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1947 Migration to Pakistan

why all the sudden start discussing again year old thread?
I read somewhere that unless the generation that suffered the traumas of partition dies out and people from both side that does not carry the emotional baggage of partition take the realms of power in both countries, there cannot be any significant progress in the Indo-Pak scenario. But it seems that even the new generation cannot come out that closed mindset and seeing everyone across rhe border through the glasses of their grandparents.
These atrocities were bad and left a strong wound on both side's hearts. Jinnah and Gandhi both were very sad seeing this atrocities as no one has ever that we can be such devil's.
My grandfather who was a freedom fighter, always avoided discussion on partition. Reason was simple, Deep inside his heart was.. Really for this.. we have sacrificed so much??
If You happen to live in Lahore, we have a place call Shah Almi Market. This place was hindu dominated area of Lahore. It was burnt by us. I read an account of Lahori Muslim, who still regret his action and said that we burnt their house and when some person (male Female Kid whatever) used to fall out of his / her house from windown, burning !!! we used to clap.

So my friend, it was HUMANITY, we were all savages at that time. Not just the Indians on otherside.

look man, then, the muslims were angry only because the sikhs and hindus ruthlessly murdered their families in punjab, everybody knows this, u cant equate the muslims who were a smaller deprived group in british india than the hindus and sikhs and the british were well supporting the hindus!!!!, the fact is, muslims were being killed by "the non muslim bharatis united"
Go visit indian forums, they are very desperate for war and nuking Pakistan.
Give them a piece of your peace...

these pictures are history lesson for those Pakistanis who are being indoctrined by 'aman ki asha' and bolloywood.

fully agree with you!! well said

this bharati jew channel speaks of aman ki asha!!!, mu main ram ram bagal main churi!!:blah::blah:
My grandparents talked about empty trains splashed with blood arriving in Pakistan whose Muslim passengers were butchered by Sikhs in Indian Punjab. The whole Indian Punjab was cleansed of Muslims in 1947 and now only Muslims are economic migrants from Uttar Pradesh. In the months after partition, some 50,000 mosques across present day Punjab, Haryana and Himachel Pardesh were destroyed, burnt or converted into temples, gurdwaras, homes, etc.
My grandparents talked about empty trains splashed with blood arriving in Pakistan whose Muslim passengers were butchered by Sikhs in Indian Punjab. The whole Indian Punjab was cleansed of Muslims in 1947 and now only Muslims are economic migrants from Uttar Pradesh. In the months after partition, some 50,000 mosques across present day Punjab, Haryana and Himachel Pardesh were destroyed, burnt or converted into temples, gurdwaras, homes, etc.

Thanks for your enlightening history... :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:
look man, then, the muslims were angry only because the sikhs and hindus ruthlessly murdered their families in punjab, everybody knows this, u cant equate the muslims who were a smaller deprived group in british india than the hindus and sikhs and the british were well supporting the hindus!!!!, the fact is, muslims were being killed by "the non muslim bharatis united"

Oh yea - it wasn't the Hindus or Sikhs who answered the call to "Direct Action Day". And Sikhs were a minority in Punjab. If you read the history through neutral European sources you will find out who started hounding the rich Sikh farmers of West Punjab first - the retaliation was swift and brutal. Lest you forget, there are pockets of Muslim majority all over India - Wai in Maharashtra - in fact out of 600 districts in India some 100 have a Muslim majority - so how come the Hindus and Muslims only fought in Punjab and Bengal? Reason: the Hindus were not asking for a Hindu state, the Muslims were asking for a Muslim state and the later killed and drove out the Hindus and Sikhs. Pakistan often talks about how Gurdaspur had a minor Muslim majority and was cheated out of it by some Indo-British nexus conveniently forgetting that in Lahore the Hindus and Sikhs outnumbered the Muslims. How many Hindus are left in Lahore today?
Very bloody and very sad. Trains full of Pakistani movement patriots left for Lahore but when they arrived there were only dead bodies inside the trains. They were all burnt by Hindu and Sikh Fanatics.

My grandfather and his family left for Karachi from UP and all of his siblings were killed. One of his siblings was lost and it's interesting to know if he's still alive or not?

Not trying to start any argument here but muhajirs made alot sacrifices but it's sad to know that even to this date some people have the nerves to call them Hindustani.
Anniversary of Kabaili Attack
For honour’s sake, they killed their women

Ashutosh Sharma
Tribune News Service

Jammu, October 25
It is said that the honour of a woman is bigger than her life. And to preserve that ‘honour’, a horrifying slaying of nearly 45 women by their own relatives is still afresh in the minds of a few survivors, who fled Pakistan after the tribal attack on Jammu and Kashmir.

Harnam Kaur, 80, remembers the hair-raising details of the incident that took place this day 63 years ago, when her father, Daanmukh Singh, led a group of community men and killed their own mothers, daughters, sisters and wives so that the tribals could not violate their honour.

“We had been running since the intervening night of October 21 when the tribal attack (Kabaili attack) took place. I was 17-year-old then. I remember we were trapped in a forest with the tribals all set to capture us,” recalls Harnam, who refused to be photographed.

“Women were lined up and shot at by a group led by my father, the only person having a rifle. Many women, including my mother, died on the spot,” she said.

Jameet Singh, 75, a resident of Nanak Nagar, nodded in affirmation. “Yes, this happened,” he said.

Shuchwant Singh, another senior resident of the city, who was part of another group hidden nearby, endorsed the claims saying “Yes, the killing of our own women happened. I remember it.”

Miraculously, both of his teenage daughters, Kulwant Kaur and Harnam Kaur, in spite of being shot at, escaped death as they got buried under the pile of corpses. However, minutes later all men in the cavalcade were butchered by the Kabailis and both girls were captured.

“We used to live in Kotli before the attack. When my father and others fired at us. My sister and I were critically injured and we fell unconscious. I suffered a gunshot in the head while Kulwant was injured in the neck, besides she suffered sword cuts all over the body,” she said.

“Next day when we regained our senses, we were in the captivity of Kabailis. We were taken to a refugee camp in Muzaffarabad. Thereafter, we kept shuttling from one camp to another in Pakistan. One year thereon, we reached Jammu and our uncle discovered us,” she added.

However, every woman was not as lucky as they were. Many of them were forcibly abducted and married to people from other community. They were forced to change their religion and names and were now living in the ***.

However, as they say blood is thicker than water, despite being separated by borders and religion, they share the same bond with their relatives settled in various parts of India.

Harbans Kaur, now Qasim Jaan, lost all her family members during the upheaval. Her cousin, Jameet Singh, who lives in Nanak Nagar, said, “I survived because I was in Srinagar at that time, but all my family members died. Thereafter, to meet my relatives, I had been to the *** twice.” He added that his love for the birthplace did not subside over the years.

Balwant Kaur, now Jameela, is another cousin of Jameet Singh, who has been living in the ***. “They keep on writing letters, besides making telephone calls,” said Jameet’s wife Harnam Kaur, who accompanied Jameet on his visits.
Anniversary of Kabaili Attack
When mothers fed urine to thirsty kids in caves

Jammu, October 22
A mark of a gunshot on his left thigh, suffered in the tribal attack on Jammu and Kashmir 63 years ago on this day serves as a living memorabilia of the “Kabaili attack and the resultant bloodshed”.

Seated in his house in Nanak Nagar, retired Director of Agriculture and septuagenarian Suchwant Singh recalls how mothers fed “urine” to their children while hiding in caves to escape the tribals.“We were part of a caravan of refugees from Muzaffarabad, who lived on empty stomach for three days in caves. Mothers would give their urine to their thirsty young children, as there was constant fear of getting spotted by the tribals, if they moved out.”

Suchwant has a vivid memory of the arson, loot and carnage that was set off by the Kabailis from adjoining Waziristan backed by Pakistan forces. He lost his mother and a sister during the upheaval, besides many other close relatives in the tribal attack.

Once caught, his grandmother, who was fluent in Pashto, saved their lives and they took refuge at the house of a Sultan. Later, they remained captive in a Pakistan jail.

Finally, he reached India in the winter of 1948 and joined a refugee camp at Kachi Chawni, exactly where the Red Cross Bhawan stands today.

“There was restlessness among the people of our village, Kotli, that was the first border village with Pakistan. Maharaja had distributed country-made rifles among the people,” he recalls. He adds, “We were also apprehensive of some danger as the local Muslims, who were sympathetic towards us, had started impressing upon us to leave the place.”

“On October 21, my grandmother, fearing any eventuality, sent my elder brother and younger sister with my mother across the river. My father was in the British Indian Army at that time,” Suchwant said.

The next day they saw caravans of people rushing across the hanging bridge spanning the mighty Jhelum. “While I suffered the gunshot crossing the bridge, a rope got broken at the same time. My grandmother grabbed me and let go of the bundle of valuables in the river,” he said.

“We did not follow people heading towards Gardi. They reached Srinagar safely by the Jhelum valley road,” Suchwant added.

“On October 24, they were caught. People refused to convert their religion and started jumping into the Jhelum while the Kabailis opened fire on them. The waters on the banks of the river turned red with blood,” he continued.

“I and my grandmother were taken to the Sultan of Boi. The Sultan knew our elders, so he helped us trace my elder brother,” Suchwant recalled with wet eyes. He added, “I was told that when my mother was dying, she was praying for my life.”
My grandparents recounted how the empty blood soaked trains arrived in Pakistan. The trains were stopped in en route in Indian Punjab and all passengers were massacred. When you hear these eye witness accounts since childhood you wonder how human can became savages. Now in our own lifetime the Gujarat genocide happened on the same level but smaller scale and still there has been no justice. When perpetrators of genocide and massacres are not punished they lower value of human life and result in more crimes against humanity.
Punjab saw the worst violence in 1947 and the British was mostly responsible.

Had they given Muslim majority districts of Punjab (Ferozepur and Gurdaspur) to Pakistan as promised by the Partition plan, Millions of Muslims wouldn't have migrated and got slaughtered and raped by hindus/sikhs.

But the British awarded these Muslim majority districts to india in the last minute so Pakistan would be in chaos and also Gurdaspur (gateway to Kashmir) and Ferozepur (major arsenal) would go to india.

Today theres no Muslims left in Gurdaspur and Ferozepur (both were Muslim majority districts before 1947) and theres a long-lasting dispute over Kashmir.

I hope Pakistan's leaders take lessons from history and stop taking orders from countries that dont give a damn about Pakistan and Pakistanis, and could even hurt Pakistan and Pakistanis in the long run.
Where is the "india pride" muslim crowd of PDF??
They didnt come to save their brothers and sister back then but have no shame in posing their anti-pakistan stance today!
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