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1965 War Begins Today

Nope,absolutely not. Pakistan was winning. The most important element was the huge national unity and awakening. It is hardly to believe now, anti-India emotion was at it's peak in the Eastern wing where IAF was mauled beyond recovery.
ya pakistan was winning after loosing more man & land mass, it was India trying to save herself fighting Pakistan inside Pakistan territory during the whole course of battle, it was india who lost in assal uttar,phillora & now pakistan is controlling the whole jammu & kashmir :lol: & why u chest thumping for pakistan don't u remember 1971
I can see a war in PDF already......
What? Today? lemme go to the loo first..
I don't see any war between India and Pakistan or any kind of war between any other Asian country for now. :coffee:
This is the billionth thread on the topic since the last one week!! WTF?

I'm getting so bored, I may even die. So I'm outta here.

PS. Pakistan won the 1965 war decisively and captured all of Kashmir. Op Gibraltar and Op Grand Slam were unmitigated successes, because of their greatest and strongest unbeatable army in the world. Now I hope our Pakistani friends are happy!

Remember, 1 Pak soldier = 10 Yindoo banya soldiers! Now that's a huge advantage for the Pak Army. :taz:And bl00dy unfair too! :fie:
indian PM died of heart attack as a result of indian failure in the war in which the indian uglies thought they could just march into lahore have tea in gym khana ... after the 1965 loss india never again dared to do a frontal attack on Pakistan
This is the billionth thread on the topic since the last one week!! WTF?

I'm getting so bored, I may even die. So I'm outta here.

PS. Pakistan won the 1965 war decisively and captured all of Kashmir. Op Gibraltar and Op Grand Slam were unmitigated successes, because of their greatest and strongest unbeatable army in the world. Now I hope our Pakistani friends are happy!

Remember, 1 Pak soldier = 10 Yindoo banya soldiers! Now that's a huge advantage for the Pak Army. :taz:And bl00dy unfair too! :fie:
since we won that war and this is ...was .....and will always be written in the history in golden words so get ready to be grilled by us here every year on our Defence Day:p::pakistan::bunny: :meeting:
Need Remainder........(( 50-50 Biscuit Ad )) half sweety - half Salty

There was an Old Indian Ad (maybe 15 years old) , They created a 1857 Scenario of War going on b/t BRITISHERS & INDIAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS .............During a War when both parties come to a table (for dialogue) they were served with 50-50 Biscuit..........Indian General says hmm "Sweety" and in rage British General says NO "its Salty"..........while justifying their point (on biscuit) their Tone goes Louder and Louder and finally ends on WAR Again

1965 War remainds me that AD .........:enjoy:
We Won that WAR....Ok :sniper:

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