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11,000 Sindhi, Sikh migrants in Indore to get citizenship

I hate Congress :mad: I am Chautala and Modi fan :partay:

Brain Washing was started by Congress only. Chautla toh bad ki baat hai. :lol:
You are debating like lady Bindranwale, and also trying to unite Haryana and Punjab. You want to start a separatist movement or what?? :pop:

Trust me it is true. :agree:

Is it ?? :drag:

Err - Congress divided Punjab for no reason. That partition should have not been done. I don't want only Haryana to Join Punjab but Himachal to Join it too, the way it was earlier. :lol:

@Jaat Rock Levangay Levangay, Haryana aur Himachal Levangay. :rofl:
My views represents the views of Sikh Community and endorsed by The Supreme Court of India. You to entitled to your views and that doesn't make Sikhism part of the Dharmic Religion etc Bull Crap you are giving. :crazy:
How do you, and I mean sikhs see "dharmic" as separate branch?WHat are the differences that you think sikhism isn't a dharmic religion.The RSS branches here label sikhs as part of the dharmic fold as well as buddhism..
Point is simple Sikhism and Hinduism is not same. Period. Google it, you will get answer - What RSS, Congress or Constitution of India Labels is not correct. :)
No I wanted a brief POV of a sikh about why they feel so.I am not interested in who labels you guys as what,particularly the RSS,for they will include just about anybody in their group.
Sikhism, Hinduism etc are not part of each other. They share a common cultural background, just like Judaism, Christianity and Islam do. As a result, they have certain concepts in common. However, they're usually considered as distinct religions, again, just like the Abrahamic religions are.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe in one god, a soul and an afterlife. That doesn't make them the same religion. Neither does a shared idea of reincarnation make Buddhism and Hinduism the same thing.
My views represents the views of Sikh Community and endorsed by The Supreme Court of India. You to entitled to your views and that doesn't make Sikhism part of the Dharmic Religion etc Bull Crap you are giving. :crazy:
Actually you are manipulating what Supreme Court said to suit your point of view. Now at the very least maintain some decency while talking to others. For all you know others think of your view as 'Bull crap you are giving'.
Sikhism, Hinduism etc are not part of each other. They share a common cultural background, just like Judaism, Christianity and Islam do. As a result, they have certain concepts in common. However, they're usually considered as distinct religions, again, just like the Abrahamic religions are.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe in one god, a soul and an afterlife. That doesn't make them the same religion. Neither does a shared idea of reincarnation make Buddhism and Hinduism the same thing.
No one has said Sikhism and Hinduism are the same thing. Read. Comprehend before writing.
No one has said Sikhism and Hinduism are the same thing. Read. Comprehend before writing.

Read Article 25 and comprehend and write. :whistle:
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Read Article 25 and comprehend and write. :whistle:

Even a kid knows Sikhs belong to different religion, they only related to 4 Indian religions originating on this land and shares many similarities with each other. :rolleyes:
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No matter who says what ,I,have always held that India was,is and always will be the liberator of Hindus,Sikhs,Jains or any other tormented and tortured and prosecuted Indic religious group and is something which we as a nation should always cling on to irrespective of whatever our constitution might say about India being secular and all that and this should become a De-facto stand of our nation as a whole.This Bharat should become the promised land for all Indic religions and in this way we could actually make sure that the illegal immigration from the Eastern front is offset by a numerically equivalent immigration of Sanatan Dharmis from other parts of the World including Bangladesh,Srilanka,China and Pakistan. Jai HInd.Great move indeed by the Modi Government.Har Har Modi!!
Its a fact that the Sikhs of India want to be identified as a different religious group but it is also a fact that Sikhs do not (Atleast the Sikhs I know)try to disown their religious past and their Hindu ancestry which might appear a bit different from the Jain stand who usually socially like to identify themselves as Hindus which is perfectly okay.But the difference between the Indic religions and Abrahamic religions is that ours do not share an inimical relationship with each other.I mean Hindus would often visit Gurdwaras and pray and meditate before the Adigranth and same applies to many Sikhs as well.But you cannot expect a Muslim to visit a synagogue or a Church and pray. That's the difference we Indians do not disown our religious past and respect that past as well.
Brain Washing was started by Congress only. Chautla toh bad ki baat hai. :lol:
INLD support Sikhs :agree:
Err - Congress divided Punjab for no reason. That partition should have not been done. I don't want only Haryana to Join Punjab but Himachal to Join it too, the way it was earlier. :lol:

@Jaat Rock Levangay Levangay, Haryana aur Himachal Levangay. :rofl:
Like i support 4 states from UP, I think Haryana, Punjab, HP are good as different states..
Its a fact that the Sikhs of India want to be identified as a different religious group but it is also a fact that Sikhs do not (Atleast the Sikhs I know)try to disown their religious past and their Hindu ancestry which might appear a bit different from the Jain stand who usually socially like to identify themselves as Hindus which is perfectly okay.But the difference between the Indic religions and Abrahamic religions is that ours do not share an inimical relationship with each other.I mean Hindus would often visit Gurdwaras and pray and meditate before the Adigranth and same applies to many Sikhs as well.But you cannot expect a Muslim to visit a synagogue or a Church and pray. That's the difference we Indians do not disown our religious past and respect that past as well.
I visit Gurudwara every sunday :)
My Sikh friends believe in lord Hanuman :agree:
Good! Those who are alive and not converted on the sword's edge should return here. At least they won't become extinct like my people did or how the Kalash folk are now slowly becoming.
Sikhism, Hinduism etc are not part of each other. They share a common cultural background, just like Judaism, Christianity and Islam do. As a result, they have certain concepts in common. However, they're usually considered as distinct religions, again, just like the Abrahamic religions are.

The Abrahamic faiths all believe in one god, a soul and an afterlife. That doesn't make them the same religion. Neither does a shared idea of reincarnation make Buddhism and Hinduism the same thing.

The whole thing is rather silly and absurd.

Guru Nanak was a hindu, his parents were hindu, his wife was a hindu and he studied hinduism.

He was a normal householder till th age of 30 when he suddenly declared he got enlightenment and declared himself a Guru. What Nanak taught was just Hinduism which was taught by Adi. Shankaracharya i.e. Advaita Philosophy.

Look at the primary teachings of Sikhism,

The three pillars of Sikhism is,
1. Nama Japo - Japan to remind you of god
2. Kirta karo - live honestly
3. Vand Chhako - share/help others

This is lifted from the Pancha Mayayagas in Hinduism,
1. Samskara - Japan, pooja for god
2. Dharma - Live virtuously
3. Sarva Brahma - Realize god in others and serve society

4. Thirtha - Pilgrimage
5. Utsava - Celebrate festivals.

The Panj Dosh in Sikhism are,
1. Kaama - lust
2. Krodh - anger
3. Lobh - greed
4. Moh - attachment to materials
5. Hankar - ego/pride

This is also directly lifted from the Arishadvargas of Hinduism as taught by Shankaracharya,
1. Kama - lust
2. Krodha - anger
3. Lobh - greed
4. MOha - attachment to materials
5. mada/ahankar - Pride / hubris
6. Matsarya - Jealousy

The Five virtues in Sikhism are,
1. Sat - truth
2. Santokh - contentment
3. Daya - compassion
4. Nimrata - humility
5. pyaar - love

Four of the Yama's in Hinduism are,
1. Satya - truth
2. Aparigraha - contentment / simple living
3. Daya - compassion
4. Ksama - patience/compassion

The rest is Asatya (no stealing), Brahmacharya, Dhrti (courage), Arjava (straightforward), Mitahara (measured diet), Saucha (cleanliness)

It is just a cult variation of Hinduism, Buddhism is more faithful and direct in its adaptation of Hinduism.

Only a frog in the well considers the water in his well special. You jump out of that well and see the world around you and you realize how narrow minded your thinking was.
@DARIUS My comments in this thread were only in context to Secularism.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji said: before becoming a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh or a Christian, let’s become a Human first. I am not a Religious Fanatic, if Constitution of India Labels Sikhs as Hindu or even Muslim; Personally it doesn't bother me.

Sikh 'Bharat Mata Do Gaal Di Haar Hai' and have always protected Bharat Mata with Courage and Valour. I don't even need to mention there Sacrifice, yet they have faced most discrimination.

In ever other thread on Khalistan, 84 riots or Greater Punjab threads, I always mention 'India is Khalistan, Sikhs Land of Pure. Even after what happened in 84, we are still better being with Mother India'. Further, I've defended India proudly.

I have problem with Secularism, as in India it is practicality Pesudo Secularism. To prove my point, I've mentioned about Article 25 of India's Constitution and Seperate Marriage Act. When their is already a Special Marriage Act, what was the need for Special Marriage act for the Special Community, only for them? Trash me for this, but for me this is a Discrimination.

The Parliament from where Country is being runed is Pesudo Secular. Instead of Clearing Bills etc which are going to help common Indian, they wanted Debate on Gaza Andy Parliament was halted.

Why debate on Gaza was needed? Why the same people didn't debate on Plight of Yazidis in Iraq?

The Prime Minister of India say's that the Special Community has First Right on India's Resources. Why not everyone has equal right on it, after all India is a Secular Country?

The Home Minster says that People of Special Community should not be Arrested?

The Chief Minister of Particular states withdraws complaints, cases filed against the Special Community?

A political party does a Candlelight Vigil for Gaza? For what?

A Techi from Special Community Dies in fight, news are reported: Hindu Extremist Killed a Techy of Special Community?

In heat of Argument, a Hindu Politician forces the person of Special Community eat the stale Chappati. It becomes National Issue : Ek Hindutvadi nay Rozedar Bhai Zakie ka Roza Tudwa Diya.

However, when people of the Special Community, while observing Roza, Kill three people, burnt their Shops and Houses, doesn't makes to National Debates?
The news are reported as : People of one Community Killed, people of other Community???

Bombs explodes in House- Offices of the Political Party - that don't even makes headlines?

I have been told that Political Parties are Pesudo Seculars - don't Mix Secularism with Politics.

Indira Gandhi Propped up Bhindrawale for Political Benificts. It engulfed Punjab into Terrorism and led to Killing of Hundreds of Innocents, who had nothing to do with Pesudo Secularism.

Who were the victims of Pesudo Secularism - Common People???

People of Special Community died in 2001 riots, every one shout their throat out and call Modi Terrorist, Butcher etc.

However, no one talks about the Dirty Dance which happened in Streets of Delhi and North India in 84, nor the expodus of Kashmir Pandits. Are they less human then the Special Community? Are these people less humans then the Special Community.

I can carry on with it....

@levina You said you were not able to explain it to me, I think I wasn't able too. I have tried my best to explain my point of view. That is why I've taged you.

I always want India to prosper and have never thought Ill for it. However, when I look at above secularism, it gives me shiver and makes me believe, in long run it's going to burn entire India Like it burnt Punjab.

I wish in reality, India was secular the way you, @scorpionx, @Srinivas Seiko and other sees it.

Disclosure: My best friend hails from the Special Community. I have nothing against it. I just want everyone to be seen with equal eye and their should be ZERO, appeasement towards any community by everyone.
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