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1947 Migration to Pakistan

Punjab saw the worst violence in 1947 and the British was mostly responsible.

Had they given Muslim majority districts of Punjab (Ferozepur and Gurdaspur) to Pakistan as promised by the Partition plan, Millions of Muslims wouldn't have migrated and got slaughtered and raped by hindus/sikhs.

But the British awarded these Muslim majority districts to india in the last minute so Pakistan would be in chaos and also Gurdaspur (gateway to Kashmir) and Ferozepur (major arsenal) would go to india.

Today theres no Muslims left in Gurdaspur and Ferozepur (both were Muslim majority districts before 1947) and theres a long-lasting dispute over Kashmir.

I hope Pakistan's leaders take lessons from history and stop taking orders from countries that dont give a damn about Pakistan and Pakistanis, and could even hurt Pakistan and Pakistanis in the long run.

While religion played a major part in the partition plan, there were other considerations too. The Chittagong Hill Tracts despite being 80% Buddhist/Hindu were awarded to East Pakistan, Tharparkar - A Hindu majority district was awarded to West Pakistan. Gurdaspur was practically even divided. It would be Muslim majority by a very small margin (less than 1%) only IF you consider Ahmadiyas as Muslims - if you consider Ahmadiyas as non-Muslims, then Muslims were a minority there.
While religion played a major part in the partition plan, there were other considerations too. The Chittagong Hill Tracts despite being 80% Buddhist/Hindu were awarded to East Pakistan, Tharparkar - A Hindu majority district was awarded to West Pakistan. Gurdaspur was practically even divided. It would be Muslim majority by a very small margin (less than 1%) only IF you consider Ahmadiyas as Muslims - if you consider Ahmadiyas as non-Muslims, then Muslims were a minority there.

Quit trolling.

I'm talking about Punjab not Sindh or Bangladesh. Sindh and Bangladesh didnt see the violence that Punjab saw in 1947. Sindh decided in a referendum in 1947 to join Pakistan and so did East Pakistan (Bangladesh). According to the partition plan, all Muslim majority districts of Punjab were to go to Pakistan and that includes Gurdaspur and Ferozepur.

And not all the Muslims in Gurdaspur were Ahmadiyya. How much Muslims are left in Gurdaspur today (a once Muslim majority district).
Quit trolling.

I'm talking about Punjab not Sindh or Bangladesh. Sindh and Bangladesh didnt see the violence that Punjab saw in 1947. Sindh decided in a referendum in 1947 to join Pakistan and so did East Pakistan (Bangladesh). According to the partition plan, all Muslim majority districts of Punjab were to go to Pakistan and that includes Gurdaspur and Ferozepur.

And not all the Muslims in Gurdaspur were Ahmadiyya. How much Muslims are left in Gurdaspur today (a once Muslim majority district).

Learn some history before you make random comments.

a. Bengal was partitioned along religious lines just like Punjab was. So accordingly Chittagong Hill Tracts should have gone to India. This award to Pakistan was decided by the Boundary Commission not by any vote.

b. Muslims were 51% and Hindus-Sikhs were 49% in Gurdaspur - if you count Ahmadiyas as non-Muslims then Muslims were less than 50%. How difficult is that to understand?
Learn some history before you make random comments.

a. Bengal was partitioned along religious lines just like Punjab was. So accordingly Chittagong Hill Tracts should have gone to India. This award to Pakistan was decided by the Boundary Commission not by any vote.

Bangladesh doesn't concern us and I dont know much about demographics about Bangladesh as it became an independent sovereign nation before I was born.

b. Muslims were 51% and Hindus-Sikhs were 49% in Gurdaspur - if you count Ahmadiyas as non-Muslims then Muslims were less than 50%. How difficult is that to understand?

And where are those Ahmadiyas now? Do they even exist today in gurdaspur, indian punjab as they did before 1947?

No, because hindus/sikhs killed them along with the rest of Muslims of Gurdaspur.
I'm rather beumsed by the comments of Pakistanis on this thread. Almost all of them are going on about how Muslims were harmed by evil Sikhs and Hindus, completely ignoring and whitewashing the equally horrible crimes committed by Muslims during that period.

Is it something to do with Pakistani textbooks and the way Pakistanis are taught about partition? When I was a kid in school, I was taught that the partition was a bloody event in which members of both communities died, and both communities committed horrible crimes and atrocities. The chapters go on to give philisophical 'bhashan' on how that was a dark period for humanity in this region, and so on. It also speaks of how influential leaders of both communities tried to bring calm, but failed to do so.

What are Pakistanis taught, I'd really like to know. I have heard (and seen on some sites) that Pakistani textbooks teach hate against Hindus. Is the education on partition also equally bigoted?
Don't know about Punjab, but East part of Bengal was almost cleansed of Hindu Bengalis who were largely belong to middle class and constituted backbone of then East-Bengals social life. The cultural identity crisis and overall partisanship among Bangladeshis is a direct consequence of the vacuum they left to the society.
I also have a true story to share with you guys, Some characters are still alive.

Punjab Circa 1947, Sikh Jatt rich landlord married Muslim women, not love, not arranged marriage. He just saw her standing in Chowk and he decided to help her. When his family came to know abt this they tried force him into an arranged marriage with a wealthy family of his religion. When plan failed, and He went ahead to marry Muslim girl. His brother along with mother and sister murdered guy who married Muslim girl. My dadi told me it was like Khoon hi Khoon in naali (drain).

His brother went to Jail for 14years, Sister and Mother served very less time, Both died in mental state. His brother still alive but his kids are mental. Whereas that Muslim women is proud grandmother of 4 grandsons. They are poor, but happy.

According to my Dadi, it was not Sikh Muslim hatred. It was his brother's bad niyyat (intentions), He wanted to keep all land, property etc. He influenced mother and sister with Muslim angle. Today he is too rich, each acre of his land is worth in Crores of Indian rupees.
I'm not living in a life of hatred... You don't even know me!

Alhamdulillah, I am not an apologetic Pakistani like some of the people here, nor am I trying to spread hate. I am trying to spread the truth! And I am trying to counter the Indian-Hatred here!

The person here who posted had this smiley: :pakistan: over pictures of dead people!

I sensed his sarcasm and I had to counter this with truth!

The crimes commited by Sikhs and Hindus are things that I won't forget, I won't forget those who died for this sacred land, unlike some of the apologetics here!

The crimes commited by some muslims are exaggerated, but the crimes commited by Sikhs and Hindus are overlooked!

It is fact that the Sikhs and Hindus started the killings and commited 99%+ of the crimes!

PS: Go to any Indian-Defence forum and see the hatred they are spreading against Pakistanis, before spreading your nonsense here about me!

Excellect Brother ... Fiting Reply.
Every ones talks about peace it is very easy you know .

Just put some stuff in the text books about the friendship of INDIA AND PAKISTAN.and after 15 to 16 years there will b peace in the new generation.

Like in Chines textbooks and like our text books. isnt it a great idea lol
Bangladesh doesn't concern us and I dont know much about demographics about Bangladesh as it became an independent sovereign nation before I was born.

I guess it is true for Pakistan also. (became an independent sovereign nation before your birth)
While religion played a major part in the partition plan, there were other considerations too. The Chittagong Hill Tracts despite being 80% Buddhist/Hindu were awarded to East Pakistan, Tharparkar - A Hindu majority district was awarded to West Pakistan. Gurdaspur was practically even divided. It would be Muslim majority by a very small margin (less than 1%) only IF you consider Ahmadiyas as Muslims - if you consider Ahmadiyas as non-Muslims, then Muslims were a minority there.

Won't comment about Chittagong hill tracts because it is now a seperate country and has nothing to do with us.

Talking about Tharparkar. Yes it was and it is a hindu majority district. Read some days ago that even today nearly 60% population is hindu but the fact is that this district was part of Sindh province and sindh province unanimously decided to join Pakistan. So it is close and past transaction. You can't compare Gurdaspur with Tharparkar.

Ahmadis weren't declared non muslims at that time so don't bring this issue in the debate. It is a non issue.

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Excellect Brother ... Fiting Reply.

No , he is so wrong.

i far as i know, muslims started it and are responsible for 99% crimes.

how'd you like it now ???

You can't judge, nobody exactly knows what happened, but both sides suffered equally.
No , he is so wrong.

i far as i know, muslims started it and are responsible for 99% crimes.

how'd you like it now ???

You can't judge, nobody exactly knows what happened, but both sides suffered equally.

Yep everything was started by Muslims. India, Palestine, Kashmir, 9/11, Afghan War, Iraq war everything was started by muslims. Kuffars came to defend themselves.!
Yep everything was started by Muslims. India, Palestine, Kashmir, 9/11, Afghan War, Iraq war everything was started by muslims. Kuffars came to defend themselves.!

lower down your hate behaviour..! NO one exactly knows who started it but one thing is for sure the worst face of humanity was shown by people from both sides..!! which is totaly unacceptable and ppl should b ashamed of..!
People who migrated that time as a choice was losing their hard earned money and more important their heritage in terms of language, village, childhood place. They had disappointment and anger towards each other which was mixed up with the religion and this hate-monger killed millions of our forefathers. But those who survived and teach their sons and daughters are still now fighting without knowing exactly what they have lost. The best thing would be to forget the painful past and move ahead and not continue beating chest they started or what was the count.
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