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15.2% in Bangladesh undernourished: Sri Lanka, Pakistan among Asia’s most undernourished countries

16% of Bengalis are malnourished? Hopefully they will use thier newly found wealth for the people at the bottom, because they matter as much as anyone else.

PTI government of Pakistan has taken steps to address this already. They have reduced energy prices for the lowest users, they have started providing health insurance to the poorest people, they have launched a national housing scheme aimed at working and middle class, they've launched initiative to mainstream all madrasa and provide standard education in them, they are supporting CPEC and have gotten foreign investment from Saudi too.

Hopefully in 10 years time we can see this figure drastically accused. It will be at a price though. During that time, every patwari, jiyala, lifafa journalist, ghost teacher, sifarashi babu will scream and scream bloody murder.
16% of Bengalis are malnourished? Hopefully they will use thier newly found wealth for the people at the bottom, because they matter as much as anyone else.

PTI government of Pakistan has taken steps to address this already. They have reduced energy prices for the lowest users, they have started providing health insurance to the poorest people, they have launched a national housing scheme aimed at working and middle class, they've launched initiative to mainstream all madrasa and provide standard education in them, they are supporting CPEC and have gotten foreign investment from Saudi too.

Hopefully in 10 years time we can see this figure drastically accused. It will be at a price though. During that time, every patwari, jiyala, lifafa journalist, ghost teacher, sifarashi babu will scream and scream bloody murder.
Here is your answer @Axomiya_lora
Buddhist eat meat I know. But I said 'committed' 'pious' etc. which perhaps you could not see due to your eye problem?
There is no piousness about the food they eat. From what I know, they don't have any restrictions on what you can and cannot eat. The issue with Sri Lanka has no connection to their religion. Rather a particular section of people (by section I mean region), who are still having an unbalanced diet.

Why everything has to be because of religion for your ilk? :rolleyes:
16% of Bengalis are malnourished? Hopefully they will use thier newly found wealth for the people at the bottom, because they matter as much as anyone else.

PTI government of Pakistan has taken steps to address this already. They have reduced energy prices for the lowest users, they have started providing health insurance to the poorest people, they have launched a national housing scheme aimed at working and middle class, they've launched initiative to mainstream all madrasa and provide standard education in them, they are supporting CPEC and have gotten foreign investment from Saudi too.

Hopefully in 10 years time we can see this figure drastically accused. It will be at a price though. During that time, every patwari, jiyala, lifafa journalist, ghost teacher, sifarashi babu will scream and scream bloody murder.
Pakistanis need to support Imran Khan for at least 20 years. He is the first leader in Pakistan who actually grasped the real problems of Pakistan and looks sincere to ameliorate them. It will be painful short term to adjust, but people need 'Sabar'. At the end, if Imran Khan does as he speak then Pakistan will march towards real development and prosperity.
Pakistanis need to support Imran Khan for at least 20 years. He is the first leader in Pakistan who actually grasped the real problems of Pakistan and looks sincere to ameliorate them. It will be painful short term to adjust, but people need 'Sabar'. At the end, if Imran Khan does as he speak then Pakistan will march towards real development and prosperity.

InshaAllah. We only have to look at Bangladesh to see what investment in the little people has returned. Micro finance has helped hack at the roots of poverty.

People like to be callous about poverty and use stats as weapons on this forum, but the truth is anyone on this forum is far from poverty and it is only by the accident of birth and the rahmat of Allah that is the case.
InshaAllah. We only have to look at Bangladesh to see what investment in the little people has returned. Micro finance has helped hack at the roots of poverty.

People like to be callous about poverty and use stats as weapons on this forum, but the truth is anyone on this forum is far from poverty and it is only by the accident of birth and the rahmat of Allah that is the case.

Imran Khan is even respected by Hasina.lol

If he wants to send a team to BD to try to learn any lessons they will be welcomed with open arms.
This does not seem real.

Pakistan does not come across as a country with malnutrition.

We have done well. Thanks to UPA 1&2.

Bangladesh has done well too.
Just like you can Google anyhing against Pakistan you can use the same search engine for your questions...I am currently busy with other things if I have the time I will spoon feed you the information since I know many of you are too used to that and probably get paralysis if you search for anything positive in Pakistan so I will spare you that...
Ah, the killjoy.. I was kinda hoping that you would manage to find a couple atleast from the internet so that we could start appraising you of their pitfalls. Community medicine textbooks and journals are replete with the examples of your failed models.
Pakistanis need to support Imran Khan for at least 20 years. He is the first leader in Pakistan who actually grasped the real problems of Pakistan and looks sincere to ameliorate them. It will be painful short term to adjust, but people need 'Sabar'. At the end, if Imran Khan does as he speak then Pakistan will march towards real development and prosperity.
Yes, I also think Imran Khan will walk extra mile unlike other machos in Pakistan. He is pacifist like Hasina.
Yes, I also think Imran Khan will walk extra mile unlike other machos in Pakistan. He is pacifist like Hasina.
Imran Khan is a person anyone would like him. The way he talk, it is very caring and anybody could feel he is sincere and genuinely want to improve Pakistan. I have never heard any Pakistani leader talk to length like him about improving Education, health, spending within the limit, supporting poor etc. He need support and time.

pacifist like Hasina.
Khaleda would disagree.:lol::lol:
Pakistanis are proud meat eaters, this data is fake.
Nutrition has nothing to do only with meat

sril lanka?? never expected that.
Vegans may be

Grave matter of concern because our population is huge 3 trillion dollar economy yet such high rate of malnourishment
First lack of knowledge
Second vegetarian diet. Rajasthan, Gujrat etc

Grave matter of concern because our population is huge 3 trillion dollar economy yet such high rate of malnourishment
Poverty is the main cause though
Imran Khan is even respected by Hasina.lol

If he wants to send a team to BD to try to learn any lessons they will be welcomed with open arms.

Yeah Imran is a good guy. May Allah help him help Pakistan. I just hope he is also not removed by the military at some stage because of any conflict of interest with the military. In my opinion he has the potential to become another Mahathir or Erdogan.
Pakistanis are proud meat eaters, this data is fake.

Paya aur Nehari Zindabad!! :-)

Get rid of the mullahs... You have a beautiful country with enormous resources. You just need to make people feel safe. FDI will flow in and your deficit will go away... This is the quickest fix.
There are other fixes but are hard and I dont think you are willing to go through that hard work.

Most intelligent comment of the month Bhai. :enjoy:

Imran Khan is even respected by Hasina.lol

If he wants to send a team to BD to try to learn any lessons they will be welcomed with open arms.

Another smart comment! Bravo! :cheers:

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