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14 More F16 for PAF (Approved by US)

no buddy,PAF f16 will be fitted with CFT,they are detachable.thats why in the last pic of Greek f16 there is no CFT.
but PAF f16 are not Block52+,they r simple as Greek's and Polish.

Pak may only be getting CFT with new 18 F-16 Block 52.
For MLU Pak is not getting CFT's...

PAF F-16 Upgrade program is MLU M3

MLU M3 tape contains

■Integration of the Link-16 system
■Integration of capability for GPS controlled weapons (GBU30/32)
■Introduction of Helmet Mounted/Cueing Sight
■Introduction of NVG compatible helmets

Read ma above post
Mani the CFT's can be Removed and installed easily so relax we will get those CFT's.

These CFT's might come only with 18 F-16 Block 52. But its not sure.....untill credible news or eresource

These are not in MLU program, so these wouldnt be fitted with current 45 PAF F-16 read ma above post.
wth which kind of deal is this ???? where are CFT for our F16s
Geo news like that:

"Pakistan ko America mazeed 14 jadeed tareen F16 laraka tyaray denay par razamand"

:P :D :D its mean 18 + 14 = 22 + (18 more rest of 18 + 18) so if we will also go for our 36 (old order) + 14 more so total PAF F16 BLK 52 (48) + (48 Rest of old fleet + MLU)

So PAF 98 F16s in which half BLK 52 + half MLU

IMO, India already 90% interests in European hardware or Russian not much interested in F18 and F16 so i think US again change its strategy about Military hardware equipment especially Fighters jets back to pavilion (PAKISTAN). I am pretty sure about if India will not go for F18 or F16 (MMRCA) thn US will agree to sell more F16 to Pakistan and If India go for American hardware thn European + russian both BLING BLING****

India also trap Dear! lol

Jadeed tareen to iss tarha kaha jaisay Raptor mil rahe hain.....:pakistan::cheesy:... issi waja say hamari awam aasmaan mein pohanch jati hay, hamaray pilots se bhi pehlay :smitten:
This is all Pakistan getting

Source :- Written Statement of Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, USN Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia 16 September 2008

Written Statement of
Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, USN
Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Before the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
16 September 2008


Mr. Chairman, ranking member, and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the Pakistan F-16 program. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency is the Department of Defense Agency responsible for U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programs. Pakistan is one of the many countries that the U.S. supports, and the largest FMS program that Pakistan has with the U.S. is the F-16 program. The Lockheed Martin Corporation produced F-16 Fighting Falcon is a multi-role jet fighter aircraft originally developed for the United States Air Force. Designed as a lightweight fighter, it has evolved into a successful multirole aircraft. This aircraft serves as an air superiority fighter with air-to-air, air-to-ground, and close air support missions. The F-16’s versatility has proven a success on the export market, having been selected to serve in the air forces of more than 25 nations.
Program Specifics
Pakistan presently operates forty-six F-16A/B aircraft. Thirty-two of these aircraft remain from the original forty aircraft that Pakistan bought in the 1980s. Since 2005, the USAF has transferred fourteen Excess Defense Article (EDA) F-16A/B aircraft to Pakistan. The current Pakistan F-16 program is composed of three Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs). The first LOA providing for the production of eighteen F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft is underway: four aircraft will be ready in June 2010; four aircraft in August 2010; five aircraft in October 2010; four aircraft in Dec 2010; and, one aircraft in December 2011. It is important to note that none of the aircraft will be delivered to Pakistan until the Administration ensures that Pakistan is in compliance with the LOA security notes, and the Administration has so advised Congress.
The second LOA provides for munitions and includes: five hundred AIM-120C-5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); seven hundred and fifty Mark-84 2000 lb General Purpose bombs; seven hundred BLU-109 2000 lb Penetrator bombs; five hundred Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) tail kits; sixteen hundred Enhanced Guided Bomb Unit (EGBU) kits; and assorted bomb fuzes and support equipment. These weapons will be available for delivery to Pakistan beginning in June 2010. However, I would like to emphasize that none of these weapons will be delivered until Pakistan complies with the LOA security notes and the Administration reports compliance to Congress.
The third LOA provides for the Mid-Life Update (MLU) of their current fleet of forty-six aircraft: four of these aircraft are in Fort Worth undergoing Trial Verification Installation, which is part of the MLU program. Under the MLU LOA, Pakistan is procuring Falcon STAR structural upgrade kits for the thirty-two original F-16A/B aircraft and thirty-five MLU avionics upgrade kits for the current fleet (including three of the recently transferred EDA aircraft). There is an option on the contract to procure eleven additional MLU avionics upgrade kits for the remaining eleven aircraft. Pakistan has not yet exercised this option, but plans to do so at a future date.
The Falcon STAR structural upgrade is very similar to that provided to other F-16A/B customers. Falcon STAR replaces critical structural components in the F-16 required to return the A/B airframe to a structural life of 8,000 spectrum hours. Falcon STAR is required to keep the original thirty-two PAF F-16A/Bs air worthy.
The Pakistan MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide the Pakistan Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring. The MLU kit replaces most of the 1980s avionics in the Block 15s with newer, advanced avionics systems from the Block 52 F-16s. The MLU upgrade kits will include: APG-68(V)9 radar; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link-16 data link; APX-113 Advanced Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) Pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting; Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS); Reconnaissance Pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84 Harpoon capability. While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are no engine improvements; and, there are no improvements to payload capacity. Overall, the MLU program will extend the service life of Pakistan’s original F-16 aircraft and very significantly increase the capability of the Pakistan Air Force to conduct Close Air Support and night precision attack missions. I would like to highlight that in parallel with the significant improvement in weapon accuracy gained by precision guided munitions like JDAM, there is the potential to dramatically reduce collateral damage and civilian casualties.

Regarding program status, the first four MLU aircraft are undergoing work in Fort Worth, Texas now. The USAF schedule for delivery of these aircraft is December 2011. The delivery dates for the remaining aircraft are being refined due to the recent stop work.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this important program with you. I look forward to answering any questions that you may have.

I guess US is more concerned with the weapon systems which can be more beneficial for fight in tribal areas, rather than answering to our need to counter our Other Enemy ( which v hav certainly forgotten). Guess the AMRAAM thng is gud, hope it hasnt got a Chor Switch to stop it from flying east....;)
:woot: some body is not going to like this :lol:

tell me why there is an urge to start a flame war and eventual trolling getting us off topic?
I guess Alhamdo lillah and Pakistan Zindabad was enough
but no. we have to start the flame war dont we ? we are too emotional & our love hate relationship is more important than any thing that hints a bit of national maturity
no buddy,PAF f16 will be fitted with CFT,they are detachable..

i dun thnk so that CFT's are basic thing for simple block 52 rather they are basic for block 52+ here is a link from f-16 site

Block 50/52 Plus (or 50/52+), which is also known as the "Advanced Block 50/52", was first delivered in April 2003 to the Hellenic Air Force. Its main differences are the addition of support for conformal fuel tanks (CFTs), dorsal spine compartment, APG-68(V9) radar, and JHMCS helmet.[133] The CFTs are mounted above the wing, on both sides of the fuselage. They provide an additional 450 US gallon (2,045 L) of fuel for increased range or time on station and free up underwing hardpoints for weapons. They can be easily removed if needed. The optional dorsal spine compartment is located behind the cockpit and extends to the tail. It adds adds 30 cubic feet (850 L) for more internal avionics and chaff/flare dispensers. This option is extremely common in the two-seat versions, but can not be mounted on single seat versions

thats why in the last pic of Greek f16 there is no CFT.
but PAF f16 are not Block52+,they r simple as Greek's and Polish

For your information Polish airforce f-16's are block 52+
and also the Greek Air force f-16's are also block 52+

Here is a sentence form the above article

Block 50/52 Plus (or 50/52+), which is also known as the "Advanced Block 50/52", was first delivered in April 2003 to the Hellenic Air Force
Last edited:
Date Posted: 31-Mar-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

US considers Pakistan's request for UAVs

Daniel Wasserbly JDW Staff Reporter - Washington, DC

Key Points
The US government is working to determine how to fill Pakistan's ISR requirements for counter-insurgency

Shadow UAVs and other tactical unmanned systems are being considered

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is exploring options for supplying Pakistan with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for counter-insurgency operations.

Islamabad has requested that the United States supply 12 RQ-7 Shadow UAVs so that the Pakistani military can have its own intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets.

"We're working with [the Pakistanis] right now in order to correctly identify their requirement and then match the best platform to their needs," a senior US military official told reporters during a 29 March briefing at the Pentagon.

"It could be Shadow .... We looked at different versions; we looked at Shadows, we looked at Scan Eagles and other tactical UAVs," added the official.

As for armed UAVs, which Pakistan is also believed to have requested, the official noted that "it's not US policy to be able to give any lethal capabilities with any of the drone technology".

UAV technology has been transferred parsimoniously by the US military due to legal restrictions. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently told Congress that the US to date has sold UAVs to just Italy and the UK, but that in his view it would be "in our interest to see what we can do to accommodate" other allies with the systems.

The senior military official could not say how long it would take to deliver UAVs - Shadows or otherwise - to Pakistan, but said the DoD "would like to think that we would get them there within the year", depending on the quantity and type of units to be fielded.

The UAVs would be funded through the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (PCCF). The PCCF was established in 2009 with USD400 million and currently holds about USD700 million.

To fill a need for persistent ISR in the meantime, Pakistan has modified a Lockheed Martin C-130 cargo aircraft to carry FLIR Systems' BriteStar sensor payload, according to the US official.

Moreover, the US expects to deliver to Pakistan sometime in the next few months the first batch of aircraft from a promised total of 18 new Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 52 fighters: more capable versions of the Fighting Falcon that can execute night-time and precision-strike missions. Also, before the end of the year the Pakistan Navy is scheduled to receive its first Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate, the official said.

The US has in the last few years provided the Pakistani military with older F-16 fighters, five fast patrol boats and 115 M109A5 155 mm self-propelled howitzers, as well as hundreds of smaller vehicles, radios, protective gear and other equipment.

In May Pakistan is anticipated to return at least some of the six Mil Mi-17 ('Hip') transport helicopters that it has been leasing from the US. "We have an indication that they are not willing to renew the lease on some of those aircraft," the official said.

The US could supply Shadow UAVs or similar systems to Pakistan by the end of the year.

i have posted this here because there is NO confirmation from any 'other' source besides the pakistani press confirming '14 additional' F-16s approved for PAF. - Sorry guys!!!

All Right folks now here is something for your knowledge.

" No, the CFTs can only be fitted on 52+ as it is not just tanks but the complete fuel plumbing system and booster pumps, etc. "

Now this has been told by a PAF official and i hope many would understand that MLU M3 wont include CFT's.

Thanks to mani as he already explained it but this one specially for our A/B Vipers.

Its not possible to Fit CFT's on them !

i think they r in reply to India....that Please dont cry......when India put a condition on 18 F-16s that they will cancel the order for MMRCA......& in reply USA slapped them by giving us another 14 birds........
i wonder y do Indians face water shortage still if they cry soooo much!!!!
some thing is better than nothing and more things aare better than something

well i think tha t pak should buy more j10s
my personal oopinion that is
and TOT would happen among us
i have posted this here because there is NO confirmation from any 'other' source besides the pakistani press confirming '14 additional' F-16s approved for PAF. - Sorry guys!!!

Defence related news are always so confusing when presented by our own media so no surprise here if the news about 14 additional F-16s turn out to be false.
That is why i said in my initial posts on this thread to wait for a more authentic source such as janes before jumping on to the gun.
Thanks sir fatman for sharing the news.
This is all Pakistan getting

Source :- Written Statement of Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, USN Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia 16 September 2008

Written Statement of
Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, USN
Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Before the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
16 September 2008


Mr. Chairman, ranking member, and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the Pakistan F-16 program. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency is the Department of Defense Agency responsible for U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programs. Pakistan is one of the many countries that the U.S. supports, and the largest FMS program that Pakistan has with the U.S. is the F-16 program. The Lockheed Martin Corporation produced F-16 Fighting Falcon is a multi-role jet fighter aircraft originally developed for the United States Air Force. Designed as a lightweight fighter, it has evolved into a successful multirole aircraft. This aircraft serves as an air superiority fighter with air-to-air, air-to-ground, and close air support missions. The F-16’s versatility has proven a success on the export market, having been selected to serve in the air forces of more than 25 nations.
Program Specifics
Pakistan presently operates forty-six F-16A/B aircraft. Thirty-two of these aircraft remain from the original forty aircraft that Pakistan bought in the 1980s. Since 2005, the USAF has transferred fourteen Excess Defense Article (EDA) F-16A/B aircraft to Pakistan. The current Pakistan F-16 program is composed of three Letters of Offer and Acceptance (LOAs). The first LOA providing for the production of eighteen F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft is underway: four aircraft will be ready in June 2010; four aircraft in August 2010; five aircraft in October 2010; four aircraft in Dec 2010; and, one aircraft in December 2011. It is important to note that none of the aircraft will be delivered to Pakistan until the Administration ensures that Pakistan is in compliance with the LOA security notes, and the Administration has so advised Congress.
The second LOA provides for munitions and includes: five hundred AIM-120C-5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); seven hundred and fifty Mark-84 2000 lb General Purpose bombs; seven hundred BLU-109 2000 lb Penetrator bombs; five hundred Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) tail kits; sixteen hundred Enhanced Guided Bomb Unit (EGBU) kits; and assorted bomb fuzes and support equipment. These weapons will be available for delivery to Pakistan beginning in June 2010. However, I would like to emphasize that none of these weapons will be delivered until Pakistan complies with the LOA security notes and the Administration reports compliance to Congress.
The third LOA provides for the Mid-Life Update (MLU) of their current fleet of forty-six aircraft: four of these aircraft are in Fort Worth undergoing Trial Verification Installation, which is part of the MLU program. Under the MLU LOA, Pakistan is procuring Falcon STAR structural upgrade kits for the thirty-two original F-16A/B aircraft and thirty-five MLU avionics upgrade kits for the current fleet (including three of the recently transferred EDA aircraft). There is an option on the contract to procure eleven additional MLU avionics upgrade kits for the remaining eleven aircraft. Pakistan has not yet exercised this option, but plans to do so at a future date.
The Falcon STAR structural upgrade is very similar to that provided to other F-16A/B customers. Falcon STAR replaces critical structural components in the F-16 required to return the A/B airframe to a structural life of 8,000 spectrum hours. Falcon STAR is required to keep the original thirty-two PAF F-16A/Bs air worthy.
The Pakistan MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide the Pakistan Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring. The MLU kit replaces most of the 1980s avionics in the Block 15s with newer, advanced avionics systems from the Block 52 F-16s. The MLU upgrade kits will include: APG-68(V)9 radar; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link-16 data link; APX-113 Advanced Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) Pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting; Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS); Reconnaissance Pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84 Harpoon capability. While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are no engine improvements; and, there are no improvements to payload capacity. Overall, the MLU program will extend the service life of Pakistan’s original F-16 aircraft and very significantly increase the capability of the Pakistan Air Force to conduct Close Air Support and night precision attack missions. I would like to highlight that in parallel with the significant improvement in weapon accuracy gained by precision guided munitions like JDAM, there is the potential to dramatically reduce collateral damage and civilian casualties.

Regarding program status, the first four MLU aircraft are undergoing work in Fort Worth, Texas now. The USAF schedule for delivery of these aircraft is December 2011. The delivery dates for the remaining aircraft are being refined due to the recent stop work.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this important program with you. I look forward to answering any questions that you may have.

Thanks for making it clear MZUBAIR.

If you can post the official link i would be grateful.

So the ACM Qamar Suleman was right about all F-16s getting BLK 52 Avionics. hmm, APG 68 radars would definitely be worthy upgrade.

If Pakistan Proceeds with additional 14 new F-16s, then our strike capability from F-16s alone would increase at least two fold.........nice.

Thanks mate!
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