 when its inducted completely....right now this thread is useless.
We will compare it with JF-17 when its inducted completely....right now this thread is useless.

Dear Sir Jf-17 which u induct only the 8 prototype which made by china during for test evaluation. u don’t have any production vision of jf-17 till now. And it is 3rd generation a/c as our lca mk1. when it come to mk-2 (new engine & aesa ) it become generation head of you’re a/c.

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