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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

You did not understand the question....(I am not opposing his killing, if he held an ak, he will have a bullet written his name on it). He was under surveillance for a very long time...... So the question is why was he killed now?

maybe he had shown signs of becoming more violent, maybe they were waiting to see if doesn't show such tendencies, maybe he was planning a major attack....you never know the reasons.
You did not understand the question....(I am not opposing his killing, if he held an ak, he will have a bullet written his name on it). He was under surveillance for a very long time...... So the question is why was he killed now?

If he was such a pious man ; he could have joined Geelani and enjoyed State Protection

Good that he died ; and along with him his so called AURA of INVINCIBILITY too
was demolished

The other 100 people who have died and the injured are the real victims of the
so called Legend of Burhan Wani
If he was such a pious man ; he could have joined Geelani and enjoyed State Protection

Good that he died ; and along with him his so called AURA of INVINCIBILITY too
was demolished

The other 100 people who have died and the injured are the real victims of the
so called Legend of Burhan Wani

He was a terrorist....... Well you do not understand the implication of such guys..... These guys are deadly while alive, and they are more deadly in their graves.....
@Stephen Cohen @Guynextdoor2

Our surveillance grid is damn good. You must have read of reports of militants addressing masses in valley. Have you wondered how does that happen?

Heck, even Pakistani members never wonder how that happens!

Wani was being observed for a long time, could have been neutralised last year, or before. Why after definitive peace overtures from Modi, a supposed Hindu hardliner who could and wanted to, reach a settlement with Pakistan?

You need to think there

@Stephen Cohen

We need to get our political act together. Have been saying it for months.

Why do you think successive Army Commanders Northern Command have said so to the Government? We are not, you are right, a military dictatorship. Hence, a general telling a government to get its act together must mean something!! Think on that line and ponder over it.

If you stay in say Indore, and I make MP government 100% corrupt and Digvijay Singh the opposition, gets money from Shivraj Chauhan and both abuse each other, control the trade and create mayhem by calling bandhs, how would you feel?

Wont you get fed up? Better still, you are a daily wage earner and everyday Digvijay Singh calls for a bandh and everything is shut. He says he will give 500 rs per day for dharna against government, year after year you earn money to feed your children this way, what will happen?

You guys seriously need to look at how politically we always screw up things. Ignore Pakistan, address the basic issue, then what can a militant do?

What stops GoI from that? And answer is NOT Article 370.

You recall my saying break politico-separatist nexus and stop funding the separatist? Now you believe me, when it comes out in newspaper?

These are ugly politics. No one, neither the Indian politician, nor Pakistani politician, nor the Kashmiri politicians nor separatist care a damn for the guy on the street.
That is the hard truth.

And worse, fanboys here are too stupid to acknowledge and realise that.

Not one professional here on either side will be found cheering for war .... because cost is known to a soldier. People have frozen in their spot when the first bullet went from next to their ear. This is no counterstrike, you cant quit and relog for a second round ... you die.


If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends; you talk to your enemies!

Moshé Dayan
We had an experience in Karachi (1992) as well, starting days of OP against the criminals, a question mostly asked and raised among political & social circles that why the youth is picking the guns and then people sit together along with LEAs and locally we have been addressing the issue. Then the most came out as unavailability of jobs, work and any mean of earning for daily life so that was only possible through peace in Karachi that where there is peace, there is growing business and everyone would be happy so we carried on the OP almost maintained the peace and now we are seeing the growth and economy in Karachi and youth is happy with progress while mostly are educated enough to say no to crimes at last and only habitual or paid are involved but being hunted as well. It was revealed that youth needs a mean of earning for daily life expenditure and is mostly fooled through means of brain washing etc to commit crimes.

I quoted Karachi Youth only to establish an argument here. Did somebody sit for a while and realize that why Kashmiri youth is picking the gun over pen and what about Wani's past. As I read, his loved one was called in front of him once and he was also once beaten brutally almost to death though he survived but fire in heart. The revenge helped him to pick the weapon by the support of vengeance. What I am trying to say is, India has to realize that applying the force would result in a reaction of force. Nobody can wash the blood with blood but it has to be based upon democratic or civilians ways and approach by addressing the issues through social forums and means. People need to be granted with what they want.

So far about Modi's stance, as much as I see, it looks like that the promises and the jingoism that he showed prior to election and during his campaign mostly spoken against Pakistan and that deal with iron fist, fire bullets more than one against Pakistan etc, are now forcing him to fulfill those extremist minds. (Hope members wouldn't mind here but I am speaking what I feel). So to fulfill that one of the mandates, which was handed over to him based upon strongly opposing Pakistan and all those war stories, now he needs reasons to address people and I am sure, there are questions asked about those days of election campaign and all those speeches. On other hand, we mostly do not see such speeches against India at all especially during election campaigns because our policy of election and mandate being given to political government are not based upon such stance against India but this issue is concerned for any political government elected by poll through its foreign office.

Look at the immaturity of Indian Media in this case alone and remember the Pathankot times, whereby even before conclusion of investigation, people like Arnab were able to point everything towards Pakistan and rest followed. Media is not merely following the share of information through any official but as the Modi's stance against Pakistan is clear, Media follows the same line and comes with same strategy to attack Pakistan this & that because even from High Offices and Co-Leagues of Modi cannot refrain or stop media by doing this. All these stunts of jingoism and war mongering are just based upon the same election campaign that is firing back to the current Indian Political Government and due to the same, lives are lost.

On Humanitarian grounds, Nation has to show a responsibility while realizing that Kashmiri's lives matters as well. All of them are not terrorists but there are voices unheard by Government or not covered by Media yet resulting through the grudge and vengeance among them. And the same cannot be suppressed through force but by listening to them and through redressal of grievances. From the political point of view, seems like Modi and Co are hell bent to prove that mandate is rightly given to them and even have realized the circumstances, cannot back from it for the sake of political gain and point scoring. However, such approach is going to damage the society very badly and there is a possibility, that people would be divided in or against favour of such stance but it would be out of control and irreparable. NaMO is pushing India somewhere it was not meant to.

Indeed it is the need of time that both sides have to realize the ground realities and need to counter any kind of such flame throwing or fueling elements that can damage either of the countries. I am sure, that except to reply, there is none of such kind of war mongering statements from any Pakistan official and same need to be continued from both sides as war is not going to favour anyone. Who is loosing more here, indeed to lives that those are not the part of Government from both sides but the political elite is mean to sell their beans and gain votes and nothing else.

Hope, sanity will prevail and there will be peace.

the lesson of politics:

Never agree with the opponent and twist the facts and tell them what they want to hear not the truth.
@notorious_eagle @hellfire @Arsalan

There was a TV progrram on Pakistan Chanels called Mahaz where The URI sector was shown

The Colonel explains the security arrangements on PAKISTANI side of the LOC

He clearly tells about Mines which have been planted

Now for any group to come in India they must be told of the Waypoints in order to
prevent them from stepping on those Mines

This explains the official HELP to these infiltrators

That is assuming they did came from Pakistan. The only amusing point for me was how quick the media was to start pointing fingers at Pakistan and start the blame game. I think it would have been better if they had waited for a day or two, then said they have uncovered evidence that points to Pakistan, that would have looked much more effective.

As i said, had they been half this efficient before hand, the attack would not have happened.

Plus sir, please try and see the irony when someone states that terrorists can cross over from a mined and fenced LoC with Indian outposts closely monitoring the whole border and LoC being one of the most closely guarded line but still thinks and says that the problem in WANA and Waziristan is not a result of insurgency from Afghan side via that porous Pak-Afghan border.

Yeah i can see that..... I was about to ask you about the leave.....Welcome back any way.....too much of sh!t to respond.....

If i could add, the retired generals and the so called "Defense Analysts" who comes to this media shows soap opera's if i may call them....... Public (read common man) would listen to these retired generals and analysts and start creating their own opinion...... last 2 days there is war in every channel, some of them are fighting it one sided (ie only indian panelists) and some are two way....... My wife is happy these days, i hardly watch news these days as it gives me headache and she can concentrate on prog which both of us can watch.....

These idiots knows the ground realities pretty well, and they knows the pros and cons of every suggestion they make.... In spite of that they give ideas which can lead in to a nuclear war......
So true. But then again sir, there is a point to ponder in this as well.

WHY do these so called analysts do what they are doing? Why all that hate speech and war mongering? More importantly, why do those soap operas host such people and why are we witnessing the same on almost EVERY channel?

The reason janab is quite simple, IT SELLS WELL and the worrying part is, sadly it is us, the common men and no one else who is the buyer.

We had attacks before, but some how this time every thread is a troll fest, and every poster (including few title holders) is enjoying their time..... Idiots doesn't know the cost of a war, as they assume that they wont be affected, Key board warriors what.....

Lol i am safe by the way.... Sitting far from the action on a mountain :P
For them it is how to show "patriotism" even though the truth remains that there wont be any winners in the war.
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