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16 Bangladesh nationals wounded by BSF fire at Jaintapur Haor

Are you illiterate or just retarded?BSF apologized for firing at civillians. This in no way implies that BSF started firing first. Your BDR soldiers are no saints , though you are free to delude yourselves with such crap

definition ressembles you most....
Are you illiterate or just retarded?
BSF apologized for firing at civillians. This in no way implies that BSF started firing first. Your BDR soldiers are no saints , though you are free to delude yourselves with such crap

Wow...now resorting to personal attacks?
That's a sign of those posters who runs out of argument.

If it is BDR who started firing,then why no Indian Khasis were injured?Why no BSF personnel were also injured?

Instead we find 16 BD civilians injured.Do you mean to say BDR shot at its own people?

Besides why did BSF create bunkers inside BD territory?If BDR started firing first,as per you,then they rightly did so.They have the right to protect our motherland.

BSF retreated after red flag meeting,which further strengthens the point that BSF was inside Bangladesh's territory illegally.

P.S.: Watch your fingers before calling someone retarted.

Aren't you the one who claimed BDR had 4-5 battalion during 2001 incident in another thread some time ago?

I remember bursting your false claim,by posting links which clearly showed your own Govt. spokesperson saying BD had around 500 soldiers.Which BTW is not even a single battalion.

I didn't get any further reply from you on that thread.
shotguns are not rifles. rifles use bullets but guns uses cartridge.

I wasn't talking about shotguns,I was talking about 7.62 bore.BD-08 uses 7.62.
I know the difference between shotguns and assault rifle very well. :)

They said BDR use now,the emphasis on now means they probably is equipped with BD-08 by now.
Although it could be type-56 too,but those were supposed to be replaced by BD-08s.
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Aren't we making those in BD. So far I remeber we assembled a rifle plant with China's help couple years ago. :)

Yeah,those are made in BD.

At a rate of 10000 units per annum,but the rate probably increased now because on a past report Planning minister said the capacity of BOF is going to be doubled.
I am not sure if that's going to include BD-08s too,or just the ammunition production.
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Yeah,those are made in BD.

At a rate of 10000 units per annum,but the rate probably increased now because on a past report Planning minister said the capacity of BOF is going to be doubled.
I am not sure if that's going to include BD-08s too,or just the ammunition production.

At any rate, BDR needs to change it's policy otherwise locals will shaista them. They are there to protect the land and the people so if terrorsit BSF try to intrude than must be shot like a dog.
Wow...now resorting to personal attacks?
That's a sign of those posters who runs out of argument.

If it is BDR who started firing,then why no Indian Khasis were injured?Why no BSF personnel were also injured?

Instead we find 16 BD civilians injured.Do you mean to say BDR shot at its own people?

Besides why did BSF create bunkers inside BD territory?If BDR started firing first,as per you,then they rightly did so.They have the right to protect our motherland.

BSF retreated after red flag meeting,which further strengthens the point that BSF was inside Bangladesh's territory illegally.

P.S.: Watch your fingers before calling someone retarted.

Aren't you the one who claimed BDR had 4-5 battalion during 2001 incident in another thread some time ago?

I remember bursting your false claim,by posting links which clearly showed your own Govt. spokesperson saying BD had around 500 soldiers.Which BTW is not even a single battalion.

I didn't get any further reply from you on that thread.

Indian " khasis" and soldiers were not injured probably because BDR soldiers have a pathetic aim. I never said that BDR shot it's own people. I agree that BSF did injure BD civillians and i'm sorry about that. The question is about who started firing first. About the bunkers , there is no clear border demarcation in some areas like this. Could have been a mistake by BSF troopers

Lastly , so you agree that 500 BD soldiers were involved ? some of your BD friends quoted that 10-15 BD soldiers fought against hundreds of indian soldiers.
Indian " khasis" and soldiers were not injured probably because BDR soldiers have a pathetic aim. I never said that BDR shot it's own people. I agree that BSF did injure BD civillians and i'm sorry about that. The question is about who started firing first. About the bunkers , there is no clear border demarcation in some areas like this. Could have been a mistake by BSF troopers

Lastly , so you agree that 500 BD soldiers were involved ? some of your BD friends quoted that 10-15 BD soldiers fought against hundreds of indian soldiers.

You indians aint changed one bit..you never will..same old pathetic losers who's got nothing better to do in life that posting B.S.
Lastly , so you agree that 500 BD soldiers were involved ? some of your BD friends quoted that 10-15 BD soldiers fought against hundreds of indian soldiers.

Why are you here to fabricate a past history? Go and read the details of 2001 BDR-IA battle and know that only 13 BDR troops were suddenly attacked by a group of 400 IA troops at the dead of night. BDR troops did not run away like coward Indians usually do. Rather, they stood on their ground, fought, repulsed and killed 97 of your coward IA troops.

Do not try to change history, because it cannot be changed. If you need us to create other new histories, then tell your IA troops to come again and attack our BDR. BDR will repeat the history of Roumari-Padua battle, and this time it will cause your govt to fall.
Indian " khasis" and soldiers were not injured probably because BDR soldiers have a pathetic aim. I never said that BDR shot it's own people. I agree that BSF did injure BD civillians and i'm sorry about that. The question is about who started firing first. About the bunkers , there is no clear border demarcation in some areas like this. Could have been a mistake by BSF troopers

Lastly , so you agree that 500 BD soldiers were involved ? some of your BD friends quoted that 10-15 BD soldiers fought against hundreds of indian soldiers.

First of all,You are using this line to back up your claim??

"Indian " khasis" and soldiers were not injured probably because BDR soldiers have a pathetic aim."

:rofl: :rofl:

Man,now that's pathetic.Arguing with you further is not going to bring anything fruitful.

As for 2001 incident:

I did not say I believe in it,I pointed out that even where the Indian Govt. spokesperson was talking about 500 soldiers,you are here talking about 4 battalion (3200 soldiers :lol: ).

So this means,you are caught lying red handed.That's what I meant to say.
First of all,You are using this line to back up your claim??

:rofl: :rofl:

Man,now that's pathetic.Arguing with you further is not going to bring anything fruitful.

As for 2001 incident:

I did not say I believe in it,I pointed out that even where the Indian Govt. spokesperson was talking about 500 soldiers,you are here talking about 4 battalion (3200 soldiers :lol: ).

So this means,you are caught lying red handed.That's what I meant to say.

Not to be worry, He will come back with another lie to cover this lie. End result would be a lie. :lol::rofl:
Why are you here to fabricate a past history? Go and read the details of 2001 BDR-IA battle and know that only 13 BDR troops were suddenly attacked by a group of 400 IA troops at the dead of night. BDR troops did not run away like coward Indians usually do. Rather, they stood on their ground, fought, repulsed and killed 97 of your coward IA troops.

Do not try to change history, because it cannot be changed. If you need us to create other new histories, then tell your IA troops to come again and attack our BDR. BDR will repeat the history of Roumari-Padua battle, and this time it will cause your govt to fall.

2001 Indian?Bangladeshi border conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki has completely different numbers. Don't say that it's wiki therefore its not credible, most articles are cited well.
2001 Indian?Bangladeshi border conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki has completely different numbers. Don't say that it's wiki therefore its not credible, most articles are cited well.

I have read the wiki version, but wiki will always say the official version. What is your idea about incursion by Indian Army troops into 1 km inside our land to take over our Border Outpost at the middle of night? Will you go to an enemy land at night with only 16 soldiers? Wiki even does not know that ROUMARY and PADUA are in two different points separated by many kms.

Many Indian newspapers also have vague knowledge about the locations of these two places and the events that killed 97 IA troops. Roumary was first re-taken over by our BDR, because it is our land. IA troops decided to avenge the matter by taking over Padua, a weak point guarded by only 13 BDR troops.

They came with 400 troops and another 400 were waiting just outside the border. BDR troops were taking rest or sleeping, this is what you do at nights. It was paddy planting season and a 12 year boy was in the rice field to check the depth of irrigation water in his field when he noticed a large number of shadows in the far.

Being a border boy, he knew instantly that an Indian attack was going to take place. He ran under the shadows of trees to his house and inform the elders, who rushed to the BoP.

The Officer there after discussion with his subordinates decided to accept the challenge and die to protect motherland. They took their positions in a large area without concentrating at one single point. When the IA troops came within the firing range of about 60 meter they opened fire.

In the consequent fighting 97 IA troops along with their Commander, a Major, were killed. But, the politicians from both the countries decided not to divulge the real number for fear of escalation of sentiment at both sides of the border.

Simply, there was no chance for the IA troops inside 1km into our wet land under 6 inches of irrigation water. There was no way thery could have run away in such a slippery land. It is not a source of our pride when human lives, Indians or BD, are lost. But, for BD the matter of pride is that the BDR troops had faced the larger IA troops fully knowing that all of them were going to be killed by the IA bullets..
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