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120,000 Indian troops for Afghanistan or hot air

Well guys I doubt the authenticity of this news. But if it’s true, then, this is a great conspiracy of the American imperialist forces (including Israel, Australia and Britain) to use the huge number of fascist indian military personnel in the war against Islamic and Communist countries. The way America uses the presence of zionist israel in the Middle East is going to be repeated in South Asia to disrupt the balance of power as well as peace, in a broader sense, in South Asia. The political relationship between india and China is not good as is also not between Pakistan and india. And USA knows that very well. USA has already made india as its puppet or stooge, particularly after the Indo-US Nuke deal. The congress party of india in particular has good terms with the leadership of USA. Also india serves many interests of American economy particularly providing a potential market. Recently, india has appeared to be a prospective customer for US made arms and ammunitions. Another point, though seems to be less important, is that many Non-Resident indians are working on US soil and their presence might have some influence on the US govt. If india is the ally of USA, automatically israel and Britain have to maintain a friendly relation with india. Thus an evil alliance is in work. This is just a part of a larger game plan against all anti-US forces (including Communism of China and Islam of the Middle East as well as South Asian countries). Now, why they are anti-US? Because they are anti-neo-liberal free market oriented Capitalist policy. Islam and Communism are together of a part of the obstacle that intrinsically resists the development of Capitalist globalization which means irresistibly promoting the culture and ideology of consumerism. The aggression of Pepsi-cola Nike-Adidas, packaged within Hindu Zionist culture, is no way meant to bring good for all, please understand, it is not even bi-polar, rather unipolar where the Dallas-Wall mart reigns. It will commoditize everything religion, family values, moral issues, our women’s sexuality and everything for sale in the open profit gearing market.

Iran has long been a target of US aggression since the time of the gulf war. And Pakistan’s necessity to the US for Afghanistan operation is going to be replaced by bringing Indian troops to Afghanistan (as the news indicates) as tension escalates between india and Pakistan and Pakistan’s declaration of shifting her troops (which are now deployed along the Western border to fight the Taliban forces and safeguarding US forces) to the eastern border between Pakistan and India. USA is thus going to make india as its stronger South Asian ally and under the guise of Nuke deal is actually going to make indian soil as a strong base of US military. Because, this might create a pressure for China as US will definitely interfere with the Tibet, Nepal and Burma affairs in the name of bringing so-called peace, justice and order. Earlier India hesitated as US was eager to intervene in the Kashmir issue, but this time, I guess, a secret deal has taken place between india and America regarding the Kashmir issue. The huge number of indian troops in Afghanistan will also help USA to gain an upper hand dealing with Iran. As also the Arabian and indian oceans are going to be used for the US naval force for sea aviation and refueling its superior air power, as we noticed how Kuwait has been used during the invasion on Iraq. There are many other favorable points that USA is reconsidering right now. Therefore, we all can see, economically, strategically (in terms of military advantages) and also politically how decisive and favorable india’s position as a secured shelter is for the US presence in South Asia. Moreover, the tone of the newly elected Bangladeshi government’s voice seems be to some extent pro-fascist aggressive forces and Bangladesh’s support to the evil axis should be taken with serious caution.

What are india’s interests? Economically it is relatively and in a short run good for india as it is to some extent profitable to be a puppet of a God father like the US. It can draw some foreign investments with US dollars as india can provide cheap labor resource to IT and other companies based upon Out Sourcing Businesses. Though, Obama has claimed that he would check the ever increasing rate of out sourcing for domestic purposes. In another way, being a puppet of the USA, India is trying to gain prestige in the world. But in the long run, such alliance is not good for india’ citizens and particularly the under privileged oppressed people.

Well, it is politically (particularly in foreign affairs) fascist hindu india will gain an upper hand compared to Pakistan. India has seen this invitation for sending troops to Afghanistan as a great opportunity to deal both with Pakistan and China. In case of Pakistan, the presence and alliance of the US will be used as a pressure against Pakistan and China always on one hand, on the other, sending such a considerable number of troops and deploying them along the western border of Pakistan will be like an encirclement of Pakistan because then both eastern border as well as western border of Pakistan will be threatened by the presence of Indian army. Pakistan will need to manage both sides, eastern as well as western borders and then in the name of aerial surgical strikes on terrorist camps on Pakistani soil, fascist imperialist india will violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and even might invade the parts Kashmir that belong to Pakistan. US will be supposed to manage the Pakistani leadership and ensure that Pakistan will not resist the indian invasion or at least not use WMD. Though in reality, US will be looking for the sale more arms and ammunitions to both Pakistan and india, since this economic recession requires a war for the sale of stored weapons. Imperialist indian army’s presence in Afghanistan is crucial because india is more afraid of the fidayeen forces than of Pakistani armed forces as Taliban commander said a few weeks ago, if Pakistan is attacked, they will fight for Pakistan’s sovereignty. Fascist imperialist india and israel jointly perform the aerial bombing in Afghanistan where as in Kashmir hills, india alone might carry out the surgical air strikes. This is perhaps the synopsis of the plan or conspiracy.

What Pakistan can do here as preventive measures? Prevention is better than cure. Well what Pakistan is supposed to do at this juncture is more than prevention. To defeat such a huge imperialist country as India is, there must be a good plan much before india goes for offensive measures and it is to be an effort to make this rogue state (india) engaged in dealing with its internal problems. This rogue state cannot be defeated from outside, until it has weakened itself from within. The north eastern insurgents of this rogue state should be given full cooperation and also the Maoist rebels so that it will be busy in handling the north eastern situation with full attention. Some neighbors like Nepal are not happy with the treatment india practices and so all anti-indian forces, religious, regional and political should have well coordination between them since the enemy is a common enemy and is growing powerful by outside help. Pakistan at the same time should develop her relation with China and Iran (as well as other anti-US Communist countries), not only in terms of defense but also culturally and socially to gain a massive mass support from China and Iran, which will ensure that citizens’ demands will create a pressure on the governments to go for defending Pakistan in times of crisis. What I want to say is clearly that Pakistan must ensure anyhow that China will defend her if she is attacked by foreign forces. Because it is China that can pose a major threat to the imperialist hinduist indian rogue state, while Iran can easily deal with Israel. Now india’s domestic problem will also prevent india from taking any final decision since india has the electoral politics where both anti-US and pro-US elements are present. Here the friendly terms of Pakistan with other Communist countries will play the role of a strong anti-US public opinion and a polarization will occur. Public opinion matters, because it will then legitimize Pakistan using even WMD against her enemy as a last resort. But initially it is Pakistan’s duty not to defend india’s continuously demonizing and stigmatizing Pakistan as the epicenter of terror but also to take counter action and demonize and stigmatize india as a problem to the balance and power, peace and order in South Asia. In order to defeat a Kautilya there must be another Kautilya.

Can you please summerise what is conclusion of this long story
S 2
Do you seriously wish to argue that Pakistan doesn't suffer under extensive corruption within it's government and military? There seems a substantial argument otherwise.

Do you seriously wish to argue that it's America's obligation to provide your nation with civil and military aid without question and only this attitude can affirm our status as allies?

So long as my government deems that it's in our interests to provide Pakistan with aid I suppose that we shall. As I said, your choices seem to be accepting or declining that aid. Our choice seems to be continuing that aid or not. Making that decision will depend upon the accrued gains against the costs.

Here's the latest summary of direct overt aid in all forms from the U.S. to Pakistan since 2002-

Direct Overt U.S. Aid and Military Reimbursements To Pakistan FY2002-2009 (est.)-CRS

A.M.'s correct that reimbursements total some 60% over the last seven years. I note the spike in CSF funds from last year to this. Is that the costs related to Bajaur? Hmmm...that seems a lot of money for such inactivity over a seven year period and ONE operation of note.

Probably costs a lot to transfer those forces to the west and build heretofore non-existant facilities. Yup. Some good construction contracts I bet buried in there.

I'll say this- the document certainly puts to rest where the money is allocated and when. Let the debating begin.

You r very right to some extent .

But Wat abt India attacking a non-Nato Ally and a front line state Pakistan in the proxy war named as war agiainst Terror.

Do u think in such cases Pak-Army would consider All that which US has given us.
It is US obligation to provide us with Milletary and Economic Aid . No dought abt it .
But why is that obligation..
Coz it fears that WMD's could not be sold to states such as Syria & Iran or perhaps given to terrorist who are certinly making alot of mess for US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We can get billions for even a single warhead sold to Syeria Lebia Egypt or the Big Player Iran. US knows this . and we hav the potetial to take such a step at the sake of our National Security.
Wat really we are witnessing is that US is paying a gurantee Fee so that those Nuclear wepons could not fall into wrong hands... Just like the Romans paid piles of Gold to the Barberic Huns

US fears the ISLAMIC NUCLEAR BOMB the Most . Coz if that happens all the US interests not just in south asia but in the whole world will be at stakes
USA has already made india as its puppet or stooge, particularly after the Indo-US Nuke deal.

Only a puppet would feel like that.

We were close friends with Russians when Pakistan was paly with US. And now we are getting closer to US without losing the russains. Why is that Paksitan cant get pally with Russians ANSWER, they suspect you to be a US puppet.
We were close friends with Russians when Pakistan was paly with US. And now we are getting closer to US without losing the russains. Why is that Paksitan cant get pally with Russians ANSWER, they suspect you to be a US puppet.


This is globalized world and i guess everybody is aware of the ground realities.
The fact that Russia has its beauity of wepons But it lacks the sent of Money .

If today Russia gives AID equivalent to that of US to Pakistan . their are chances that dices could be roled in Russisan Favour.
Its All abt money for which we prefer to stick to US Like a parasite just like Israel.

Man the smell of those US $ is really sweet wether its from US or China or Russia.

Its a competetion. Who pays much gets much
"countrie are like peices on chess bord on which the game of world dominion is being played" Lord Curzon Viceroy of Subcontinent saying out for Afghanistan 1898

and today i believe on a chess bord Israel is the Queen Of US and Saudia Arabia and Pakistan being its Knights.
i apologize to anybody offended
Only a puppet would feel like that.

We were close friends with Russians when Pakistan was paly with US. And now we are getting closer to US without losing the russains. Why is that Paksitan cant get pally with Russians ANSWER, they suspect you to be a US puppet.

Russia and india tried to get control of Afghanistan but failed now india and US are in action but again failing to get objectives.All main land and sea trade routes are under control of muslim countries.Which is real problem for hanud and yahud.
Can you please summerise what is conclusion of this long story

The conclusion is --- the world forces are getting polarized. I mean, there going to be two conflicting or contrasting positions and thus a sharp distinctive dividing line will be drawn between the two opposite poles. One one pole you see capitalist imperialist forces, and on another anti-capitalist anti-imperialist forces. The decline of Soviets does not matter here. Not only Communists are protesters of capitalist neo-imperialism, but also Islam which stands for fraternity, communism and humanism.

Now what is important is the fact that on which side you are my friend.
The conclusion is --- the world forces are getting polarized. I mean, there going to be two conflicting or contrasting positions and thus a sharp distinctive dividing line will be drawn between the two opposite poles. One one pole you see capitalist imperialist forces, and on another anti-capitalist anti-imperialist forces. The decline of Soviets does not matter here. Not only Communists are protesters of capitalist neo-imperialism, but also Islam which stands for fraternity, communism and humanism.

Now what is important is the fact that on which side you are my friend.

Thanks for conclusion , but i dont agree with you that islam is friendly with communism both communism and capitalism system proved worst for humanity.

Islam has its own identity and in recent finnical crisis GCC countries practicing islamic banking system not effected .

back to post india tried to get help from both systems one by one but their chances of becoming third world economic power very low becuase now imperialism also taking last breaths.

All world trade sea routes are located in muslim countries. India o joined their club of US ,Israel and NATO to get its share .In afghanistan america is spending 200 billion USD 20% of total WOT to secure oil and trade route from central asia to indian ocean .In iraq main purpose of US was to secure oil resources .

but on other hand if muslim countries could made a economic block like europe then there is chance they again emerge as a world super power .
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Thanks for conclusion , but i dont agree with you that islam is friendly with communism both communism and capitalism system proved worst for humanity.

Islam has its own identity and in recent finnical crisis GCC countries practicing islamic banking system not effected .

back to post india tried to get help from both systems one by one but their chances of becoming third world economic power very low.All world trade sea routes are located in muslim countries.US and NATO and India also joined their club to get it share .In afghanistan america is spending 200 billion USD 20% of total WOT to secure oil and trade route from central asia to indian ocean .In iraq main purpose of US was to secure oil resources .

but on other hand if muslim countries could made a economic block like europe then there is chance they again emerge as a world super power .

Dear friend,
I did not mean Communism as a certain kind of a set of administrative functions. By communism I meant a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society and it to some extent matches the basic ideology of Islam. You need to study deeply both Islam and Communism. Just a superficial reading of the texts cannot make you understand. You need to study the set of rules, you need to deconstruct the them, you need to go to the core of the lines of that text. I mean you need to be a Jacques Derrida before have a study of both Islam and Communism.

When all people are happy and well fed, we do not need to participate in that rate race in terms of superpower.
Dear friend,
I did not mean Communism as a certain kind of a set of administrative functions. By communism I meant a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society and it to some extent matches the basic ideology of Islam. You need to study deeply both Islam and Communism. Just a superficial reading of the texts cannot make you understand. You need to study the set of rules, you need to deconstruct the them, you need to go to the core of the lines of that text. I mean you need to be a Jacques Derrida before have a study of both Islam and Communism.

When all people are happy and well fed, we do not need to participate in that rate race in terms of superpower.

Your comment is deviating post subject but for just to clarify the major difference between both systemS.

Communism dont give any body right to do private buisness and aquire land ,each and every property,buisnes and land belongs to government but islam give liberty to muslims and also non muslims living in muslim country to own privately buisness and property.

My friend, Government can't run buisness and government simultanously ,it will generate cruption,lawlessness,poverty,injustice,power hunger etc.You have example of Russia,Central asian states and India to understand.

If you lived and studied in Russia then no need to continue this discussion further,because these people dont have logical brain cant be convinced even by newton.

There is joke for russian that they made a car and then think how to market it.

So relax and enjoy life.
When all people are happy and well fed, we do not need to participate in that rate race in terms of superpower.

Guys in this world nobody can become a superpower not even if US crumbels and falls totally.

Just look at the superpower US which is entangled in so many areas that would probabaly become more worse in future.
1.US facing the worst economic crises of the century
2.US is engaged in a bloody gurilla War in Afghanistan and Iraq
3.Us is dealing with African states like Zimbabwe Kenia Suddan.
4. US is way too buzy in special CIA ops in Jordan Egypt Taiwan SouthAsia Saudia Arabia Turkey and Kurdistan etc
5. US milletary engaged for the protection of state of ISRAEL and South Korea
Till when it can supoort all its actions on politicall and economic grounds.
To me it appears an Empire at verge of Falling
"We can get billions for even a single warhead sold to Syeria Lebia Egypt or the Big Player Iran. US knows this . and we hav the potetial to take such a step at the sake of our National Security.
Wat really we are witnessing is that US is paying a gurantee Fee so that those Nuclear wepons could not fall into wrong hands... Just like the Romans paid piles of Gold to the Barberic Huns..."

Do you look both ways before crossing a street?:tsk:

"Its All abt money for which we prefer to stick to US Like a parasite just like Israel."

It's actually all about ROI. Israel's is higher. Much higher. This comment speaks volumes about your personal ethics though.
"We can get billions for even a single warhead sold to Syeria Lebia Egypt or the Big Player Iran. US knows this . and we hav the potetial to take such a step at the sake of our National Security.
Wat really we are witnessing is that US is paying a gurantee Fee so that those Nuclear wepons could not fall into wrong hands... Just like the Romans paid piles of Gold to the Barberic Huns..."

Do you look both ways before crossing a street?:tsk:

"Its All abt money for which we prefer to stick to US Like a parasite just like Israel."

It's actually all about ROI. Israel's is higher. Much higher. This comment speaks volumes about your personal ethics though.

I doubt that US feel danger that it may go in wrong hands but it is Israel who is more worried about islamic or arab bomb.

Do you think it is ethical to first occupy land of palestinian ,keep them in siege for 15 months focred them to live with out basic needs and now murdering more then 20% civilians through F16's ,knowing that gaza is thick populated area ,they have no air defence system,tanks and central control and cammand.
"Do you think it is ethical to first occupy land of palestinian ,keep them in siege for 15 months focred them to live with out basic needs and now murdering more then 20% civilians through F16's ,knowing that gaza is thick populated area ,they have no air defence system,tanks and central control and cammand."

Read the Hamas charter have you? Given your description, however inaccurate, I'd strongly reconsider firing missiles indiscriminately into Israel were I any nation so weak and bordering Israel. Bet those corrupt Fatah criminals never looked so good to the Gazans.

What choices for leaders!

1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza x .2= 300,000. Not bad but then "...gaza is thick populated area...".:lol: How many casualties per bomb do you estimate?

"I doubt that US feel danger that it may go in wrong hands..."

I'd like to think that the Pakistani gov't employs folks a bit more bright than H2O3C4Nitrogen but then there's A.Q. Khan...and that spells p-r-o-l-i-f-e-r-a-t-i-o-n.

"...it is Israel who is more worried about islamic or arab bomb."

Israel has very good reason to be worried judging by comments that I read here.
"Do you think it is ethical to first occupy land of palestinian ,keep them in siege for 15 months focred them to live with out basic needs and now murdering more then 20% civilians through F16's ,knowing that gaza is thick populated area ,they have no air defence system,tanks and central control and cammand."

Read the Hamas charter have you? Given your description, however inaccurate, I'd strongly reconsider firing missiles indiscriminately into Israel were I any nation so weak and bordering Israel. Bet those corrupt Fatah criminals never looked so good to the Gazans.

What choices for leaders!

1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza x .2= 300,000. Not bad but then "...gaza is thick populated area...".:lol: How many casualties per bomb do you estimate?

"I doubt that US feel danger that it may go in wrong hands..."

I'd like to think that the Pakistani gov't employs folks a bit more bright than H2O3C4Nitrogen but then there's A.Q. Khan...and that spells p-r-o-l-i-f-e-r-a-t-i-o-n.

"...it is Israel who is more worried about islamic or arab bomb."

Israel has very good reason to be worried judging by comments that I read here.
Chill man..These are just personal opinion of Defense Pakistan Members.They're not in Military and they don't control our Nuclear Command System so you should not worry .Pakistan will not nuke Israel just for fun or muslim brotherhood :cheers:.
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