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1971 War - The Untold Story - EXPOSING Propanganda and the telling the truth

by Md Akmal

Tell me how many Hindus joined as "Mukti Bahini", not even hundred ? Most of the time singing song at the "Shadin Bangla Beter Kendra". "Tumar neta amar neta Sk Mujib, Sk Mujib". That's all.
any source for bolded part? give neutral i.e international ,reliable source.
A thousand :tup: for that Iajduni.

@ So Abir you are very happy. Good !~ good !.

@ Now forget about Pakistan. We have given blood. Behares have given blood. West Pakistanis have given blood and finally Indian have also given blood for the liberation of Bangladesh. We also have a soft corner for Bengalees of West Bengal wheather they are muslims or hindus it is immaterial .

@ I give special thanks to Bengalee people of West Bengal, Tripura, Meghaloy and Assam for sheltering us for long nine months. Thanks for feeding 10 million refugees which went inside your country. For which your living startdard also went down.

@ Now, we are independant country. We have to do lot many things for our country. We want to business with you people on need to basis. But for God seek donnot interfare in our matters. That's all. Let the people to decide what would be our foreign policy. Donnot back finger ?
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. .
by Md Akmal

Originally Posted by IND151
any source for bolded part? give neutral i.e international ,reliable source.
You give me the source.
why should i give? you said not even hundred Hindus joined mukti bahini. so its your responsibility to give credible source. you didn't. thus i asked you to give source.
why should i give? you said not even hundred Hindus joined mukti bahini. so its your responsibility to give credible source. you didn't. thus i asked you to give source.

Actually most of the thread has been reduced to gibberish and gobbledygook. Or in the inimitable words of our co-forummer Joe Shearer (on a similar thread) pure Goblish !

You are asking for sources where none will be forthcoming. After all it is constructed out of legends, mythology, half-baked theories, personal wishes and such like. If i'm not mistaken, the Bengali language has an expression for this- "thakurmar golpo" (Grandmother's tales).

Little wonder, a wise man had opined- history should only be written in pencil.

Mohammad Zianal Abedin.

An article in an Indian magazine 'Frontline' (Volume 22 - Issue 13, Jun 18- Jul 01, 2005,Homage to a hero), contributed by a Bangladeshi journalist Haroon Habib,under the caption 'Homage to a hero' drew my attention. Myfellow-journalist Harron Habib left no stone unturned to praise Gen. Arorafor his heroic (?) deeds. Haroon expressed his anguish seeing the passivemood of many quarters, including the ruling elites, for their failure inpaying homage to Arora who died on May 3. The write-up of Haroon Habib could be excellent one, if he could be impartial and could also try to explore and unearth the reason, why the Bangladeshis in general refrained from paying sincere tribute to Arora. The reason is this that the role of Arora and his associates was heroic for India, but not for Bangladesh, rather it was a curse for Bangladesh and its people. His death was condoled by those who are known in Bangladesh as pro-Indian elements. Observers, who monitored those condolence meetings, found the speakers engaged in competitions in pleasing India more than paying homage to Arora. Indian High Commission in Dhaka is alleged to have sponsored almost all the meetings orgrainsed by various parties and groups. None of the condolence meetings was spontaneous. Most of the organisers and speakers were supposed to do so, as they are overtly and covertly aligned to and benefited by India.

Haroon Habib praised Arora for his unique command over his troops in keeping them disciplined. But his comment is beyond reality. There is no evidence as to what the General did to stop his soldiers from looting. He was either a failed commander who miserably failed to impose discipline and supervision in the conduct of his troops when they resorted to stealing the assets of the country they allegedly came to liberate. The failure to prevent this full scale looting actually planted the first seed of anti-India feeling in the hearts of the Bangladeshis. One expatiate Bangladeshi, Tuhin Reza,alleged that he failed to impose discipline on his troops that paved the way for looting. But the ground reality that I saw in Dhaka just after December 16, 1971, shows that the looting was open and concerted, something, as if,by official instruction. It was not a failure. It was his instruction. Not only the dwelling houses or shops of Dhaka and other major urban areas of Bangladesh, were looted, but also mills and factories, stores of jute, cotton and food grains, and all other things. The looted materials were sent to India loading hundreds of thousands of military lorries and trucks and ship. Individual soldier could steal one or two fancy or attractive items, but how thousands of trucks and vessels loaded with different types of articles and goods could ply to India, if Arora and his bosses in New Delhi had not instructed to do so.

Haoon Habib regretfully said that the role of Arora was distorted in Bangladesh. Haroon Habib opined, "Despite the distortions, one particular photograph of the country's history cannot be erased. The historic picture shows Lt. Gen. A.A.K. Niazi signing the instrument of surrender in front of Lt. Gen. J.S.Arora at Dhaka's Ramna Race Course." But Mr. Haroon failed to comprehend that this very picture of singing ceremony also itself is the evidence and document of Indian conspiracy in denying the role and sacrifice of freedom fighters of Bangladesh and its people. Where was the representation of Bangladesh in the signing ceremony? Why Gen. M. A. G. Osmany, the commamander in chief of the Banglasesh forces was not allowed to remain present in the signing ceremony, who could be co-signatories? Denying the signature of Osmany or any other legalrepresentative of the then Revolutionary government of Bangladesh, India itself denied our liberation war. It is alleged that Gen. Osmany was not allowed to reach Dhaka even to attend the ceremony. India instructed Arora to goalone to sign the surrendering instrument wanted to establish its claim that it was a war between India and Pakistan.India denied our sacrifice in the very dawn of ourliberation. India wants to claim that our independence was a gift of India.

Those who pay homage to a looter named Arora, indirectly tune to Indian line and accept Indian claim. Mr. Hroon should have known that Indian Army celebrates the 16th December as Vijay Divas(victory day) of the Eastern command of India over Pakistan. By doing so India denies the victory day of Bangladesh. Arora was sent to invade and capture Bangladesh, to pave the way for unhindered looting and the Indian soldiers under the command of Arora did it for days. For this reason no representation was allowed in he signing ceremony. To a real patriotic Bangladesh Arora and Indian soldiers in 1971 in Bangladesh were invaders and looters not savier or liberator as claimed by Haroon Habib. Arora and his Indian associates assisted the liberation war not to liberate us, but to crush the Muslim power in the subcontinent and enslave us under Indian cage. Indian Army fought in 1971 to invade and capture Bangladesh and keep it under
occupation. I would request Mr. Haroon to collect the last interview of Indian late President Zail Singh published in the 'Sunday' magazine (now defunct) of Calcutta, where he said, that withdrawl of the Indian soldiers from Bangladesh was a blunder.

During the war of liberation I was trained in India. I was twenty years in 1971 and the Vice president of a government college student's union. I wrote and staged a drama at Halflong Camp of Assam in India.I enjoyed close confidence of many leading Awami League and Chattra League some of whom were unfortunately infiltrated by RAW to float Mujib Bahini. I rushed to Dhaka five days after the surrender to visit my elder brother's house in Kachukhat area (adjucent to Dhaka Cantonment).I personally saw the looting of the Indian soldiers. Elderly people of Dhaka of those days still alive and they can give vivid description how massive looting occurred after December 16. Those who praise India or Arora can talk to them to get the real picture of looting. They may like to study the descriptions of looting provided by many eyewitnesses, including a Sector commander Major Abdul Jalil, who bid to deter shipment of Bangladeshi goods to India.

Major Jalil(an ex-Armoured officer who deflected from Pakistan Army or was on leave on 25 March 1971) was arrested and put to Indian jail for his offence of obstructing the unhindered plundering of Bangladeshi assets. Once Mujib returned back from Pakistan on his request Major Jalil was sent back to Bangladesh authority and soon he was Court Martialed by the own Govt. Curfews were imposed in the name of security to cover the looting/plundering. Indian soldiers looted whatever they got even the taps of wash basins and spoons. Harrun Habib and others, who paid homage to Arora and treat India as a friend of 1971, are well aware of the looting, but they buried those memories and evidence to secure their self-interest. I humbly request this group of people to ask their conscience a question. Where did the arms,ammunition , military vehicles , equipment, warplanes etc of Pakistan Army go? By looting the costly military hardware India crippled the nacsent Bangladesh army. India did it to make us permanently dependent on India.

Indian conspiracy did not end there. Her subsequent behaviour with Bangladesh since 1972 was more heinous and open that proves that she cannot be our real and trusted friend. The envious and inimical, expansionist and big brotherly attitude of the India for the last 34 years manifest the covert plan and design why the Aroras showed their overt friendliness in 1971. Other than plundering in 1971, India's post-'71 anti-Bangladesh steps prove that the Aroras did not help us, but made the way to exploit and
squeeze us, to grab and annex us finally in their bid to make 'Akhand Bharat'. India illegally blockades the water of the international rivers during the dry season and floods Bangladesh in the rainy season to cause it economically, ecologically and environmentally devasted. India's hidden and open role in sheltering and nursing the Bangladeshi terrorists and secessionists, creating unrest and insatiability in political and educational arenas, constructing barbed wire fence and killing inocent people along the international border, smuggling etc are some of her friendy attitude towards Bangladesh. Indian ruined our basic industries to make Bangladesh her bonded market.

Besides, the atrocities of BSF (Border Security Forces) in the border, procrastination in resolving the bilateral disputes ,violating the bilateral treaties and agreements, undue influence in the internal affairs of Bangladesh, sabotage and subversive activities, anti-Bangladesh propaganda only branded India as an unfriendly country. How all these ugly anti-Bangladesh activities could inspire a patriot to pay homage to Arora or Indira Gandhi?

But the common people of Bangladesh do not find any logic to praise the Indians. Even the illiterate Bangladeshis understand the overt and covet designs of India against Bangladesh. It is strange why some literate persons who even claim themselves as the champions and vanguards of liberation war and its spirit failed to comprehend the heinous designs of India against Bangladesh. India nurses such people in Bangladesh to implement her nefarious blueprints. I feel pity for these people.

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Bangladeshi Newspaper on Indian Hegemony

India wants hegemony over the region: says BD newspaper

A leading weekly newspaper of Bangladesh “The EkalerKatha” in its latest issue has strongly criticised India for its negative behaviour withneighbouring countries.The newspaper in its editorial said India extremely violates all norms of peaceful coexistence.In its June 17-23 issue, the weekly wrote, “Instead of coexistence withits neighbours with equal status and sovereignty India wants to forcibly realize submissive loyalty from its neigbours.”

India shows such attitude, as if, other sovereign countries of South Asian region will have to act on whatever India may dictate them to act and they will formulate their internal and external policies, even defence arrangements, according to India’s will and whims.”

The weekly says, India desires its neighbouring counties will obey and do whatever and whenever India asks them to do. “It means the expansionists of New Delhi will determine the extent of independence and sovereignty their neighbouring countries will enjoy,” it said.

Referring the recent comment of M K Narayanan, the weekly alleged, “India very recently bid to set such an example. India unjustifiably rebuked and scared Sri Lanka when she (Sri Lanka) expressed her desire to collect traditional, but effective, radars and other smaller equipments from Pakistan and China due to inability and failure of India-origin radars to detect air attacks of Tamil rebels.”

“Ignoring and reputing Sri Lanka’s sovereign and independent status, and violating all limits of shamelessness, M K Narayanan, India’s National Security Advisor, on May 13, 2007, thundered out like a so-called superpower declaring, “We are the big power in this region. Let us make it very clear. We strongly believe that whatever requirements the Sri Lankan government has, they should come to us. And we will give them what we think is necessary. We do not favour their going to China or Pakistan or any other country.

“M K Narayanan more nakedly said, we will not give such strong deterrents and arms to Sri Lanka that will ensure superiority of the Sri Lankan Armed forces over the Tamil guerrillas. It means, India wants to continue Sri Lanka’s war withthe Tamils so that India can sell arms bothto both the parties.”
The weekly asked, “In what power and sense India expresses its intention to impose such disgraceful and shameful precondition on Sri Lanka that she will not be able to collect arms from other sources according to her own requirements and policy.”

“India’s such audacious threatening is also an awful warning to other sovereign and independent nations of the region. If the adventurous and audacious precondition that India designs to impose on Sri Lankais not responded befittingly with equal tone, India will tomorrow dare to impose such preconditions on other counties of the region as well,” the weekly warned.

Referring to the urgency of defence factor among the neighbouring countries of India, the weekly suggested, “To deter India’s aggressive attitude, all other countries of the region immediately should form a strong forum with strong military might. It is imperative to develop such strong and effective defence arrangement, so that India does not dare to extend its paw on any country of the region.”
Moreover, to make international community aware of the situation, the issue must be raised in the international forums uncovering India’s hegemonic designs that may irk unrest and violence, even war in the region, the weekly warned.
“No nation having minimum sense of prestige will tolerate or consume such insulting deliberation. So it is the responsibility of the international community to take initiative to bridle the expansionist paw of India and compel India to shun her aggressive and hegemonic design so that no evil shadow can overcast the region. No country in the region will accept the roar of so-called big power, named India,” the weekly opined.

The daily said, the concerned countries of the region have already made it clear that they will not accept such bully in the region. “Sri Lankan government itself officially conveyed the message to India and all concerned that Sri Lanka reserves the freedom to acquire necessary and suitable equipments from wherever this was available, particularly in view of the fact India was unable to meet Sri Lanka’s perceived needs.””The spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Ministry said, Pakistan would not accept the hegemonic tendencies from any country in the region and added, the matter primarily for Sri Lanka to decide,” the weekly quoted Pakistan’s reaction.
The weekly said, India’s statement virtually questions India’s attitude and policy to its neighbouring countries. “It is hoped good sense will develop in the mindset of Indian leadership. India for her own interest will shun its expansionist mentality and attitude and follow the policy of peaceful coexistence.”
“Otherwise India will have to compensate heavy price for its policy,” the weekly cautioned and added, “India should keep it in mind, the independent nations of this region will never accept Indian supremacy, i.e., slavery under any circumstances.”


Contributed by Isha Khan, who can be reached at bdmailer@gmail.com
@ After the fall of Dacca many Indian and ofcourse some pro-Indian Bengalees had been propagating that the "Two Nation Theory" of Jinnah has proved to be wrong ! This theory was made after lot of thinking by the Muslim scholars of Indian Sub-Continent. It was not just made homogically. In fact before or during the 1st World War once most of the Afro-Asians Nations were under colonial rule, President Wilson propagated that all colonial natioins to gave whole hearted support to the Allied Forces and then after victory these Nations would be made free on the basis of "One Nation One State". Jinnah soon quickly took the insperation from this and made his this "Two Nation Theory" on India.

@ But even after 40 years after the fall of Dacca, the Jinnah's "Two Nation Theory" has not been proved incorrect because there is more anti-Hindu and anti-Indian feelings in the so called "Secular" State of Bangladesh today than there ever was in East Pakistan when it was part of the "Islamic State" of Pakistan. India is having "bitter teste" of its own actions.

@ Now we are much more strong than earlier. We have an strong army well motivated not like the "Razakars, Al Badr and Al Sams" of 1971.

@ Only thing required a little bit of equation with Pakistan and China.

@ Only thing required a little bit of equation with Pakistan and China.

One thing I don't understand is why "nationalist" Bangladeshis always want to run to Pakistan or China. Why don't we work to set up our own capabilities? True, we may may cooperate with other countries which don't kill our citizens on a daily basis, but I see some people hating India so much that they want to sell us to Pakistan or China. For example, when Khaleda Zia came to power immediately she went to China and signed a few defense pacts. Why didn't she work to set up a defence company in BD itself?

Until this mentality changes, and B'deshis keep running to India or Pakistan, the condition of the country will never improve.
One thing I don't understand is why "nationalist" Bangladeshis always want to run to Pakistan or China. Why don't we work to set up our own capabilities? True, we may may cooperate with other countries which don't kill our citizens on a daily basis, but I see some people hating India so much that they want to sell us to Pakistan or China. For example, when Khaleda Zia came to power immediately she went to China and signed a few defense pacts. Why didn't she work to set up a defence company in BD itself?

Until this mentality changes, and B'deshis keep running to India or Pakistan, the condition of the country will never improve.

@ Your comment comes under the equation. There is one old saying "My enemy's enemy is my friend".

@ As beacuse Pakistan and China have a common border with India a common enemy.

@ No other 3rd country will have any interest in Bangladesh. It will be just on paper and once the real danger will come no one will be there. Like in the case of Pakistan during 1971 conflict. American came to help Pakistan with 7th fleet but before it reaches Bay of Bengal "Kella Fate".
Until this mentality changes, and B'deshis keep running to India or Pakistan, the condition of the country will never improve.

@ How can you dream that Bangladesh will develop once we are under the grip of India ? India's intension is either to annex Bangladesh or to dominate over Bangladesh in all aspect.

@ India would never allow Bangladesh to flourish in any aspects. This is a common sense and we were experience with that for the last 40 years. Once we were under Indian Sub-continent, they never allowed us to be independant once after lot of struggle Indian Sub-continent was divided, she started making conspiracy how to dismember Pakistan. Once the oppurtunity came she utilized it upto fullist extend. Once we were independant she started to cripple our economy and tried to make us weak in defence. She started propagating that Bangladesh does not need any defence forces.
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@ But even after 40 years after the fall of Dacca, the Jinnah's "Two Nation Theory" has not been proved incorrect because there is more anti-Hindu and anti-Indian feelings in the so called "Secular" State of Bangladesh today than there ever was in East Pakistan when it was part of the "Islamic State" of Pakistan. India is having "bitter teste" of its own actions.

An honest question to you, would you prefer to be known as Bangladeshi or Pakistani? My response to you in future will be based on you answer; ie, if your answer is Bangladeshi then my response would be same as Iajduni - don't insult those who spilled their blood for the land, religion and nationality immaterial.

If your answer is Pakistani, then I'd be sympathetic to your cause.
An honest question to you, would you prefer to be known as Bangladeshi or Pakistani? My response to you in future will be based on you answer; ie, if your answer is Bangladeshi then my response would be same as Iajduni - don't insult those who spilled their blood for the land, religion and nationality immaterial.

If your answer is Pakistani, then I'd be sympathetic to your cause.

@ Why Pakistani ? I am well Bangladeshi and there is no doubt on it but our forfather fought on the inspiration of "Two Nation Theory" in 40s and it is still prevailing in Bangladesh. So what Jinnah is dead and we are separted from Pakistan.

@ In 2008 election AL came to power in a artificial way and it can be proved in many ways. Now-a-days AL is only a minority base political party and it had been proved for the last 36 years in various elections. If you want to test it than just give a separate electrorate the way during the British times you will see the popularity of AL. It is a fact that in our country almost 2.5 crores are non-muslims and it had been seen that they all most every one support AL. Once during the election anti-AL votes are divided among other political parties, AL enjoys the full support of minority votes. Earlier this minority votes were divided among the "Tafsari Federation" but now this have been abolished in total. Although some small group of minority are with the anti-AL lobby but there number is insignificant.
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I want to disagree .
You see what you have to understand is that most bangladeshis are not islamists like those in these forums. BNP is has islamists leanings and i suppose people had enough of that; and instead chose to go along with the AL which has secular leaning.If you remember the awami league won a landslide victory of 230 seats out of 300 which is by no means a trivial feat. It strongly indicates the public opinion of the people no matter how many Bangladeshis in here oppose.

Added to that here in India especially where i come from, (Kerala) a majority of the labour force is being filled by Bangladeshis. The influx of Bangladeshis into India is increasing day by day. If they really hated India ,not a single one of them would cross into India (legally and illegally) and instead work in china or something like that.
I want to disagree .
You see what you have to understand is that most bangladeshis are not islamists like those in these forums. BNP is has islamists leanings and i suppose people had enough of that; and instead chose to go along with the AL which has secular leaning.If you remember the awami league won a landslide victory of 230 seats out of 300 which is by no means a trivial feat. It strongly indicates the public opinion of the people no matter how many Bangladeshis in here oppose.

Added to that here in India especially where i come from, (Kerala) a majority of the labour force is being filled by Bangladeshis. The influx of Bangladeshis into India is increasing day by day. If they really hated India ,not a single one of them would cross into India (legally and illegally) and instead work in china or something like that.

@ The Bangladeshi people or the labour you have seen there in Kerala are the common people, they have nothing.How can they criticise Indian while they themselve infiltrated illegally if at all if they have gone to India for livelihood.

@ It is true that most of the people of our country are not fundamentalist, we are liberal but we are in a group of Islamism. It is just an organisation the feeling of oneness that we are together.

@ But it is true that most of the people are ant-AL and it had been proved in many times. The support of Jammat is also not much only 7% of casting votes but they are well organised even more strong than BNP itself. On the other hand AL is having a very strong youth organisation being supported by "RAW" in all aspects. Many a times these groups were given safe sanctuary in India. Now, to fight with these group BNP has aligned with Jammat youth organisation.

@ You see in Bangladesh if you are not organised, if you donnot have youth force you cannot get the fruit of election result. It happened in many times in Bangladesh election starting from Pakistan's times.

@ In the election of 1954 all the political parties in the then East Pakistan were aligned together against the Muslim Leaque and formed "Juktu Front" on the basic of language. The Muslim Leaque was completely isolated from the public and "Juktu Front" made a landslide victory.

@ In the election of 1970, Bhashani did not participate on the election, ML was divided into three fractions so only left was Jammat-e-Islami. Yahya freezed all the central funds of ML.Once the central meeting of ML was held at Dacca on 25/26 January in 1970, AL dismental the election campaign and burned the stage. 4/5 people were killed and many were injured. On 18/19 January 1970 once Moulani Modudi visited East Pakistan for election campaign at Dacca the whole meeting of Jammat was encirled by AL and fired upon. As a result 5/6 people dies and around 500 people were injured. Since than no political dared to campaign against AL in the then East Pakistan. Even during the election day, all most all the polling agents of other political parties were expelled by AL. Even many a Presiding Officers and Polling Officers aligned with AL politics and helped in manupulating the election result. So, in the true sense the general election of 1970 was not a free and fair in the true sense. It was a one sided landslide victory of AL.

@ But it does not mean that AL never won the election of 1970. If the election could have held in a free and fair atmosphere then the result could have a little bit different.

@ AL have the tradition of capturing the field first and then give a free goal. In 1973, they did the same thing.
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