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14-yr-old Hannan Binth Hashim ready to prove Einstein wrong !

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Theoretical physics/quantum physics is a guess game, the hard work always lies on those who have to cook up smart experiments to `prove'/`disapprove' it.

When you reach certain age and well trained with good philosophy, this becomes quite straight forward (in this guess game):

E = m*c*c

Well, guess what, my guess is:

E = m*c*c + c0 (mysterious constant related to what happened before the big Bang)

See, anyone can be a physicist if you have wild imagination. :rofl:
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lol, can't set your hate aside for one minute can you.

Speaking of Hate Thomas! there is a thread here by the name

"Why only Muslims are extremists".

The point of which is proved well by this thread right here, and this is how:

"while posting about Muslims, the word Muslim is quite prominent whenever it serves to denounce or downplay them..........however when positive things come about like the said girl........ who by the way is a Muslim !! someone somehow forgets to say it then!! :disagree: ". Infact, do a search of the article and you will not find the word mentioned even once. Hmm......

maybe because then, "No we dont want to put religion into this", maybe because then "it will serve against whatever"
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Albert Einstein rose to fame because innocent people saw NUKES ARE BIG, and Jew media is certainly die-hard fan for it.

But guess what again?

I personally believe the most important discovery in science so far is the French politician/mathematician Fourier with his Fourier transforms, British mathematician Taylor also contributed with his Taylor series theorem.

One can never over-estimate the importance of Fourier transforms, conversion from time domain to frequency domain, for the first time, man is armed with a tool to be able to see things from the eye of God.

Without these basic principles, no one can actually enjoy a `modern' life.

But hey, ignorance is a bless and Einstein is greatest. :hitwall:
Would be lovley to actually see the math rather than the hype. The quatum effects at absolute zero have been discussed for a while it would be nice if she has added some thing new.
Albert Einstein rose to fame because innocent people saw NUKES ARE BIG, and Jew media is certainly die-hard fan for it.

But guess what again?

I personally believe the most important discovery in science so far is the French politician/mathematician Fourier with his Fourier transforms, British mathematician Taylor also contributed with his Taylor series theorem.

One can never over-estimate the importance of Fourier transforms, conversion from time domain to frequency domain, for the first time, man is armed with a tool to be able to see things from the eye of God.

Without these basic principles, no one can actually enjoy a `modern' life.

But hey, ignorance is a bless and Einstein is greatest. :hitwall:

All of them were good... If we are to biased then Alkhawarzmi, Muhammad Abu Musa would be the best for me.
Good point.

I also noticed none of the Indian or American members here offered support or spoke up when the Indian rubyjackass trashed the achievements of a 12 year old Pakistani boy in this thread:


I never saw the thread myself. I am all for kids from all nations that can rise up and achieve great things that 99.9% of us can not. What I spoke against Faixan_Hashmee post "waTs the Use 0f p0sting tis tHread 0n tis site??? I thInk 0nCe aGain IndIans r tRyin 2 sh0w dat they r beSt in the w0rld. Big Heads" he was obviously upset with the article simply becuase it was about an Indian.
worth giving a shot, good going, best of luck to the kid.
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YouTube - Dr Quantum - Flatland

Now for some nerdy, sardonic humor from Physics:
Every theoretical hurdle can be solved by adding extra dimensions to the theory.

Computer science version:
Every programming problem can be solved by adding extra levels of indirection.
Now for some nerdy, sardonic humor from Physics:
Every theoretical hurdle can be solved by adding extra dimensions to the theory.

Computer science version:
Every programming problem can be solved by adding extra levels of indirection.

but the bug will still be there..lol.. just kidding :smitten:

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