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17 Top Pak Officials Protecting Us Interests In NWFP

SWAT people are happy ?? lol man when u fired missile or bombs from 3000 feet above bomb dont have EYEZ (compare who is terrorist and who is not) and when bomb hits ground Innocent casualities more thn terrorist 10,000 terrorist not able to CAPUTRE whole pakistan talk logically. WE ADD MORE TERRORIST FOR US!!

Do you think only TERRORIST DIED in SWAT Airforce bombing ???

India have 21 state in which freedom fighters are active but they never ever go for MILITARY ACTION!!! why ??

Talk logically if we think that for WAR we will achieve our goals we are seriously IDIOTS!

we will never ever achieve our goals from these kinds of activities. First clean ur GOVT and HEAD OF STATE!!

TTP doing corruption in GOVT ???

man talk logicially these are not TALIBANS ! these are funded people! and who funded them ?? UNITEDSTATE! under US RAW, mossand and CIA doing such activities..

let me ask u a question is that TTP ALLOW BLACKWATEr and CIA in Pakistan ??????

Yeah well, You know why people were called IDPS?Because they were evacuated before major battle started so when Air force started bombing Swat the people were evacuated.And yes, India did go for military Action in Punjab and defeated Khalistan insurgency successfully.They used iron fist measures to clean Punjab from Sikh terrorists and its under Indian government writ now..Ok CIA And Blackwater are bad but does it mean you don't take action against TTP.Being anti american does not mean you have to be pro ttp.In other words are you are justifying terrorist acts.10,000 TTP might not take over Pakistan but they will surely destroy Pakistan's infrastructure and economy.Who would want to invest in a nation where there are suicide attacks daily?
First try to understand actuallly difference between TALIBAN and TTP!

Taliban are Freedom fighters in Afghanistan who fight against those who invade.

TTP are those who doing such terrorist activities for MONEY (FUNDED terrorists and who funded these terrrorist ?? RAW, CIA, MOSSAD Under US from Afghanistan).

Before drive a car learn how to drive!
Yeah well, You know why people were called IDPS?Because they were evacuated before major battle started so when Air force started bombing Swat the people were evacuated.And yes, India did go for military Action in Punjab and defeated Khalistan insurgency successfully.They used iron fist measures to clean Punjab from Sikh terrorists and its under Indian government writ now..Ok CIA And Blackwater are bad but does it mean you don't take action against TTP.Being anti american does not mean you have to be pro ttp.In other words are you are justifying terrorist acts.10,000 TTP might not take over Pakistan but they will surely destroy Pakistan's infrastructure and economy.Who would want to invest in a nation where there are suicide attacks daily?

No dear i ddnt meant that. My point is first counter "WHO IS BEHIND these TTP??

telme one thing

If your Home servent bought MERCEDES today and park in front of your house What do u think ?? what about very first think in ur mind ??


Thats my point!

KILL MOTHER BETTER THN KILL HER children because if we kill children mother again born more babies!! like TTP!

thats my point!
No dear i ddnt meant that. My point is first counter "WHO IS BEHIND these TTP??

telme one thing

If your Home servent bought MERCEDES today and park in front of your house What do u think ?? what about very first think in ur mind ??


Thats my point!

KILL MOTHER BETTER THN KILL HER children because if we kill children mother again born more babies!! like TTP!

thats my point!

yesterday i met a group of students who came from Pakistan. I asked them as to what they think is behind all this bloodshed in Pakistan. And you know all of them said that its the Pakistani government itself and our agencies. in order to get more funding from the world they have created such a situation.

and they also said that they will never go back to pakistan after their graduation.
yesterday i met a group of students who came from Pakistan. I asked them as to what they think is behind all this bloodshed in Pakistan. And you know all of them said that its the Pakistani government itself and our agencies. in order to get more funding from the world they have created such a situation.

and they also said that they will never go back to pakistan after their graduation.

Always government intelligence agencies keep eye on the terrorist groups and different mafia inside the country .

Swat satuation basically resultant of government wrong policies in which lal mosque operation played important role because girls killed duing that operation mostly belong to swat.

Just imagine, what is cost of one day to keep army in swat which is arround one billion rupees , if government spend 10% of this amount for the development and security of this area , TTP or any other terrorist organisation could not even think to take over the city.
Better you try to go their with any political leader then see their reaction:rofl:

The views from interviews of Swatis in the media suggest that the people of Swat are glad for the military intervention. If you have other views then you need to provide sources for it, or stop spreading propaganda.
Swat satuation basically resultant of government wrong policies in which lal mosque operation played important role because girls killed duing that operation mostly belong to swat.
There is no credible information that there were 'hundreds of girls killed in the LM operation'. Many girls were rescued before the Operation began, and even at the beginning of the assault there was a large group of girls that was rescued.

Swat situation was the result of the MMA not acting to limit Mullah FM. Analysts were warning all along that unless the State acted against him at that point, they would face a situation similar to FATA, and that is exactly what happened.
Just imagine, what is cost of one day to keep army in swat which is arround one billion rupees , if government spend 10% of this amount for the development and security of this area , TTP or any other terrorist organisation could not even think to take over the city.
You cannot have development without security - you cannot have development when the Taliban massacre innocent people and hang their bodies from poles in public squares, carry out suicide bombings and whip women and children in the streets.

Now that there is relative calm after the Army has routed out the Taliban from Swat, there is space for development, and the GoP needs to step up.
No dear i ddnt meant that. My point is first counter "WHO IS BEHIND these TTP??

telme one thing

If your Home servent bought MERCEDES today and park in front of your house What do u think ?? what about very first think in ur mind ??


Thats my point!

KILL MOTHER BETTER THN KILL HER children because if we kill children mother again born more babies!! like TTP!

thats my point!
Please read the Taliban Funding thread - it discusses in detail the various sources of Taliban funding.

Criminal activities such as kidnapping, extortion from local businesses (even as far as Karachi), smuggling, drugs and donations from people sympathetic to them, primarily from the Gulf.

The source of the money for that 'Mercedes' is no mystery - some people just don't want to believe the facts.

---------- Post added at 08:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 AM ----------

yesterday i met a group of students who came from Pakistan. I asked them as to what they think is behind all this bloodshed in Pakistan. And you know all of them said that its the Pakistani government itself and our agencies. in order to get more funding from the world they have created such a situation.

and they also said that they will never go back to pakistan after their graduation.

They need their heads examined.

With those attitudes it is better for Pakistan that they not return.
I dont know about shame or name, but this is definitely destroying our own country. last 8 yrs possibly 've been like hell for us 'n the sad part is, we cant do anything to stop it. not anything except pray, pray 'n pray!
I dont know about shame or name, but this is definitely destroying our own country. last 8 yrs possibly 've been like hell for us 'n the sad part is, we cant do anything to stop it. not anything except pray, pray 'n pray!
Let me point out that at the moment the article is making extremely speculative claims.

Being members of the 'American Khyber Club' does not make someone a spy or a traitor, nor does meeting with American officials. No doubt the Americans are trying to build their contacts and sources within Pakistan (primarily for their own intelligence purposes related to AQ/Taliban leaders and Pakistani WMD's), but why blame them for doing that which intel agencies do, and it is up to the government to define the types of relationships and contacts that can be maintained by bureaucrats and enforce that discipline.

That these 'club memberships' and contacts are high profile enough to be mentioned in the media to me indicates that if there was suspicion of any 'hanky panky' going on, Pakistani intelligence probably has the people in question under surveillance.
usa can do anything 'n everything to meet their own needs, no doubt in that. but what I'm worried about is that our people might lose hope completely 'n what our country needs is more patriotic 'n understanding people, not bunch of disappointed people 'n whether we would like to believe it or not, alot of pakistanis 're falling for this indian 'n american propaganda! but the question, what can we do about it to stop it? balochistan 'n nwfp was already troubled, now even punjab is not safe anymore 'n same happening in sindh. if 1 province was troubled then fine but how 'll our army take care of all 4 provinces at same time? I 've never this concerned about pakistan before, never!
The articles says that 17 top Pakistani officers are helping US to conspire against Pakistan. The one who does gets plum postings.
Difficult to believe this, I do not think Pakistani officer will do anything against national interest. I feel more propogand then truth.

If this is indeed true then why blame RAW.
I do not think Pakistani officer will do anything against national interest.

Sir, the above statement seems like a idealist's statement. In every country one can find officer's who are ready to go against their national intrests for the right price.
This is a moment of shame for the world’s sixth nuclear armed nation. But it is also time to correct deformities like this one. The United States has recruited agents from within the Pakistani system to forward its own agenda mostly at the cost of Pakistan’s interests and stability. Now Pakistanis are taking their revenge by quietly cleaning up their house. But we need to keep our eyes open.

Seventeen officials serving in NWFP on various important posts are active members of the notorious American Khyber Club (AKC) that is believed to be a hotbed of conspiracies against Pakistan, highly placed sources informed TheNation on Sunday.

These officials are facilitating American diplomats, operatives of CIA and mercenaries of Blackwater in their activities stretched across the province and FATA. In reciprocation, the local officials get full support in getting lucrative postings, transfers and getting away with inquiries, etc, sources disclosed and added they are taken care by Americans who have tones of money on their disposal.

“Those who stand out in serving US interests are posted on the posts of their own choice despite lapse of tenure, and this speaks of increasing American influence in our internal matters,” an official said. Their nominees get US visas in no time and the children as well as siblings of some officials are getting free education in prestigious institutions abroad. These days serving American interests is more fruitful for anyone than serving interests of Pakistan, an official who was made OSD for an unforgivable crime of non-cooperation with foreigners told TheNation.

The top 17 officials who have made American Khyber Club their second home include nine from District Management Group (DMG), six officers representing Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), while two are in the Office Management Group (OMG).

The PSP officers who take pride in having personal relations with American operatives hail from Peshawar, Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Waziristan and Kohat. They have been spotted roaming around with foreigners in their bulletproof cars and holding secret meetings with them in their offices which is an open violation of rules and regulations, sources informed. The DMG officials who are protecting US interests in the region hail from Peshawar, Nowshehra, Swabi, Mardan and Charsadda. They also use the American Khyber Club as their unofficial secretariat. The officials belonging to OMG and PSC Executive Group hail from Waziristan and Shabqadar.

Orders have been repeatedly circulated that government officials can’t meet foreigners (Americans) without prior approval from the authorities concerned but no one seems to be interested in abiding by the rules. On the other hand, those who are not in the good books of the American Consulate have been given insignificant posts or have simply been made Officers on Special Duty (OSDs). The sources informed that Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency has reported the matter to the highest authorities in Islamabad.

Pakistan Ideology

NAME the 17 please.
If you can not it , do it from an anonymous account.
Put the names here, and we will think of a solution :D

Pakistan will be defended on all costs.
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