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15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

listen dhkpc s
Get lost lunatic, i didnt vandalize anything.
People like you are only good for accusing people.

look dhkpc sympathizer

dhkpc-pkk killed and burn a lot of our citizens why dont you revolt in that times two faced traitors now befere election you try to create caos in our country you know you will lose election fanatic leftists go on cooperate dhkpc and gulen mvenment to sabotage elections listen taritor
we dont sell our spirit to american spy feto and comminist dhkpc and EU


if you want war ok we ready to the war anymore there is no old people tayyip said that this will be our new independence war just we are waiting 1 sign
bunu kafanıza zımparalayın
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extremism is bad No matter which side, please stop the say heavy insults.

If we enter any war exactly wouldn't be winner side!, while die all of us all our enemies will be happy, stay calm and think on the future , my friends...
look dhkpc sympathizer
dhkpc-pkk killed and burn a lot of our citizens why dont you revolt in that times two faced traitors now befere election you try to create caos you know you will lose electionsd that this is new thats way fanatic leftists go on cooperate dhkpc and gulen mvenment to sabotage elections listen taritor
we dont sell our spirit to american spy feto and comminist dhkpc and EU
Idiots like you are only accusing people if they have no arguments left, typically cahil.
Eh it's quiet disappointing since I promised myself not to involve in politic related discussions and I just can't hold myself after a moment... because we just can't do it right... if I say something positive about current process I am being labelled as anti-Ataturk, if not, I am a traitor on the other hand... However if you don't respect my thoughts you should know that I don't give a sh*t about yours but we should change this mindset. Let's face with some facts...

Nobody cares about 15 years old boy, all wanted is to make him a symbol of so-called resistance and create a big scale chaos/unrest for taking down the govt. They used him and you share the very same shame. This is hypocrasy. You can reply this and say that I am wrong but we all know the truth from inside. Idk if you don't care about policemen died but I do.

I see people which are ready to co-operate even with any (!) groups at any expense for taking Tayyip down. This is disgusting... After figting with authority side by side with PKK/DHKP-C and vandalize the city, do not tell me about peacefull protests.

Opposition side lacks of smart politicians and voters to play smart for taking back voters. (Hint: You guys should stop generalize people like götkılı, beyinsiz, aptal, cahil in the end of every discussion of politic, listen what he says, and prove contrary, this the only way to make him think twice in front of ballot box.. If he is not a fanatic)

In public, there is an "us vs them" situation and Tayyip is the main guilty of this. To be honestly clear, he became a control freak. Time to move aside for him.

Btw, can someone tell me why the hell "The New York Times", "The Economist" and "The Financial Times" (and others specially some german ones) magazines/newspapers are so inside of everything negative of my country. GTFO! Stop supporting everything anti-akp with blind eyes.

You may dislike my thoughts but try to respect at least.
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The West is playing dirty games in your Country. Not just your Government, but also the opposition and these rioters are pieces of the same puzzle to divide Turkey.
listen dhkpc s

look dhkpc sympathizer

dhkpc-pkk killed and burn a lot of our citizens why dont you revolt in that times two faced traitors now befere election you try to create caos in our country you know you will lose election fanatic leftists go on cooperate dhkpc and gulen mvenment to sabotage elections listen taritor
we dont sell our spirit to american spy feto and comminist dhkpc and EU


if you want war ok we ready to the war anymore there is no old people tayyip said that this will be our new independence war just we are waiting 1 sign
bunu kafanıza zımparalayın
Do you really believe there is one dhkpc-pkk supporter here?
You ok?
Do your accusations make any sense?
Think before you write.
Oh tell me more how angry you are over some broken glasses.
okey then burn the all country.. it is yours
Dont worry there will be no Maydan 2.0 in Turkey. The only Reason of those Protests is to make the opposition feel their faint. Desperate people will always colaborate with foreign forces to get rid of a dictator. CIA is playing like a PRO in Turkey.
Nobody cares about 15 years old boy, all wanted is to make him a symbol of so-called resistance and create and big scale chaos/unrest for taking down the govt. They used him and you share the very same shame. This is hypocrasy. You can reply this and say that I am wrong but we all know the truth from inside. Idk if you don't care about policemen died but I do.

I don't understand how drawing the attention from the tapes, especially this close to the election when the "real shit" is about to be exposed, would serve to that end better. So i have to disagree. People do care about the murders, especially a kid's.

you killed 2 people last night...

Ya şimdi bu adam göt kılı değil de nedir? Biri bana bunu açıklasın. Böyle bir herife laf anlatılır mı? Böyle bir adamla tartışmaya değer mi? Bunun gibilerine göt kılı der geçerim, kimse kusura bakmasın.
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milletin malini yakip yikma hakkini size kim veriyor

Ben daha bu konuyla ilgili mesaj yazmıyorum, ben bu ülkenin geleceğini savunmak için, savaş vermek zorunda değilim. biz de, yaşıyoruz siz de. Anasını sikin. Devam edin..
People need to be wary of these groups that riot and use violence to achieve their goals because those groups are used to start civil wars and more civil unrest that causes damage. These groups are also used to depict the opposition as violent so then government supporters make generalizations which prevents any thoughtful debate. Everyone needs to be careful of violent groups because they are easy to control. I think everyone agrees that protesting is great as long it isn't violent and I think everyone can agree that violent groups discredit the protests thus they should be shunned by all sides. Violent group can also include the government in some cases.
Dont worry there will be no Maydan 2.0 in Turkey. The only Reason of those Protests is to make the opposition feel their faint. Desperate people will always colaborate with foreign forces to get rid of a dictator. CIA is playing like a PRO in Turkey.
What kind of troll are you?
Fist against Erdogan, than pro Erdogan....
I don't understand how drawing the attention from the tapes, especially this close to the election when the "real shit" is about to be exposed, would serve to that end better. So i have to disagree. People do care about the murders, especially a kid's.

Ya şimdi bu adam göt kılı değil de nedir? Biri bana bunu açıklasın. Böyle bir herife laf anlatılır mı? Böyle bir adamla tartışmaya değer mi? Bunun gibilerine göt kılı der geçerim, kimse kusura bakmasın.
istedigini dersin sorun yok..biz got kiliyiz koyunuz ....
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