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11,000 Sindhi, Sikh migrants in Indore to get citizenship

read my post again, take out the glasses of religion. If the Judiciary and Executive wing of our country starts making decisions like some of the legislatives are doing, this country will be another "religion" republic of India.

India is secular because the minorities too chose to be Indians First. Get that into your head.
I appreciate the constitution because of which you cant do jack to the minorities of this country.

I know far better than you buddy boy, why India was divided. It was divided because "some" Muslims were insecure of what their future would be with them being in minority. It was us who couldn't succeed in providing them "all" the confidence in staying together. Still "majority" of them stayed here rather than going to the new country, which as u said, was carved out for Muslims and then too most of them stayed true to their homeland.

now read again and repeat until u find why India was not made for hindus,sikhs,jains and buddhists?

No point in bragging something you have no idea about.
Why is india secular?If majority chose not to be secular what can minorities do other than comply with them??
A Case example is Pakistan, when the majority chose to be not secular what could the minorities in that nation do?fight them? no they cannot. so they are ok with religious republic.
Majority shows the way how a country is ruled not minority.Minority can do jacksh*t if majority is against them.
Get that thing into your head.
Simply saying India is secular because of Minorities is laughable, i proved that in case of pakistan majority rules.

India was divided because most of them couldnt live with hindus and they demanded outrageous things which no nation can give.What provide them with all?
Why should i provide them "all" i got? they are given according to their percentage in population and if they are not happy with that then they can shove it!
Majority of them stayed here out of necessity, some couldnt take the journey, some didnt want to part with their property, which made them stay, it was necessity, the rules of partition were clear!
Gandhi assured some ridiculous demands which no nations majority would accept that is the reason for his Assassination.
Tomorrow if this nations majority which is "Dharmics" demand secularism be scrapped IN Bharat then no force on earth can stop this from happening.

Let me tell you one thing about constitution if majority demands it even Constitution can be changed its not written in stone a simple 2/3 rd majority will change it, besides Secularism was introduced by Indira Gandhi by proxy in 1974 into Constitution during emergency when she put all of the opposition and majority leaders in jail and she wanted to amend the constitution so as to make herself a dictator/queen with rights to do anything as she wishes and the judiciary and everyone complied with her and even were ready to amend the Constitution,It was majority who were against such Amendment,that us why she had to step down and lost the electiona, so if MAJORITY chooses to do away with such constitution then it will happen and nothing can stop it.

Now read and repeat again and again until you find out why Bharat is a hindu majority and it is the homeland of hindus,sikhs,jains,buddhists!
India is a hindu rasthra any fool who thinks otherwise has lost his grasp on reality and is living in another dimension.
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I did. :coffee: The rest did by voting them out. :D

Source: 11,000 Sindhi, Sikh migrants in Indore to get citizenship | Page 2
Yeah most minorities. Now promise to meet me. I will take you to a place and you have say this over a microphone in public. Bolo manzoor hain? :enjoy:
@Sidak - You know where I am going. :P
In those Those places you mentioned his arse will be whooped by minorities for saying I am Indian first :P.
Looks like a kid fresh out of the secular factory churned by the marxist brigade.:pop:
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India is a secular state but India was also made for Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan/Bangladesh because they didn't create Pakistan and left on wrong side of the border in Muslim exclusive homeland and only place they can go is India.
I know far better than you buddy boy, why India was divided. It was divided because "some" Muslims were insecure of what their future would be with them being in minority. It was us who couldn't succeed in providing them "all" the confidence in staying together. Still "majority" of them stayed here rather than going to the new country, which as u said, was carved out for Muslims and then too most of them stayed true to their homeland.
You really believe that, don't you? Which dimension are you in? In any case, please come and speak the very same things that you mention here in front of a real human audience, belonging to the same community mentioned above.

To really prove their lack of confidence they launched Direct Action Day, the single largest communal incident in India's history. Please tell me good sir, where are you from?

India is a secular state
India is a pseudo secular state and at times a quasi Islamist State. But certainly not secular.
India is a pseudo secular state and at times a quasi Islamist State. But certainly not secular.

India is a secular state because it recognizes the practices and feedom of all religions. Moreover, India is secular because majority Hindus made it like that. But we can't handoff from our responsibility to Sikhs and Hindus who were left on wrong side of the border because our leaders agreed for Pakistan. Fools are those people who call it a discrimination, we have no obligation towards people who created Pakistan.
Stop blaming Pakistan when these people are from Afghanistan taking refuge in India due to war in Afghanistan, look at those few who immigrated to Indian from Sindh province to India, they want to come back. stop your spins of blameing Pakistan, typical Hindu always blaming Pakistan by their strange spins.
LoL yeah yeah we know why even some Pakistani Muslims want to stay back In INDIA..
Godhra police worried as number of visitors from Pakistan doubles
Here read the news and the highlighted parts.
The minoritie came for asylum because of Persecution,while the muslims want to come here due to economic and security factors.
India is a secular state because it recognizes the practices and feedom of all religions
Ok let's see this -

Can I worship in the Martand Sun Temple where my ancestors used to worship today?
Can I worship in the original Kashmi Vishyanath Mandir (now called Gyanpapi Mosque) as a Hindu today? Without demolishing any structure of course. Can I do that?

Ok let's see this -

Can I worship in the Martand Sun Temple where my ancestors used to worship today?
Can I worship in the original Kashmi Vishyanath Mandir (now called Gyanpapi Mosque) as a Hindu today? Without demolishing any structure of course. Can I do that?

View attachment 154862

I have no words for this. :coffee:
India is a secular state because it recognizes the practices and feedom of all religions. Moreover, India is secular because majority Hindus made it like that. But we can't handoff from our responsibility to Sikhs and Hindus who were left on wrong side of the border because our leaders agreed for Pakistan. Fools are those people who call it a discrimination, we have no obligation towards people who created Pakistan.

Providing all the privileges to Specific Community is Discrimination, giving shelter to Minorities from Pakistan isn't. :coffee:
Providing all the privileges to Specific Community is Discrimination, giving shelter to Minorities from Pakistan isn't. :coffee:

There is nothing wrong in giving asylum to people who didn't create Pakistan and suffering because of that. :coffee:
There is nothing wrong in giving asylum to people who didn't create Pakistan and suffering because of that. :coffee:

What did I say? I didn't say giving Asylum to Prosecuted Minorities in Pakistan is Discriminatin. :what: We even gave Shelter to the People who created Pakistan? We gave shelter to them to? They were getting prosecuted in the land created for them - I don't even have problem with that. I have problem with Appeasement. :pop:
What did I say? I didn't say giving Asylum to Prosecuted Minorities in Pakistan is Discriminatin. :what: We even gave Shelter to the People who created Pakistan? We gave shelter to them to? They were getting prosecuted in the land created for them - I don't even have problem with that. I have problem with Appeasement. :pop:
shhhhh don't put the secular fabric at danger.
Even a kid knows Sikhs belong to different religion, they only related to 4 Indian religions originating on this land and shares many similarities with each other. :rolleyes:

The four year kids might know. The founding members of India didn't. The Pesudo seculars started Appeasement policies right after Independence.

I made a long post to clarify my POV on Previous Page, so that what I'm trying to say gets into Skull of Secular. I'm not a Religious Bigot. Read it, Counter the Pesudo Secularism.
shhhhh don't put the secular fabric at danger.

I'm already trying to not to by Ignoring many posts in this thread. :lol: I tried to tell seculars, the secularism in which they believe or dream is alien concept in India.

If this makes me Religious Fanatic or Communal in eyes of them, I don't have problem with it. I have nothing against them, I worried this Pesudo Secularism will tore India Apart which I don't wish to happen. :o:
Its sad that fellow countrymen are being forced to move out of their homes and are migrating to a country that is a sworn enemy in Pakistani eyes.

I understand however the difficulty with which they have made their decision. It means leaving the native soil, their own land, houses and businesses. We must do everything to provide Hindus equal rights and protection in our country. Especially people who have migrated from parts which are now under the control of India must feel sorry for them as we were in the same condition once ourselves.

The forced conversion of Pakistani Hindus is shameful as are the allegations of blasphemy. We must protect our citizens so that they do not even think of India.
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