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14th August v/s 15th august

Lighten up, old fruit, I was kidding and took what I thought was your ribbing in the same spirit. I'd be horrified to be treated like one of Wodehouse's characters who keep getting gently escorted away to enjoy their evening eggnog. :fie:

ha ha ha

Thank God you didn't add rotten before the old fruit - though, it goes without saying :)
Hey guys. The other day I was watching a program, may be it was of Najam Sethi. The guy pointed out something very interesting.

How is it that both India and Pakistan achieved freedom at the same time but Pakistan celebrates it's independence day on 14th August while India celebrates its independence on 15th August.

Shouldn't, logically, the independence day have been same? Either 14th or 15th August but it should have been same. Whatsay you?


Taking reference from the date of news paper, we can conveniently say it can be any day before 15 august.

Considering the importance of the news, we can conclude it can not be older than a day, which happens to be 14, August. (Thursday 26 RamaDHaan 1366 A.H.)

If you believe Indian independence was at same time than, you shall observe your independence day on 14, August.

Where as lowlife N.Sethi is concerned... He shall tell us first, was he sleeping for last 60 years? or just it is another miracle of Zardari democracy?
Transfer of Power by Lord Mountbatten took place on 14th Aug in Karachi but as per the Indian Independence Act, India and Pakistan were to be created on 15th Aug so this transfer of power was not official/implemented until midnight 15th Aug 1947 which is when the Dominions of Pakistan as well as India were created.
One year onwards, Muhammad Ali Jinnah decided to choose 14th Aug for celebrations as Pakistan completed its one year of existence on that day. Subsequent to his sad demise, 14th Aug is the traditional date for celebrating creation of Pakistan and independence from British rule.
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