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1971 India Pakistan War: Role of Russia, China, America and Britain

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China and US supported but still pakistn surrendered to India? now that must be very shameful and humiliating

can any pakistani member tell us how did it feel like?
China and US supported but still pakistn surrendered to India? now that must be very shameful and humiliating

can any pakistani member tell us how did it feel like?

they dug their own grave :P
half of them was army :P Take a break i dont think you have 45k politicians . Dont blame your leadership ,it is incapability of your army .
You want me to give sources other than wiki ? :rofl: Then would you agree you are loser ?

You stupid Fcuk understand my post and then write your BS. You dont think? do you really think i give a damn about what you piss drinkers really think.
Pakistan lost in 71, do you think i believe it otherwise? Then you are a moron. I specifically quoted the part where he mentioned about the numbers of Pakistan army being destroyed. Now STFU

And you post authoritative statements with this attitude?

Its the original article posted by one of your kind that i quoted. As for the attitude, have a look in the mirror. I don't intend to enter into a useless debate with your kind over something that has been discussed so many times over, yet you guys feel some sort of inner satisfaction that makes one of you to open such threads every now and then.
Hello_10 I know what you write. I was asking something different. What was British role in 71 exactly if you know please share it too.

Actual figure is in 90K and not all where combatants. Army that surrender was about 45/50K. I agree with most of part but you missed one important point in defeat - Hostile natives. People in BD were actually fighting against Pak and with India. They were welcoming IA. It was the MAJOR reason for defeat. And you can give the credit for that to the Atrocites by PA. so in somehow they dig their own grave.
Let there be any political crisis if PA hadn't abused BDs by force there wasn't any chance of war. But you guies seem to forget that.

BTW but when I read some comments on 62 Pak members have different opinions about No supply , hostile terrain and underprepared men theory. Double standard :D

not surprising
Its the original article posted by one of your kind that i quoted. As for the attitude, have a look in the mirror. I don't intend to enter into a useless debate with your kind over something that has been discussed so many times over, yet you guys feel some sort of inner satisfaction that makes one of you to open such threads every now and then.
Crying does not help a dicussion at hand, if you think you have dicussed enough why post on such threads.. If you see enough threads about India are being posted by your fratenity, so am I crying here?
However, even after discussing so many times some Elite members here still believe that there was no help from US..

Also, if you knew the facts, does not matter who or what was quoted, then there was no need to lie regardless and which only served to satisfy your ego..
how long did that last?
You people were humiliated for 1000 years, 800 under Muslim rule and 200 under British.
And now you are gloating over things like Siachin and Bangladesh.

C'mon man, any non baised observer would say "so what, you are 1/6th of the Earth's humaity and you beat up on a country 7x smaller then you. What you want a cookie for your "achievements" ? "

So absolutely true.

mughals had 2 to 3 times bigger army than marathas also had allies

Despite the Mughal army's vast numerical superiority, the empire's treasury, and the support of allies such as the Siddhis, Portuguese, Golkonda and Bijapur sultanates, the war ended in 1707 with a victory for the Maratha Empire.[2][3][4] On his side, Aurangzeb commanded an army numbering half a million soldiers which was more than three times that of the Maratha army, a powerful artillery, lakhs of horses and thousands of elephants. The total number of battles fought was in hundreds. Aurangzeb threw everything he had in this war, but lost it all.[2]

the point i want to make that, the claim of some members on forum that India won all war due to massive size and numerical superiority is not entirely true

Maratha kingdom was barely 1/6th in size than today's Pakistan, but they defeated an empire which was nearly thrice large than today's Pakistan
If anything stands out during the War of 1971 - it is quite simply this -

Every country tried to protect its self-interest - there was absolutely no altruism.

USA - USA was a staunch Pakistani ally because the Pakistanis were helping thaw relations between China and USA. But their hands were tied behind their back because of Pakistani action on ground against the Bengalis had captured popular imagination.

China - Besides becoming a communist counterweight to USSR (after Sino-Soviet split); China wanted to economically succeed.

Pakistan - Of course Pakistan was counting on its allies and of course Pakistan wanted to keep itself united. Of course the allies deserted Pakistan because they could not realistically sell the story of helping Pakistanis to their own people.

USSR - They did not do anything to help India. They just saw a potential new ally in Bangladesh and weaken the American sphere of influence in Asia.
mughals had 2 to 3 times bigger army than marathas also had allies'

[QUOTE]Despite the Mughal army's vast numerical superiority, the empire's treasury, and the support of allies such as the Siddhis, Portuguese, Golkonda and Bijapur sultanates, the war ended in 1707 with a victory for the Maratha Empire.[2][3][4] On his side, Aurangzeb commanded an army numbering half a million soldiers which was more than three times that of the Maratha army, a powerful artillery, lakhs of horses and thousands of elephants. The total number of battles fought was in hundreds. Aurangzeb threw everything he had in this war, but lost it all.[2]
the point i want to make that, the claim of some members on forum that India won all war due to massive size and numerical superiority is not entirely true

Maratha kingdom was barely 1/6th in size than today's Pakistan, but they defeated an empire which was nearly thrice large than today's Pakistan

You dint even have to respond to these, these arguments are for the ones who want to hide behind reasons however unrelated.. all we can say is thier army was in BD not to fight a war, it was present there for an inhuman thing which led to its downfall..
Crying does not help a dicussion at hand, if you think you have dicussed enough why post on such threads.. If you see enough threads about India are being posted by your fratenity, so am I crying here?
However, even after discussing so many times some Elite members here still believe that there was no help from US..

Also, if you knew the facts, does not matter who or what was quoted, then there was no need to lie regardless and which only served to satisfy your ego..

Oh shut up. You feel the need to post useless nonsense and you want it to go unchecked. Maybe you need to go and read the article AGAIN. The popular believe by Indians was that Pakistan got all the help while the Indians were alone, yet we defeated Pakistan. Can you point out to me what help that was because i surely can point out the help the Russians provided. So who exactly is lying here.
Have a look at post # 76, this is the kind of believe i was referring to.
Oh shut up. You feel the need to post useless nonsense and you want it to go unchecked. Maybe you need to go and read the article AGAIN. The popular believe by Indians was that Pakistan got all the help while the Indians were alone, yet we defeated Pakistan. Can you point out to me what help that was because i surely can point out the help the Russians provided. So who exactly is lying here.
Have a look at post # 76, this is the kind of believe i was referring to.

Their history books forgot to add in one tiny detail though. That India actually walked right into the middle of a major civil war in Pakistan and took advantage of her internal problems at that point.

When you actually factor that in, and present the events as they had actually occurred, it becomes a way different scenario. Basically they are real good at hitting below the belt but yet like to make claims of being heroes who fight fair.
Oh shut up. You feel the need to post useless nonsense and you want it to go unchecked. Maybe you need to go and read the article AGAIN. The popular believe by Indians was that Pakistan got all the help while the Indians were alone, yet we defeated Pakistan. Can you point out to me what help that was because i surely can point out the help the Russians provided. So who exactly is lying here.
Have a look at post # 76, this is the kind of believe i was referring to.
Silly you, where and when did 'I' claim that India did not recieve any help, just putting their submarines to deter the USN was enough of a help.

If you cannot read the article I posted which proved to be too log for you, its not my mistake that you are still a baby which has to be nipple fed..

Some hole you are and btw the feeling is mutual only im civilized enough not to respond in kind..
Their history books forgot to add in one tiny detail though. That India actually walked right into the middle of a major civil war in Pakistan and took advantage of her internal problems at that point.

When you actually factor that in, and present the events as they had actually occurred, it becomes a way different scenario. Basically they are real good at hitting below the belt but yet like to make claims of being heroes who fight fair.

That is the whole point yet the super duper army could not move an inch in either 2001 stand off nor after the Mumbai drama despite of the tall claims made. The only thing they can ponder on and feel proud is their sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan.
Their history books forgot to add in one tiny detail though. That India actually walked right into the middle of a major civil war in Pakistan and took advantage of her internal problems at that point.
And you forgot one piece of info, it was genocide and millions of refugees started crossing over the border into India... were you in the Pakistani Army then?

When you actually factor that in, and present the events as they had actually occurred, it becomes a way different scenario. Basically they are real good at hitting below the belt but yet like to make claims of being heroes who fight fair.
Yes, we are evil Bhramin Yindoos... im sure you cannot help either ways.. :lol:

That is the whole point yet the super duper army could not move an inch in either 2001 stand off nor after the Mumbai drama despite of the tall claims made. The only thing they can ponder on and feel proud is their sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan.
We never wanted to unlike you guys who dint give a damn about world politics, but how could you, the people of Pakistan never had a true elected representative.. so every leader came, got his ego satisfied or defeated and then became the part of Pakistan's infamous history..
Their history books forgot to add in one tiny detail though. That India actually walked right into the middle of a major civil war in Pakistan and took advantage of her internal problems at that point.

Of your Indophobic perversion masks the fact that it was Pakistan that instigated the war, by launching operation Chengiz Khan.


India responded in self-defence, which is perfectly legal from the UN charter.

Article 51: Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by members in exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

When you actually factor that in, and present the events as they had actually occurred, it becomes a way different scenario.

Basically they are real good at hitting below the belt

We take that as a compliment, thank you!

but yet like to make claims of being heroes who fight fair.

Ever heard of Longewala,


By the way, what was Singapore stance in this war?

What was Singapore's reaction to the massacre of East Pakistanis?
Silly you, where and when did 'I' claim that India did not recieve any help, just putting their submarines to deter the USN was enough of a help.

If you cannot read the article I posted which proved to be too log for you, its not my mistake that you are still a baby which has to be nipple fed..

Some hole you are and btw the feeling is mutual only im civilized enough not to respond in kind..

I said popular believe you moron. If you cant read properly or have a comprehension problem, that's not my fault. You posted an article and quoted it yourself so that others could not.....how convenient of you?

As for being civilized, shove it where the sun does not shine.
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