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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

Massacre of Muslims in Myanmar at the hands of Buddhist terrorists...

Muslims and Christians dying at the hands of Hindu terrorists in India...

Bearded men (hipsters mostly) getting attacked in USA by Christian terrorists...

Where is Islam in this?

Samjhota Express terrorists were also Pakistani origin?

You expect no backlash?

Also, pray do tell the number of Muslims and Christians that died at the hands of Hindu terrorists the last year in India and the number of deaths due to islamic extremists.
ask them the treatment they started getting for finding jobs or house on rent or there social life in US after the shehzad episode dont be naive you know what im talking about

Yeah but dont think it will be any easier if your Indian or Bangali or any other South Asian, most Americans cant tell the difference between different ethnicities. A indian (heck even Sikhs have been targeted) can just as easily get caught up in a hate crime as a Pakistani or Arab or other ethnicity. The people who do these things do not use the rational part of their brain.
Pakistan Army also supported Talibans that were also anti-Islamic as that attacked civilian targets. The Talibans also gave refuge to Al Qaeeda that committed terrorists events. Even now rogue elements in Pakistan Army and ISI support these militants. All the innocent Muslims who have nothing to do with these militants and their sponsors will suffer. The uniformed people sitting in protected Rawalpindi don't realize unintended consequences of their short sighted decisions. It only took Peshawar incident to force them to react. Even now Saudi sponsored militants are operating in Pakistan but security agencies are waiting for another incident to take any action.
An absolutely beautiful and on point post.

as a legal US citizen, you are absolutely equal to any other US citizen under the constitution of the United States. No matter what your ethnic origins are. Amen!!!

Unfortunately some people can't get this into their mind. And some even tell Muslims to leave "our" country. Which makes me laugh. This is my country as well. :)
Just one question out of curiosity, does people killed by practitioners of "only correct path" and your "peaceful religion" will also go to 'jannah'??

It doesn't matter. Let us send them to the Pearly Gates and let God decide.
No one can destroy Islam or Muslims, Hindus , Christians or any other religion. Co existence or no existence is the only option. Humans are surviving after world wars, nuclear conflicts, natural disasters and genocides of the generation. It is one of the most resilient species ever known to the Universe.
People will continue killing and blaming each other. Totally a useless debate.
People are jumping the gun too much here. It's likely religion wasn't a motive here but personal grievances with co workers.

I feel the same. Religion has nothing to do in this case i believe.
People are just jumping over nothing and drawing wrong conclusions. I don't see any motive or objective to achieve by religious fundamentals in this incident.
No one can destroy Islam or Muslims, Hindus , Christians or any other religion. Co existence or no existence is the only option. Humans are surviving after world wars, nuclear conflicts, natural disasters and genocides of the generation. It is the most resilient species ever known to the Universe.
People will continue killing and blaming each other. Totally a useless debate.

But none of the other religion is blamed of any wrongdoing. Remember planned parenthood incident? Everyone got unite and say don't call him Christine terrorist. Everyone agreed. Then that hypocrisy to call all the Muslims terrorists.
Massacre of Muslims in Myanmar at the hands of Buddhist terrorists...

Muslims and Christians dying at the hands of Hindu terrorists in India...

Bearded men (hipsters mostly) getting attacked in USA by Christian terrorists...

Where is Islam in this?

Samjhota Express terrorists were also Pakistani origin?

things you have quoted may or may not have happened, but no Christian or No Hindu is strip searched in Airports, just because of being a Christian or a Hindu.. Then why this world does it to Muslims only?? Isn't it awkward, that the whole world will just like that, consider a particular religion dangerous.. My question was to not let this happen to Islam, since Islam is a religion of peace.. Atleast that is what I'm being taught in my country.. can u answer me??
Wat ideology does Hafiz Saeed follow is it not the same wahabi salafi shit

How holy is the Saudi shit philosophy of wahabi and salafi version
wahabi philosophy is hundred years old and this so called islamic terrorism started only 10~20 years ago . alqaeda or isis neither represent majority of Muslim nor Wahhabi
wahabi philosophy is hundred years old and this so called islamic terrorism started only 10~20 years ago . alqaeda or isis neither represent majority of Muslim nor Wahhabi

were you living a cave or did you come to earth yesterday, the economic growth of the saud and the Wahabi rise are reason of terror and It all started in 1970 itself......

yes I know lot of decent muslims who are just dont like the salafi shit but they are not the one in power
The shooting at hospitals or doctor's office normally happens due to 30,000 to 40,000 dollar hospital bills they charge to patients for 4-7 days hospitalization literally bankrupting a middle class person if they ever have serious medical need

Some of the private hospitals have "Electrical doors" and guards that confirm why you want to enter Hospital , and you are only allowed in after they confirm you have a patient registered in the hospital

I found the story about anti-abortion shooting

Right-Wing Media Try to Distract From Abortion Clinic Shooting | Terry Krepel

Now watch his family and friends claim that he was a good guy and they had no idea he was bonkers. They all will lie.

Does it include families of:

Right-Wing Media Try to Distract From Abortion Clinic Shooting | Terry Krepel
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