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153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.


May 3, 2009
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153 on board leaking boat plead for help
June 28, 2014

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Passengers claiming to be refugees say they are in a leaking boat 300 kilometres off Christmas Island after spending two weeks at sea during a non-stop journey from India.

After being contacted by a refugee advocate, Fairfax Media spoke to two of the 153 people allegedly onboard the boat, who told of their plight via satellite phone.

A female passenger, who was a Tamil, said the boat was carrying 37 children and 32 women.

''We need some help,'' she said. ''We are refugees.'' The woman said they did not pay any money to board the boat on June 13.

Another man, who spoke Tamil came to the phone saying, ''We have come to Christmas Island because we don't have anything. We have travelled all the way from India.

''The boat is damaged, it is leaking,'' he said. ''There are children, including infants and we are unable to manage.''

Asylum seekers on board the boat say they were given rice and fish by Indonesian fishing boats.

The boat allegedly left India from Puducherry in the south of India, yet no vessel carrying asylum seekers has successfully reached Australian shores since December 19.

However, this boat is likely to be a major challenge to the government's turn back policy, given it has not departed from Indonesia, nor stopped to pick up supplies somewhere closer to Australia during its two-week journey.

In March, the Abbott government tripled the amount of money spent on the large orange lifeboats used to tow back asylum seekers breaching Australian waters to Indonesia to $7.5 million as part of its tough border control policy.

It is unlikely the government could return the boat to India in one of these orange lifeboats, given their short-trip purpose.

Fairfax Media has informed the Australian Maritime Safety Authority of the details of the boat.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison would not comment on the vessel, nor its position, but said there had been ''no significant events involving extreme risk of safety of life at sea''.

''For operational security reasons, the government does not confirm or otherwise comment on reports of on-water activities in relation to Operation Sovereign Borders or disclose details of any operations other than where there have been significant events involving extreme risk of safety of life at sea.

The government has no such reports of significant events,'' a spokesman for the minister said.

Under government policy, people who arrive by boat without a visa will be taken to Nauru and Papua New Guinea's offshore detention centres, which have been widely criticised for their inadequate and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers.

Last week, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres described Australia's policy of deterring asylum seekers who arrive by boat to seek protection as ''very strange''.

Read more: 153 on board leaking boat plead for help
Can't the Indian government afford to build any refugee camps in their own country?
That makes no sense whatsoever. Refugee camps for our own people? Refugees by definition are people who move from one place to another, either fleeing persecution or poverty. By definition, India cannot build refugee camps for Indians in India.
True but werent Indians on 2-3 threads just less than an hr ago fighting their *** off about great India?
Did anybody there claim that there is no poverty in India? If so, he or she was wrong.

Don't Pakistanis also say good things about their country? Does that mean that it is a Utopia where no problem of any sort exists?
Did anybody there claim that there is no poverty in India? If so, he or she was wrong.

Don't Pakistanis also say good things about their country? Does that mean that it is a Utopia where no problem of any sort exists?
No...but we dont go ahead painting Pakistan as grand...in fact we discuss our problems hence the never ending threads....but Indians pop into threads unrelated to India and boast about India...so just curious...why would someone run away from so called great India?
Are they Indian Tamils or Srilankan Tamils? Indian southern coastline is a starting point of human traffickers to Australia.
No...but we dont go ahead painting Pakistan as grand...in fact we discuss our problems hence the never ending threads....but Indians pop into threads unrelated to India and boast about India...so just curious...why would someone run away from so called great India?
Stop trying to score points on a sad issue. You know perfectly well that both country's members boast about their countries most of the time, and criticize their countries some of the time. How many posts do you want me to point out where Pakistanis belitte India, and claim that they are superior, even on issues that they are not? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand?

We both know that such behaviour is not limited to Indians. Unless you just joined this forum today and those threads are the only ones you have read on the forum, don't pretend to be unaware of that. The way you are asking such questions with such feigned innocence, just shows me that you are also trying to put India down, and grasping at any opportunity.

And by the way, do you really want to try this subtle trolling on the issue of refugees? Seriously? Do you know what my counter trolling will be about? Take a guess.
As a lankan tamil, I can tell u that these people are refugees from the lankan civil war. They are not native Indians, Pondicherry has loads of lankan tamil refugees who's families were murdered by the anti hindu alliance of Lanka, China and Pakistan.

They are lankan tamils in refugee camps in India, they obviously don't like living in refugee camps.
Exactly what I guessed.
True but werent Indians on 2-3 threads just less than an hr ago fighting their *** off about great India?

We still have many problems to solve... we are still a developing country. No one with a healthy brain will deny that we have much work ahead of us.

Migration in order to escape poverty is nothing new. Hundreds of thousands migrate to more prosperous states in the west and south of India or to other countries... but this is new to me.

Lets wait and see what the real motivations were for them.
Stop trying to score points on a sad issue. You know perfectly well that both country's members boast about their countries most of the time, and criticize their countries some of the time. How many posts do you want me to point out where Pakistanis belitte India, and claim that they are superior, even on issues that they are not? A hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand?
No one is trying to score points but just asking the same boasters to count their own before pointing fingers! Did you even understand what I am talking about? I never talked about India- Pakistan issues...I am specifically talking about a group of Indians who have literally lived in every country on the planet and know every law and have been derailing threads after threads! If you feel offended trying giving them a heads up about their own country! :tup:
We both know that such behaviour is not limited to Indians. Unless you just joined this forum today and those threads are the only ones you have read on the forum, don't pretend to be unaware of that. The way you are asking such questions with such feigned innocence, just shows me that you are also trying to put India down, and grasping at any opportunity.
Not India but a group of Indians and their sickening behaviour! I dont even visit Indian related threads unless its a murder, say my RIP and walk out!
And by the way, do you really want to try this subtle trolling on the issue of refugees? Seriously? Do you know what my counter trolling will be about? Take a guess.
When you stoop to making this a competition about how much crap you can throw then there is no use talking to you!
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