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120,000 Indian troops for Afghanistan or hot air

Very Strange after seven years now US army think tank is blaming that root cause of failure is due to less number of soilders .
Still they are not painting the true picture or could not understand the chellanges of this war.
The bigest chellenges are the faith and unity in all waring faction and evironmental condition providing them favour for continue struggle for longer period.These talaban have roots in general public ,NATO and Afghan Gov. could not break this bond uptill now ,let see how new US startegy suceed when supply line of NATO is almost blocked by Pakistani talaban and NATO concluded that this war could not be won.

India have few fighting batallian like gorghas,jat and sikhs but already deployed on strategic location siachen,kashmir and china boarder ,they will not take risk to lose these fronts ,if there is war in western borders.

pretty interesting summary there you have posted. I really think you can add two factors to it:

a. Since 1979 Afghanistan has seen nothing except war. With its economy shattered, a whole generation born and bred in war, which has nothing except gun culture and war as a way of life, few afghanis have any option except to fight to make ends meet. They can only prosper in a country with no resources if they can control it and the general population to get food, resources and women.

b. the terrain of afghanistan makes it impossible to control the countryside with only 30000 troops. you need to put in boots (soldiers) to control countryside. Just airforce can not do it. US and NATO met with success due to primarily air capmaign. The Northern Alliance was militarily never too strong to hold whole of afghanistan, they just dont have the numbers. and the new afghan army is way too much of a boyscout unit yet to be able to be an attractive offer for the youth and effective force to control the country.

You summary about IA was also very interesting. I appreciate the strategic depth of your reasoning. Thanks.
India offers US 120,000 troops for Afghanistan

I dont know how credible the source is and most of looks like a blog.

Please note that Pakistan has withdrawn a second divisional HQ from the NWFP. We assume its is HQ 23 Division plus the one brigade that went with the HQ to NWFP; Mandeep Singh Bajwa will let us know when he has confirmation. we are approaching the point where two-thirds of the reinforcements sent west are in the process of withdrawing. Please also note Bill Roggio at Long War Journal reports that in the Orakzi agency, one of the seven tribal agencies of the NWFP, Taliban has enforced Sharia law on 15 of 21 tribes in the agency. In other words, the Talibanization of the NWFP is proceeding rapidly. We also have an analysis on why Pakistani soldiers are refusing to fight the insurgents - we already knew why, but for the first time we have information from someone on the scene. We will give it to you tomorrow. But all in all, the US by insisting Pakistan fight the insurgents set itself up for failure. Again, we have said this before, we can now say it from another angle. US policy in the region has to change dramatically if there is to be hope of success in Afghanistan.

Our trusty correspondent, Mandeep Singh Bajwa, informed us this morning that India has offered to send 120,000 troops to Afghanistan. Naturally we asked Mandeep "are we being used by the Indians in a psyops game to put pressure on Pakistan?" Not that the Government of India knows we exist, but in all the movies about the media the Editor always asks if the paper is being played.

Mandeep's answer, paraphrased, was this: "I don't know at what level the offer has been made, but the Indian Army and Air Force are down to identifying specific units, formations, and squadrons..." - details, as we said, at Long War Journal - "...as well as discussing a specific name for force commander, plus working on the details of pre-deployment training, so this is a lot more elaborate than needed for a psyops game.'

We'd prefer to discuss this after we learn more, rather than waste your time with elaborate theories spun out of nothing ("Orbat.com's military sources say..."). But the following points are immediately apparent.

For the new US administration, this offer would be heaven-sent and just making it would put the US Government in debt to the Indians - "your other friends/allies talked, we walked." The administration could turn around to to its own people, and say: "Americans, you complain we are carrying the Afghan burden by ourselves, now we have a partner."

At Orbat.com we've been constantly talking about the need for more manpower; well, here you have a whacking big increment of manpower. With US/Allied troops it takes one to 75% of what Orbat.com considers a minimum force if Afghanistan is to be won.

In one deft swoop, India forces the Americans to chose Delhi over Islamabad. To the Indians the constant US attempt to "balance" the two countries has been a source of serious blood pressure since the 1940s; obviously if the Americans accept it has to be India First from now on and Pakistan gets marginalized. Moreover, the Indians put America up the creek without the paddle regarding Pakistan: "what is it your so-called ally is doing, compared to what we are willing to do."

The devious cunning of the Indian move becomes more apparent when you consider if the US government refuses, the American people are going to get on the Government's case: "The Indians are offering and you're still sticking with those slimey two-timers the Pakistanis?"

For India, offering a huge contingent takes the pressure off the Indian government to act aggressively against Pakistan. India does not have a launch a single sortie against Pakistan to punish it for acting against India. Indian government can tell its own people: "What good will a pinprick do? The Israelis have been bashing up the Palestinians for two decades, and where are the results? What we are doing is to strike a hard blow at Pakistan without crossing the Pakistan border and getting beat up by everyone for provoking war."

Plus India neatly destroys Pakistan's strategic depth objective. The Indians have been wanting to get into the act in Afghanistan for several years, because they know a Taliban government means more fundamentalist pressure on Pakistan and thereby on India. But the Americans have been refusing India help for fear of offending the Pakistanis. For India to get into Afghanistan in force is to again change the paradigm of Indian-Pakistani relations as happened in 1971 when India split East Bengal from Pakistan. For the last almost 40 years India's efforts to marginalize Pakistan have been stymied. If the US accepts the Indian offer, India gains hugely.

But right now a lot of American decision-makers do not care if Pakistan is offended because they see the latter has no interest in fighting the insurgents or helping the US against the Taliban. Once alternate supply routes are available, US can write off Pakistan and as a consequence, paradoxically, vastly increase its leverage in that country.

As for Pakistani/jihadi retaliation against India or the Indian contingent in Afghanistan, we've said before the Indians don't care. Their point is India is squarely in the sights of the jihadis: India is already under severe, sustained attack and unable to retaliate. As for the security of the Indian troops, that really is the last thing the Indians are concerned about. They want to go to Afghanistan to fight, not to protect their troops against suicide bombers.

Two other minor points in passing. By making this offer, India takes the wind out of Pakistan's sails because the latter has very successful turned the world's attention from the Bombay atrocity to getting the world to stop escalation between India and Pakistan. Every day that goes by, India has less diplomatic/geopolitical freedom to hit Pakistan. But if India has offered several divisions for Afghanistan, obviously the last thing the Indians are thinking of is attacking Pakistan - 3/4th of the Army troops (as opposed to the CI troops) India is earmarking for Afghanistan are from the three strike corps. So India undercuts Pakistani claims that Delhi is preparing to attack.

The second point we find interesting. PRC knows if Pakistan falls to the jihadis, Sinkiang is the next target. By offering to go to Afghanistan, India is directly helping Beijing. Which puts Beijing in a very awkward spot as India is a big rival for influence in Asia. Not only will Indians be helping PRC, if China does send troops to Afghanistan, Delhi will canoodle with Washington without competition from China. The Chinese will have no choice but to join the Afghan venture or lose influence in South and Central Asia, and with Washington.

To sum up: Orbat.com has been second to none in bashing the Government of India as incompetent and impotent. But with this offer, India has overnight changed the rules of game in South/Central Asia and struck a potentially fatal blow at Pakistan. In the end, this could become much, much bigger by an order of magnitude than breaking off East Pakistan in 1971.

India offers US 120,000 troops for Afghanistan
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Isn't that like 10% of their standing Army? And how the heck can logistically supply them? Via Nato? This sounds like pipe dream although I wouldn't mind it. It'll take the heat of our forces for sure.
They all cant be at once, may be rotating units for certain time period.
I don't think this is happening.

Not in our inerest. Politically impossible to pull off in India.
I don't think this is happening.

Not in our inerest. Politically impossible to pull off in India.

Chances are highly unlikely. Very high risk for any political party.

But it is in our interests. Just immagine in case of war you have option to attack from both side. Enemy will have to divide it's forces.
Isn't that like 10% of their standing Army? And how the heck can logistically supply them? Via Nato? This sounds like pipe dream although I wouldn't mind it. It'll take the heat of our forces for sure.

Logistics is not a problem as We have both the Russian and Iranian routes open which are accesible to India which is a far more safer route. This could also open gateways to a far more secure line for the Nato and the Taliban cannot hold hostage of any of the NATO supply routes. The Iranians will also gradually let the NATO use their supply lines or allow the NATO to supply through Indian trucks and ships. It is a total diplomatic win-win situation for all except Pakistan. They will be facing:

1. Sidelining by the Americans and the NATO.

2. Cut in aids.

3. More pressure on their soldiers to do more.


There are but a few problems like weapons compatiblity, And the major thing is.....under whose command will the Indian troops will be working? What will be their mission objective? Who will they be fighting?
Afghanistan is a country which has never been controlled by a foreign army (RESPECTS!). Russia, US, Pakistan or India cannot control it. Infact sending troops is not in India's interests no matter how much money/aid US offers.

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