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128 dead, over 200 injured in Mastung blast targeting BAP meeting; IS claims responsibility

these attacks will continue even pti comes to power or martial law imposed until u.s remains in afghanistan

these attacks will continue even pti comes to power or martial law imposed until u.s remains in afghanistan
Jamaat Ul Ahrar is present and active ,while reports of its being dismantled are erroneous and biased propaganda to say the least .
these attacks will continue even pti comes to power or martial law imposed until u.s remains in afghanistan

these attacks will continue even pti comes to power or martial law imposed until u.s remains in Afghanistan
what if USA leave and ISIS take charge of Afghanistan ? situation will be worse . ISIS is taking on Afghanistan our security must be full alert mining fencing towers banning afghans to come in and full tight intelligence network is solution janab. all those countries did not allowed afghans to come in or soften their border with Afghanistan are safe and secure just look afghan map .
Not surprising. No doubt the Saudi madrassas are working to perfection.
Nope my friend CTD officers also died in both bomb blasts.

Their job is to eliminate terrorists, why were they such sitting ducks for the terrorists? Any planing of such attacks should have been detected before the incident. After fighting so long war against these terrorist groups, Pakistani agencies and authorities should be highly experienced. They should submit resignation as they showed negligence at their work which resulted in 5 deaths.
You're such an ungrateful idiot. What have you ever done for your country, yet to criticise those who lay their lives on the line for it? Terrorism cannot be stopped at the flick of a switch, it will be a reality in our country for deacdes to come. We will be rid of terrorism when the below actions are completed.

1. Complete fencing, mining, monitoring and patrolling of our borders
2. Full NSA style monitoring of citizens
3. Ridding our country of all excess foreigners especially consulate and embassy staff who don't need to be here
4. Deporting all Afghans
5. Closing down all militant groups
6. Hanging all the politicians and generals who've sold the country and it's interests to foreign powers.
7. Stasi level of spying on citizens, like in Iran or other Middle Eastern countries.

If you don't do that - you'll always be vulnerable to terrorism.

It is not being ungrateful but disappointment. Your mentality of "terrorism will stay for decades to come" is not a good one. If people think this way they won't pay attention and act as terrorism happening is normal. We don't want that to be a norm in Pakistan. Just like we used to have mentality of "india can go ahead of us and be more developed because they are big country" made us go down the drain and look how we both compare today. Pakistan who was once way ahead of countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia is today way behind than even India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.
It is not being ungrateful but disappointment. Your mentality of "terrorism will stay for decades to come" is not a good one. If people think this way they won't pay attention and act as terrorism happening is normal. We don't want that to be a norm in Pakistan. Just like we used to have mentality of "india can go ahead of us and be more developed because they are big country" made us go down the drain and look how we both compare today. Pakistan who was once way ahead of countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia is today way behind than even India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.

Look, mard me koi hosla be hona chiaye.

I'm not saying you should ignore it, but the ground reality is that terrorism anywhere takes decades to end. Look across the world, look how long it took Sri Lanka to end the Tamils, look how look it took to stop FARC. The IRA again took decades.

The reality is we cannot be safe if we cannot control our population, our borders and we have conflict next door in Afghanistan. The chaos, our lax border control etc all adds up and gives enemy states an opportunity. These attacks are not being done by terrorists as part of a standard campaign - they are coordinated by political enitites; internal and external.

Until you have long term fixes in place, you cannot blame the people doing the best they can.
You should have more patience. What have you ever done for your country, yet to criticise those who lay their lives on the line for it? Terrorism cannot be stopped at the flick of a switch, it will be a reality in our country for deacdes to come. We will be rid of terrorism when the below actions are completed.

1. Complete fencing, mining, monitoring and patrolling of our borders
2. Full NSA style monitoring of citizens
3. Ridding our country of all excess foreigners especially consulate and embassy staff who don't need to be here
4. Deporting all Afghans
5. Closing down all militant groups
6. Hanging all the politicians and generals who've sold the country and it's interests to foreign powers.
7. Stasi level of spying on citizens, like in Iran or other Middle Eastern countries.

If you don't do that - you'll always be vulnerable to terrorism.

And whose responsibility it is to do the above mentioned actions?

We can't even kick out afghan refugees and here we are talking about hanging generals and all that.

The blood of Pakistani citizens is on the hand of our army and our agencies. There can be no excuse for that.

Yes they are. When you keep voting for MAFIAS like PML N and terrorists like MQM you are equally responsible

PML(N) and mqm no matter how evil they are don't send suicide bombers to MAstung. It is TTP and ISIS.

Don't mix the two to hide failures of agencies.
And whose responsibility it is to do the above mentioned actions?

We can't even kick out afghan refugees and here we are talking about hanging generals and all that.

The blood of Pakistani citizens is on the hand of our army and our agencies. There can be no excuse for that.

PML(N) and mqm no matter how evil they are don't send suicide bombers to MAstung. It is TTP and ISIS.

Don't mix the two to hide failures of agencies.

Is your army responsible for fight wars, or for policing? Do you live in a Banana republic? All around the world policing and internal security is the job of the civilian police. I live in the UK, In my entire life i've never seen a soldier patrolling on the street. The police deal with everything, riots, terrorists, traffic offences.

And whose responsibility it is to do the above mentioned actions?

We can't even kick out afghan refugees and here we are talking about hanging generals and all that.

The blood of Pakistani citizens is on the hand of our army and our agencies. There can be no excuse for that.

PML(N) and mqm no matter how evil they are don't send suicide bombers to MAstung. It is TTP and ISIS.

Don't mix the two to hide failures of agencies.


Also do you think Nawaz Sharif who can have Indian spies working in his companies, who's brother can order the murder of dozens of protestors, who tried to hand over a sitting COAS to a country we were at war with only 6 months prior - cannot organise terrorist attacks? The same Nawaz Sharif who's party is in bed with the likes of LeJ and other militant groups? They even provide security at their political rallies!!! Do you think this is all coincidence?

What if theses attacks are not by TTP or ISIS and are politically motivated?
And whose responsibility it is to do the above mentioned actions?

We can't even kick out afghan refugees and here we are talking about hanging generals and all that.

The blood of Pakistani citizens is on the hand of our army and our agencies. There can be no excuse for that.

PML(N) and mqm no matter how evil they are don't send suicide bombers to MAstung. It is TTP and ISIS.

Don't mix the two to hide failures of agencies.
MQM killed thousands and thousands and also equally played role with PML N and PPP and ANP in destroying POLICE and agencies like IB and FIA. Stop defending these MAFIAS their actions have weakened our security apparatus
2 blasts just today India and RAW active.

Political figures being targeted.
I guess hum choley beach rahey hain.
No hope with this country. Even a layman knew that terrorists would try to target elections but our agencies did nothing to stop that

No raids No radd ul fisad when you need it. No operations.

ISI, MI, IB are piece of shit and good for nothing. B@stards.
How the hell you can say that gadhaar,yahoodi agent:lol:
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