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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

Again a Pakistani in denial mode??? Google and read your own horrendous acts.
lol. whole region was no go area. only IA and EAM was calling the shot.
and what about to those gurillas which were trained by IA and were given the PA's uniform to kill and rape the bengalis.
Its quiet hilarious to watch the reaction of some Indian keyboard warriors who are dreaming about attacking Pakistan lol
Its easy to say this on internet sitting behind computer chair

Don't worry, I am not dreaming, I am ADVOCATING it.

In a democracy that is how consensus get built. and when its built, you will know it.
Its pakistan every time be it India or Afghanistan. Yes pakistan needs a lesson not to meddle in the internal matters of others.

Occupied Kashmir is not part of India.

And using terrorism as a state policy - as India has been doing for more than the last half century - is bound to backfire at some point in time.
Lol .. chill mate. Now enjoy the snakes pak army and isi nurtured to bite India, Afganistan, Baluchistan and many other parts of the world.
Lol. Baluchistan Is part of Pakistan Unlike IOK.

Secondly, Where is the proof of your allegations ? Or would you like to chicken out now ?
Militants were not Pakistani.
They were Kashmiri ......
It's wise to call them Rebels instead of cross border militant.
The Associated Press ‏@AP 1h1 hour ago
BREAKING: A top army officer says 17 soldiers, 4 rebels dead in attack on Indian army base in Kashmir.

The world Now acknowledges Kashmir's disputed nature and her people indigenous movement finally!!
I have read this argument in another of your posts. The appeal to repeat an American civil war or Tibetan experience is lucrative but please remember this is not USA or Tibet. Kashmir's fate is entangled with Pakistan unlike Tibet which was neither a disputed territory nor any third party interest was involved. The absence of a formidable enemy with entangled interest was the secret of Chinese success in Tibet, Russians in Central Asia. We have tried similar 'iron fist' treatment for decades now. Did it pay off? If not then lets start scratching heads again and try to sort out the blunders we have made again and again. We got plenty of opportunities before. Every war success was lost on truce papers. Every strategic advantage won by military was just thrown away by political leaders, be it LBS or IG. We got similar opportunity in '99, just didn't have enough guts to implement it undoing the errors in the past.

Pakistan has learnt its mistakes and they are not going to give another chance by resorting to military solution of Kashmir again. India still have clung to its old, unaltered policy of the 90's, i.e rigged election, bribing and security excesses. It has simply done nothing to win the sympathies of the valley which is brilliantly exploited by Pakistan. The only way to answer the proxy war is a hard-soft stance and more emphasis on good governance. Otherwise we will just sleepwalk into another strategic blunder.

No sir. We just dillydally around the root cause

There is a section of Kashmiris who want azadi irrespective of what India does or does not do not because of lack of good governance or amenities or basic freedom but because of their religious affiliations.

The nature of beast we face is that it will not be satisfied till it get what it wants - Merger with Pakistan or an ideological Sunni Islamic state. . Throughout the world trend is clear - Muslims are getting increasingly radicalized. While most of us might tip toe around it - condition of erstwhile moderately tolerant nations like Turkey show us clearly instead of greater inclusion-ism they want greater exclusion ism

We have to acknowledge this problem only then we can arrive at a solution.
Its very sad to see some people justifying the terrorists attacks and the killings of the uniform soldiers here.
Sad news. RIP jawans.

Wonder if Modi would invite ISI to investigate this like Pathankot!
It's false flag before un assembly by Indian lobby

And people out there still live in denial. I will have a damn hard time accepting any statement that says how a heavily guarded HQ was breached so easily when the threat level over there was red 24/7 and how they made till administrative HQ? Either the attackers were superior to the so called world class Army or the said Army itself is in shambles. Its time they start asking Mr. Doval that why their soldiers were so ruthlessly killed by own guys.
That's exactly what I proposed in my earlier posts .This requires calm & cool reasoning .Do read them in leisure .Not actions spurred by impulsive thoughts.

lol... what impulsive thought ?

You think this is the first time they have done this or the first time I have thought about it ?

A ironsmith strikes when the iron is hot, not when the iron is cold and he has given enough time to 'contemplate' action.

Practical realities is a lot different from theoretical solutions. It easier to seek forgiveness than take permission.

If India wants to do something, then it needs to use this OPPORTUNITY to take action and THEN seek forgiveness. '

Why did you think the US took the opportunity of 9/11 to attack Iraq ? Did you really think they though they would find WMD in Iraq ?

They are practical people, not theoretical idealists like Indians.
You are mightily off on that account. You have completely missed the deliberate strategy under UPA and as a GoI to isolate the movement into an Islamic movement.

It plays into our hands. No one cares for an islamist. It is what I have been saying - that Kashmiris are idiots when they play into the Islamism. If they really wanted anything tangible, they would do well to stick to non-violent and sufi version.

Am surprised that you have isolated it into a sangh parivar et al POV. You must read the North-Eastern Insurgency and the role played by RSS in checking it to a certain extent along with Bengalis and Marwaris.
You are misreading my post. The Insurgency in valley and Hindu political fundamentalism, both were independent of each other during their early days in the 90's. But what has happened since then is both had fed and furthered each other. It was quite convenient for the Islamic fundamentalists in the valley to convince the people that a state that can not protect an ancient mosque and deliberately keeps its eyes closed and often patronize calculated religious atrocities does not deserve to rule a necessarily Muslim province. The religious polarization becomes much easier then. Isn't?

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