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13 soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Turkey’s Şırnak

Most likelt this is the fault of inexperienced pilot, the high voltage mains lines were situated close to where the helicopters are stationed. Experienced pilots would have known about it and stayed clear.. RIP

Someone explain me what is this?

I dont understand I just even dont want to understand. So much high tech projects. So much money and what? Nothing on the field. Euphrates Shield is example of that. So much radars, sensors, electro optic systems for who? The guys on the field are walking with "Egg" helmets without camo cover, G3s and hunting vests. Just look the things that are looking like bases on the iraqi border. One kalekol for just PR in media videos is not enough! We are seeing your kalekols in pkk propaganda videos egoists! Put your sensors, electro optics, kalekols and weapons where the sun dont shine! As long as my soldiers are there fighting that way in terrible conditions you can put all this deeper and deeper. The high ranked must go there for one week and fight just for one day as General Osman PAMUKOGLU fought NO MORE and you will see improvements in the armed forces. My soul is burning seeing that my soldiers actually dont mean nothing for them.
As Kemal Pasha said, "I am ordering you to die for the fresh one are waiting to replace us", Elhamdulillah Turkey is never short of the heroic folks!!! They have cleared up the Kato mountains from PKK. The others will InshaAllah finish the job.....

Ruhlari shad olsun... Makamlari ali olsun....
Rest in Peace.
Comrades in Arms.
Condolence to the families of Martyrs from Pakistan
As Kemal Pasha said, "I am ordering you to die for the fresh one are waiting to replace us", Elhamdulillah Turkey is never short of the heroic folks!!! They have cleared up the Kato mountains from PKK. The others will InshaAllah finish the job.....

Ruhlari shad olsun... Makamlari ali olsun....
I agree. However we shouldn't pass the issue by saying "They are martyrs now "...there should be an investigation, and necessary precautions have to be taken to avoid such incidents in the future....

But not in Turkey, every year we hear some helicopter get tangled with power lines and crashed.

We say;
Ruhları şad olsun.
Makamları cennet olsun.
Şehitler ölmez.
Ciğerimiz yanıyor.
Vatan sağolsun.

We say many thing...but doing what ?

Same thing happened a few days ago when 3 of our soldiers martyred in Lice. Everyone saying those lines. But nobody asking questions like;

- Was their equipment adequate ?
- Did they have protection ?
- Were they using armored vehicles ?
- Was their formation on the front was faulty ?
- Were their commander at fault ?

No through investigation. We just say, "Our soldiers martyred" and pass on.
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I agree. However we should pass the issue by saying "They are martyrs now "...there should be an investigation, and necessary precautions have to be taken to avoid such incidents in the future....

But not in Turkey, every year we hear some helicopter get tangled with power lines and crashed.

We say;
Ruhları şad olsun.
Makamları cennet olsun.
Şehitler ölmez.
Ciğerimiz yanıyor.
Vatan sağolsun.

We say many thing...but doing what ?

Same thing happened a few days ago when 3 of our soldiers martyred in Lice. Everyone saying those lines. But nobody asking questions like;

- Was their equipment adequate ?
- Did they have protection ?
- Were they using armored vehicles ?
- Was their formation on the front was faulty ?
- Did their commander was at fault ?

No through investigation. We just say, "Our soldiers martyred" and pass on.
One of the most critic fault of the turkish nation is not asking questions from the military. For most of the people the armed forces are perfect we this we that and thats it. If the people only knew that it can be so much better. By the way I think like you on this matter. With "vatan sagolsun" nothing changes. There is not anything positive from dead soldiers. I prefer to be known with the high professionalism, low casualties and the high success of my operations rather than how much I am loving to give my life for my country.
Rip. Brave Soldiers.
I anayzed the crash photos. It was a missile hit. AS532 was almost pulverized. If a energy cable would be the reason , we could see cable and towers.
Damage destruction would been low, there are no constructial peaces left. I guess it was a western ATGW with heavy warhead.
Cables and towers photos published.
Do you know the effetcivenes of a high voltage line.
No need to touch it can make electric arc to meters away and burns.
10th accident or so because of powerlines in the last few decades.

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