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1971 War stories from the war heroes

I came across some videos of 1971, so thought of sharing them with all.

Sandy you have pocked a very twitchy nerve here.

Would have been nice if you could have also linked videos of the true heroes of 71, the Bangladeshis, who really aimed for our bollocks and had a direct hit.
Find account of your war heroes and post it..not some third grade conspiracy theory nut. I am fully aware of you intention to derail the thread ... well i knew it was coming ...

Watch his videos with patience he is talking about pakistani war heroes.
What is trolling in it?

These videos are about 1971, totally on topic.

these videos show that pakistani children are being taught wrong stuff about their own history. so he said that killing of muslims in bengal was a propaganda spread by india. yaar millions of bangladeshis ran across the border to india. pics are available google them. pathetic behaviour of an army towards ppl of their own country. we well even touch a muslim in kashmir u guys say they are not given freedom. what ur army did in bangladesh??

zaid hamid is a pakistan ex armymen should still behave like an armyman. when he talks he says he will rule india and kill hindu brahmins and leaders. and in the videos see how indian army chiefs talk. even though they destroyed the pakistani army they still have some guilt on the face because of loss of life on both sides. they r not overexited like respectable Mr. hamid
Actually its a good thing that Don Jaguar put up the zaid hamid videos in return. Now everyone can see the gentlemen from the Indian military and the "gentlemen" from the pakistani military. All that a neutral observer now has to do is check up facts of the days from neutral sources, watch both these videos, and make up his or her own mind as to which country stands for truth and justice, and which country thrives on propoganda and denialism.

Also shows the calibre of the scholar-warrior-humanists on one side, and the fundamentalist-propogandist on the other side. Make up your own minds about which side is which, after reading any neutral source on what happened in those days.

So thanks to both you guys for putting up the perspective form both sides, to show your respective country's mentality, and the kind of heroes that each society have produced. From Sam Manekshaw to Zaid Hamid.

This is what foreign media at that time reproted on what exactly the bangladeshis thought of the pakistan army, and shows how the Indian army had to protect the pakistani officers from retribution from the common people on the streets of bangladesh:

Well, when someone in Bangladesh calls for rally against government , pro Gov. News paper headline: Rally blocking roads, People suffered. same time pro rally newspaper: millions of people joined rally, its successful.... look both are correct.... BUT BIASED. I saw those videos of Zaid Hamid. They are not wrong..... but biased... Very much Biased.... If you want to learn from history you need to concentrate on your mistakes. Blaming others is a part time medicine to heal wound, but will cause infection later..

And someone said about killing muslims. Yaar thousand times more muslim were killed in battle of Siffin( muslim against muslim) than all battles combined ( against kafirs, romans, persians). We killed our two rightly guided Caliph. We are cursed by almighty Allah.
Well, when someone in Bangladesh calls for rally against government , pro Gov. News paper headline: Rally blocking roads, People suffered. same time pro rally newspaper: millions of people joined rally, its successful.... look both are correct.... BUT BIASED. I saw those videos of Zaid Hamid. They are not wrong..... but biased... Very much Biased.... If you want to learn from history you need to concentrate on your mistakes. Blaming others is a part time medicine to heal wound, but will cause infection later..

And someone said about killing muslims. Yaar thousand times more muslim were killed in battle of Siffin( muslim against muslim) than all battles combined ( against kafirs, romans, persians). We killed our two rightly guided Caliph. We are cursed by almighty Allah.

biased means wrong. he is propagating wrong messages to his viewers. now even other Pakistani journalists are laughing at him. he ears his living by these shows. so i hope he keeps up with work

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