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17 Years Pakistani Student Invents, cheapest Way to Produce Electricity

Go find your self.. don't you have internet available?

You can join him on his visit and ask what you need... why shall i help you?


There is no information that is available as of yet; may be I will ask him directly, as you suggest. :D
Here's the deal with magic carburetors and the like...

A liter of gasoline has a very specific, limited, and well-known amount of chemical energy in it. Burning the gasoline completely in an oxygen environment creates heat and waste products. The heat is measured, the exact energy output has been known for many decades.

Given that, you now have a vehicle. The vehicle weighs "X" kilograms. Scientists know how much energy is needed to make the vehicle move a specific distance, taking into account things like static and rolling friction, heat in the bearings, everything needed to make it move.

If you take the energy from that liter of gasoline and apply it to the car, you'll find you can make it move (for example) 100 kilometers. That assumes 100% energy conversion. In reality, you're only going to get a fraction of that energy because of losses, but even at 100%, there will be no way to make the car move 200, 300 km. It's math, it's chemistry and thermodynamics and physics, and there is no way to get around those laws.

There are no magic systems or carburetors that can yield some astronomical MPG figure.
Here are some unusual power sources that don't violate the laws of physics:

- Wind and Tides: Wind obviously. Tides also have been done, but expensive and complex.

- Ocean waves: Has been done. Expensive and difficult.

- Planetary momentum: Tap into the rotational energy of the earth. A generator could in theory tap that energy, and the earth's rotation would theoretically slow by an equal amount.

- Earth's magnetic field: Again in theory, it's possible, but extraordinarily difficult. Gigatons of molten iron moving about at the earth's core is indeed energy. But to tap it, so far, no dice.

- Geo/ocean thermal. Any place where you have two different temperatures can be tapped for energy
I for one am an admirer of fringe sciences. Schooled scientists are too concerned about their reputations to venture into these unknown areas - like jump in, make bold theories get booed for being totally wrong - try again, and repeat.

Back in the old days we had so many crackpot theories, they were wrong sure, but radical thinking was encouraged. You won't get anywhere till you can't even imagine something happening.

I'm also not saying just believe anything, but keep an open mind. Now nothing concrete has been published, no school, no verifiable facts. That's poor journalism even if its not a hoax. But we all must have learned in a science books back in school about Faraday's Law and generating electricity by moving a conductor through a magnetic field. Of course there are issues with that in deploy on the scale needed across the magnetic field of the Earth. But the basic theory is there since way back.

Sometime back we read about MIT students bio-engineering a bug that secretes actual crude oil. Imagine that. Some fringe sciences would one day become mainstream science. I am very confident of that.
I for one am an admirer of fringe sciences. Schooled scientists are too concerned about their reputations to venture into these unknown areas - like jump in, make bold theories get booed for being totally wrong - try again, and repeat.

Very good post, and I don't disagree, but I'll be the first to jump on "discoveries" that violate thermodynamics and physics laws. They are called laws for a reason. They are inviolable.

One might say "you never know", but in certain cases, we really do know. Free energy is an offshoot of perpetual motion. Both are impossible.

Energy isn't created, it is stored and moved from one system to another. Ultimately, all energy on earth, with the sole exception of nuclear fission and fusion, starts with the sun (vast, overwhelming majority, say 99.999%) or planetary orbital mechanics/energy, like tides.
One might say "you never know", but in certain cases, we really do know. Free energy is an offshoot of perpetual motion. Both are impossible

Yes perpetual motion does not exist in a closed system but what about an open system ?

Watermills & windmills run forever don't they ?
Yes perpetual motion does not exist in a closed system but what about an open system ?

Watermills & windmills run forever don't they ?

No, how can they? They are ultimately solar powered. The sun drives the wind, and evaporates water to make running rivers and such. When the sun burns out, all this will end.

One theory has it that when entropy is complete at the end of the universe, the entire universe will be scattered particles all radiating at a few degrees celsius, and energy will no longer flow at all.
I remember that something like this was asked in our AS level physics exam, may/june 2007 (Please do a check if you are so keen...it was either the AS level 2007 exam or O level physics 2006 exam...i don't exactly remember)...that if a Shuttle is orbiting the earth, then why can't it simply draw out a wire and complete a circuit by letting it run over the Earth's Magnetic field...that is...in theory....a wire that is run through a magnetic field...should be having induced current in it...and the answer was...that first you need a varying field..and secondly....you ought to have an extremely long wire to make any practically usable electricity...

So yea....probably the kid got hold of the past papers.....you can check...seriously...if i find em..i will post em up.
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