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13th June 2015 ..Khabar Yeh Hai


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
...Khabar Yeh Hai – 13th June 2015
A Year On 2763 militants Killed In Operation Zarb-e-Azb

These terrorists r manufactured and sponsored by Raw according to your Mr Doval.We are just finishing them thats why your Pm feeling pain in his arse..
I know he meant no good with that comment, but sometimes we have to think, part of the problem is very much within us. After all, raw RECRUITS the terrorists, while our madrassas manufacture them.
I know he meant no good with that comment, but sometimes we have to think, part of the problem is very much within us. After all, raw RECRUITS the terrorists, while our madrassas manufacture them.

Very much true................
I know he meant no good with that comment, but sometimes we have to think, part of the problem is very much within us. After all, raw RECRUITS the terrorists, while our madrassas manufacture them.
Very much true................

Just as an example. The Peshawar Air Force Base attackers, which madrassa manufactured them?
May be you can explain. I have very little knowledge about that..
Without disclosing too much. TTP and most of the other lunatics have been bought under control. What we are working on as we speak, are the ones who came over the western border, supported by the east. They get labelled as TTP, LeJ etc, but when you physically look at them, they are uncircumcised, or have tattoos, or Indian medicines, or other stuff I can't really get into, but you get the picture.

SO how are madrasas to blame for this? We've had madrasas since 1947, but they weren't radicalized. It's only now that we are seeing this. Reason being the states failure to control people like Mullah Abdul Aziz / lal masjid. They should have been put in their place long long ago. It's only now that the govt is getting madrasas registered, a good step. But the curriculum needs to reviewed, a daunting task, no govt will want to take on.

Nonetheless hate speech and sectarianism across the board needs to reigned in. The clergy needs to be seriously put in its place!
Without disclosing too much. TTP and most of the other lunatics have been bought under control. What we are working on as we speak, are the ones who came over the western border, supported by the east. They get labelled as TTP, LeJ etc, but when you physically look at them, they are uncircumcised, or have tattoos, or Indian medicines, or other stuff I can't really get into, but you get the picture.

SO how are madrasas to blame for this? We've had madrasas since 1947, but they weren't radicalized. It's only now that we are seeing this. Reason being the states failure to control people like Mullah Abdul Aziz / lal masjid. They should have been put in their place long long ago. It's only now that the govt is getting madrasas registered, a good step. But the curriculum needs to reviewed, a daunting task, no govt will want to take on.

Nonetheless hate speech and sectarianism across the board needs to reigned in. The clergy needs to be seriously put in its place!
So you're saying the afghan soviet war never happened, or if it did ALL of the mujahideen camps were closed down and absolutely NONE of them are responsible for any taliban today? And all the interviews of brainwashed TTP members online are faked?
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