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14 Indian soldiers killed, 1 captured in clashes with Pakistan Army

India has already accepted one of its soldiers, which Pakistan says it has captured, has gone missing. Pakistan also claims 8 Indian soldiers died and their dead-bodies are still lay at Tatta Pani. Images and footage of both should be available soon.
Yes, India has accepted that a soldiers has inadvertently crossed the LoC and has been captured. But there are no causalities as being claimed by Pakistan so far.
Son, this is a two year old pic when Pakistan Army laid these TTP khawarijs to waste.
Sir then why they left Haqqani, JEM, LET etc etc etc.....
These people will break some day if not finished. Even Musharraf failed with Lal Masjid.
Its is now confirmed....

Indian forces tries to cross border to avenge Uri attack.
Some of the for Indian soldiers managed to cross.
Pakistani forces got alert.
The exchange heavy fire and one Indian soldier captured 8 to 9 killed.

Pakistan retaliates the strike by pounding Indian positions with heavy artillery 2 to 3 Indian posts destroyed.

Indian Lies:
They use special forces to carry out successful surgical strikes inside Pakistani controlled Kashmir by air roping commandos from MI-17.

Truth is they tries ti attack and kill Pakistani soldiers on a border post close to LOC but attack was repulsed.

Pakistani Lies:
Indian did't even tries to cross LOC

Truth is Indian did cross the LOC to attack on Pakistani post very close to LOC.

You made a new account just to say that. :woot:

So now its official, we got another monkey in our custody :) .

I am not sure which version is more damaging to Indian national moral. a) A captured soldier in Pakistani operation on LOC, Or, b) a deserter who pissed in paints and raised the white flag?
So how many of them are Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist etc...etc...You should be aware of difference between arguement and position....

Sorry too late... c u later...
Likewise one wonders, of the hundred odd killed and thousand injured, how many were actually militants or rather how many more have you pushed into militancy.... indeed too late....adios.
Latest news coming in that tomorrow the IA is going to analyse the Military sat images and videos and going to hold an official brief. It's a give away as we had kept a total of 22 nations include the P5 in the loop.
Pakistan is far worst state than 71, 2002 or 1998 just compare the technology and weapon difference between Pak and India you will get your answers. Now the difference is huge....
Our is 100% operational and according indian source, indian paper tigher has less than 60% operational.

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