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15 July veteran Sabri Unal resigned

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I hope some people in the Arctic could now have some remorse for describing 15 march 1016 as ''theatre'', but sure they will call this news as another ''theatre''.


Theatre, also spelled theater, in dramatic arts, an art concerned almost exclusively with live performances in which the action is precisely planned to create a coherent and significant sense of drama.

Though the word theatre is derived from the Greek theaomai, “to see,” the performance itself may appeal either to the ear or to the eye, as is suggested by the interchangeability of the terms spectator (which derives from words meaning “to view”) and audience (which derives from words meaning “to hear”). Sometimes the appeal is strongly intellectual, as in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but the intellectual element in itself is no assurance of good theatre. A good performance of Hamlet, for example, is extremely difficult to achieve, and a poor one is much less rewarding than a brilliant presentation of a farce. Moreover, a good Hamlet makes demands on the spectator that may be greater than what that spectator is prepared to put forward, while the farce may be enjoyed in a condition of comparative relaxation. The full participation of the spectator is a vital element in theatre.

There is a widespread misconception that the art of theatre can be discussed solely in terms of the intellectual content of the script. Theatre is not essentially a literary art, though it has been so taught in some universities and schools. For many years the works of the Greek dramatists, Shakespeare, and other significant writers such as Friedrich von Schiller were more likely to be studied than performed in their entirety. The literary side of a theatrical production works most effectively when it is subordinated to the histrionic. The strongest impact on the audience is made by acting, singing, and dancing, followed by spectacle—the background against which those activities take place. Later, on reflection, the spectator may find that the meaning of the text has made the more enduring impression, but more often the literary merit of the script, or its “message,” is a comparatively minor element.

Yet it is often assumed that the theatrical experience can be assimilated by reading the text of a play. In part, this is a result of the influence of theatrical critics, who, as writers, tend to have a literary orientation. Their influence is magnified by the fact that it is difficult to make serious theatre widely available; for each person who sees an important production in a theatre, thousands of others will know it only through the notices of critics. While reviewers in the mainstream press may give greater credence to such elements as acting and dancing, critics in the more serious journals may be more interested in textual and thematic values. Such influences vary from country to country, of course. In New York City a critic for one newspaper, such as The New York Times, may determine the fate and historical record of a production, assuring it a successful run or forcing it to close overnight. In London, however, audiences have notoriously resisted the will of the critics.

This is not to say that the contribution of the author to the theatrical experience is unimportant. The script of a play is the basic element of theatrical performance. In the case of many masterpieces it is the most important element. But even these dramatic masterpieces demand the creative cooperation of artists other than the author. The dramatic script, like an operatic score or the scenario of a ballet, is no more than the raw material from which the performance is created. The actors, rather than merely reflecting a creation that has already been fully expressed in the script, give body, voice, and imagination to what was only a shadowy indication in the text. The text of a play is as vague and incomplete in relation to a fully realized performance as is a musical score to a concert. The Hamlets of two great actors probably differ more than two virtuoso renditions of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg Variations possibly can. In general, the truly memorable theatrical experience is one in which the various elements of performance are brought into a purposeful harmony. It is a performance in which the text has revealed its meanings and intentions through skillful acting in an environment designed with the appropriate measure of beauty or visual impact.

This article contains a treatment of the art of theatre in the most general terms, an attempt to illuminate what it is and why it has been regarded as a fundamental human activity throughout history. An extensive treatment of the elements of theatre can be found in theatrical production. For the relationship of theatre to music and dance, see theatre music, opera, and dance. For historical treatment of Western theatre, see Western theatre. The theatrical traditions of other cultures of the world are considered in articles such as African theatre, East Asian arts, Islamic arts, South Asian arts, and Southeast Asian arts. For a general survey of dramatic literature and its tragic and comic forms, see dramatic literature. Dramatic literature is also treated in articles on the literatures of particular languages, nations, or regions—e.g., African literature, Belgian literature, English literature, French literature, German literature, Russian literature, and so on.
The source: https://www.britannica.com/art/theatre-art
I'm not sure this is the right thread. I was searching for a comprehensive article/book on the 2016 July Coup attempt with focus on the planning, protagonists, how it unfolded and the reactions of the public/govt and the post coup attempt consequences. Can any turkish member help me identify such an article?

Much Appreciated.
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I can't say a lot of word about it.
We (July 15 Veterans) have several problems that look like the dead end (dipsiz kuyu/çıkmaz sokak).

Firstly, the Ministry of Family collected some money using crowdfunding from people. Nobody knows how much money was collected. There are some rumours (money might have been used for some political or economic actions) and that makes people upset and irritated. For example, Mr Kilicdaroglu who is the leader of the opposite party has asked Mr Erdogan about this money (https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/...paralarini-da-mi-goturdun-erdogan-235238.html).
A few days later, Mr Omer Celik who is the spokesman of Ak Party said that "there was a very small/negligible amount of money... etc.

Unfortunately, he pissed me off. As far as I have been struggling to fund my surgery, they have just given me the red tape!

Someone has to do something to correct and focus on our problems.

I have twitted some sentences really metaphorical and said that I won't support AK Party again! These words take no reaction from AK Party and I have done what I said!

I have given my medal back. I will give back some other stuff/rights ASAP!

There is no grey area for me. In spite of politic and politician, I am a completely honest guy, as white as snow.

Please don't share my comments elsewhere.
I can't say a lot of word about it.
We (July 15 Veterans) have several problems that look like the dead end (dipsiz kuyu/çıkmaz sokak).

Firstly, the Ministry of Family collected some money using crowdfunding from people. Nobody knows how much money was collected. There are some rumours (money might have been used for some political or economic actions) and that makes people upset and irritated. For example, Mr Kilicdaroglu who is the leader of the opposite party has asked Mr Erdogan about this money (https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/...paralarini-da-mi-goturdun-erdogan-235238.html).
A few days later, Mr Omer Celik who is the spokesman of Ak Party said that "there was a very small/negligible amount of money... etc.

Unfortunately, he pissed me off. As far as I have been struggling to fund my surgery, they have just given me the red tape!

Someone has to do something to correct and focus on our problems.

I have twitted some sentences really metaphorical and said that I won't support AK Party again! These words take no reaction from AK Party and I have done what I said!

I have given my medal back. I will give back some other stuff/rights ASAP!

There is no grey area for me. In spite of politic and politician, I am a completely honest guy, as white as snow.

Please don't share my comments elsewhere.
With or without medal your sacrifice will be remembered. I congratulate you for the choice you made and I wish you good luck. I hope this case will get more public attention and your questions will be answered from high level officials. Take care.
I can't say a lot of word about it.
We (July 15 Veterans) have several problems that look like the dead end (dipsiz kuyu/çıkmaz sokak).

Firstly, the Ministry of Family collected some money using crowdfunding from people. Nobody knows how much money was collected. There are some rumours (money might have been used for some political or economic actions) and that makes people upset and irritated. For example, Mr Kilicdaroglu who is the leader of the opposite party has asked Mr Erdogan about this money (https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/...paralarini-da-mi-goturdun-erdogan-235238.html).
A few days later, Mr Omer Celik who is the spokesman of Ak Party said that "there was a very small/negligible amount of money... etc.

Unfortunately, he pissed me off. As far as I have been struggling to fund my surgery, they have just given me the red tape!

Someone has to do something to correct and focus on our problems.

I have twitted some sentences really metaphorical and said that I won't support AK Party again! These words take no reaction from AK Party and I have done what I said!

I have given my medal back. I will give back some other stuff/rights ASAP!

There is no grey area for me. In spite of politic and politician, I am a completely honest guy, as white as snow.

Please don't share my comments elsewhere.
I have seen this on the Sputnik.
"Ben hakkıma giren herkese hakkımı helal ediyorum ve SUSMA hakkımı kullanmak üzere BU hesabı burada sabitliyorum. Bu aşamada muhtemelen hakkımda bir soruşturma açılır, psikolojik durum tespiti falan yapılmak istenebilir. Muhtemel şeyler. Hızlıca iade edebileceğim şeyler: Su indirimi, elektrik indirimi, varsa doğalgaz indiriminin iadesi. Biraz da onlarla uğraşacağım. Daha zorlu yoldan iade etmem gereken kısımlar. Kullanmış olduğum faizsiz kredi hakkı. Talep edilirse darbe sonrası verilen tazminatlar ve maluliyet maaşı!"

Tazminat ve maaş konusunda medyada çok spekülasyonlar yapıldı. Gaziye maaş sorulmaz ama, bilgi kirliliğini birinci ağızdan düzeltmek için soruyorum;

verilen tazminat ve maaş miktarı tam olarak ne kadar?

Ayrıca, size verilen tazminat ve maaş, her gaziye olduğu gibi, hakkınızdır. Ben olsam iade etmeyi düşünmezdim. Kimsenin de bunu sorgulama hakkı olamaz.
PS: I'm answering in Turkish because the questions are Turkish.

"verilen tazminat ve maaş miktarı tam olarak ne kadar?"

15 Temmuz gazilerine terör ve benzeri olaylarda yaralanan insanlar ile aynı fondan tazminat verildi. Her ilde, ilçede ve kafalarına göre işlem yapıldı. Düzenli ve mantıklı bir açıklaması yok. Organ kaybı yaşamayanlarda en yüksek 120 bin tl tazminat gördüm. Organ kaybında 300.000 tl civarına kadar olduğunu da biliyorum. Organ derken, yani kolu kopmuş, ayağı kopmuş bir kaç isim.

Maaş konusu muamma. Tahminen 200 ila 300 kadar isme maaş bağlandı. Bağlanan maaş 1500 tl ama her sene kontrol şartı var. Yani gazi olmak veya madalya ile ilgili değil, maluliyet ile ilgili. Devletin ağzını burnunu kaybetmiş insana sen yürüyebiliyorsun sana maaş yok dediğini de gördük. Benim aldığım maaş biraz daha yüksek ve yine maluliyet ile ilgili. Benim maaşın yüksek olması, iş kazasında yaralanmış gibi maaşın hesaplanmasından kaynaklandı. Bana maaş bağlandıktan 3-5 ay kadar sonra KHK çıktı.

Gaziler ile ilgili kanunun adamakıllı gözden geçirilmesi gerekiyor. 15 Temmuzda en hafif yaralanmaya gazi ünvanı verip, terörle mücadelede parmağını kaybeden, vücudunda şarapnel parçaları kalıp ameliyat olamayan, yavaş yavaş zehirlenen ama tedavi olamayan ama gazi de sayılamayan kahraman askerlerimiz ve polislerimiz var.

Vesselam, ben Madalyayı ve haklarımı geri verdim. Kendilerine de söyledim, hem dolandırıcı, üçkağıtçı, şerefsiz deyip hem şeref madalyası veremezsiniz! Şerefimi onurumu ve dürüstlüğümü geri almak için madalyayı geri verdim.

Zaten siyasi gündem yerel seçimlere kilitlenmişti, çok tattana çıkmadan geri aldılar.
Ok, he obviously had some problems about Gazi fundings. He has his reasons and I respect them. State should have taken care of them in a better way. One of my friends who has been shot at 15th of July now has a job at Danıştay. They helped him a lot. But...

@yakusha, as the OP claimed, do you think this coup was fake? If so, what'r the reasons behind this? Do you know something we don't know? Can you kindly answer please?

@cabatli_53, according to his answer please edit the first post of the OP which is/will misleading. Let's make our critics without lies and deciption. The link you provided also has no information about your " Veteran found out 15th of July was fake " claims @xbat.
. .
One official document. Also,Some remarks.


  1. Başbakan Yardımcısı Emrullah İşler (Ocak 2014):''... herhangi bir Bakanlar Kurulu kararı alınmamıştır, herhangi bir adım atılmamıştır.''
  2. TBMM eski Başkanı, Başbakan eski Yardımcısı Bülent Arınç (28 Kasım2013): “Varsayılan konuların hiçbiri gerçekleşmedi. Tavsiyeydi. Uygulanmadı
  3. AKP Kurucular Kurulu Üyesi Salih Kapusuz (30 Kasım 2013):
    Bırakın bu MGK kararlarının uygulanmasını, bunun tam tersine uygulamaların yapıldığı gerekçesiyle AK Parti hakkında ‘kapatma davası’ açılmıştır. Fitne ve fesat üretenlere itibar etmeyelim, Gün; bir ve beraber olma günüdür.”
  4. Adalet eski Bakanı, Başbakan Yardımcısı Bekir Bozdağ (30 Kasım 2013):
    “MGK’nın gündemine bu konu hükümetimiz tarafından getirilmemiştir ve dönemin Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Sezer gündemi oluşturmuş, orada bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Birincisi, sanki gündeme AKP Hükümeti getirmiş gibi bir değerlendirme yapılıyor fevkalade yanlıştır. İkincisi MGK kararını hayata geçirme yönünde hükümetimiz döneminde herhangi bir Bakanlar Kurulu kararı alınmamıştır, herhangi bir adım atılmamıştır. Tarih bunun şahididir, kayıtlar bunun şahididir.
  5. TBMM eski Başkanı ve Adalet eski Bakanı Mehmet Ali Şahin (30 Kasım 2013): “Bu kararla ilgili tek bir adım atmadık”
  6. 24. Genelkurmay Başkanı Hilmi Özkök (19 Ekim 2016): “2004 MGK Toplantısı’nda AKP Hükümeti’ni FETÖ’ye karşı uyardık ama bir şey yapmadılar.
  7. ...
Ey Gazi, sizlere saygim sonsundur. Politikacilara tepkini anliyorum. Ne oyunlar oynasalar politikacilar su bir gercek, benim vatandasimin cani yandi.

Hep söylemisimdir. Ne iyilikler yaparlarsa yapsinlar, hic bir zaman körü körü ne kurban olmayin su politikacilara. Sorun, sorusturun, ve hic bir zaman bir iktidarin bu kadar uzun süre yönetmesine izin vermeyin, ancak meydan degisince ne yaptiklari ortaya cikar.

Düsük vergi ve öyle seylerle vatandasa yardim degil rüsvet veriyor gibi bir ortam yaratiyorlar. Tabii bu ancak benim düsüncem. Bakarsin bir gün istedikleri gibi hareket etmeyince söke söke alirlar.


The above in short, don't trust politicians, don't accept any alms or tax benefits from them because these are things that they can and will reverse on if you act out of order. be ware.
The first entry just has taken my attention.

"he found out 15 July 2016 coup is fake and orchestrated by ERDOGAN and his allies."

I didn't say that sentence, what I said is "15 Temmuz gecesi sokağa fırlamak kendi aptallığımdı, faturasını devlete ödetmeye kalkamam" / It was my mistake to dart out of the streets on the July, 15 night, I can't force the goverment to pay my bills".

I have cautiously selected my sentences, and they have meanings:
* The first part: when I was dart out, there was no information about Erdoğan and his fate/situation. I didn't hear any invitation from Erdoğan. It was my on my own decision to go out and to resist against to coup d'etat. I would resist until die against them, even if Erdoğan had killed!
* The second part: I was going to be operated these days and there was a bill. When I spoke with local officers they said: "You could pay your hospital bill, then we would pay your bill." I had no money so I request from a famous person to give me a loan! I got a loan, paid my hospital bill! The local government (kaymakamlık) paid back the bill when they got the bill from me!

There are so many veterans don't have the same rights with me in Turkey. My resignation was just a firefly light in the night and disappeared in seconds. No more call from somebody, no more question.

What is left: "One more forgotten hero and the world does not care" as Ralph McTell's Streets of London song.

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