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10th national election, bangladesh (update)

many journalists are saying in each polling station there are more journalists than voters. good start for 1st National Selection

...but on record there are "lakh lakh" votes
many journalists are saying in each polling station there are more journalists than voters. good start for 1st National Selection

...but on record there are "lakh lakh" votes

Hasina got almost 80K vote yet we have seen only few people lurking around polling station. Only on explanation behind this phenomena. Gayeebi asmaqni vote casted by "?".

Hasina got almost 80K vote yet we have seen only few people lurking around polling station. Only on explanation behind this phenomena. Gayeebi asmaani vote casted by "?".
আওয়ামীলীগের পাশেই থাকবে ভারত: ভারতীয় বিশ্লেষকরা
শুভজ্যোতি ঘোষ

বিবিসি বাংলা, দিল্লি - 5 জানুয়ারি, 2014

বাংলাদেশে আজকের নির্বাচনের দিকে সতর্ক নজর রাখলেও প্রতিবেশী ভারতের পক্ষ থেকে সরকারিভাবে এই নির্বাচন নিয়ে এখনও কোনও প্রতিক্রিয়া জানানো হয়নি।
ভারতের কূটনৈতিক মহল ও বিশ্লেষকরা মনে করছেন – বিতর্কিত হলেও এই নির্বাচন যে কোনও মতেই অসাংবিধানিক নয়, ভারত সেটা স্বীকার করে এবং তাই এই নির্বাচনের প্রশ্নে তারা ক্ষমতাসীন শেখ হাসিনা সরকারের পাশেই আছে।
নির্বাচনের পরও ভারত যে শেখ হাসিনাকে সমর্থন জানাতে দ্বিধা করবে না – সেই ইঙ্গিতও মিলছে এখন থেকেই।
বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচন নিয়ে রবিবার সন্ধ্যা পর্যন্ত দিল্লির সাউথ ব্লক কোনও আনুষ্ঠানিক প্রতিক্রিয়া জানায়নি ঠিকই, কিন্তু এই নির্বাচনকে ঘিরে হাজার বিতর্ক সত্ত্বেও ভারত কিন্তু মনে করছে এর মধ্যে অনৈতিক বা সংবিধানবহির্ভূত কিছু নেই, তাই প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়ে প্রশ্ন তোলাও অবান্তর।
ঢাকায় ভারতের সাবেক রাষ্ট্রদূত দেব মুখার্জীর কথায়, বিএনপি না-লড়ায় এই নির্বাচন প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ হতে পারে, কিন্তু একে বেআইনি বলা যাবে না কিছুতেই। তিনি বিবিসিকে বলেন, পুরোপুরি সংবিধান মেনে এবং যে সময়সীমার মধ্যে নির্বাচন করা প্রয়োজন সেই অনুযায়ীই এই নির্বাচন হচ্ছে, তাই এটা সম্পূর্ণ বৈধ।
তবে ভবিষ্যতে যদি কোনও একটা কাঠামো নিয়ে বাংলাদেশের প্রধান দুই দলের মধ্যে সমঝোতা হয় – তাহলে আরও একবার সে দেশে নির্বাচন হতেই পারে বলে মি মুখার্জির ধারণা।
মি মুখার্জীর কথা থেকে পরিষ্কার, অচিরেই বাংলাদেশে যে আর একটি নির্বাচন হতে পারে – সেই সম্ভাবনাটাও ভারত মাথায় রাখছে।
তবে আজকের এই নির্বাচনটা এখনই করা ছাড়া যে কোনও উপায় ছিল না – সেই প্রশ্নে মি মুখার্জীর সঙ্গেই সম্পূর্ণ একমত ঢাকায় ভারতের আর এক সাবেক হাইকমিশনার বীনা সিক্রিও।
মিস সিক্রির কথায়, "মনে রাখতে হবে, এই নির্বাচন বিতর্কিত হয়েছে দুটো কারণে – তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার প্রথার বিলোপ এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধের বিচারের বিরোধীদের সৃষ্ট সহিংসতার কারণে। এরকম নজিরবিহীন সহিংসতা বাংলাদেশকে কখনও কোনও সরকারকে সামলাতে হয়নি।"
তিনি আরও বলছেন, "তার পরও এই নির্বাচন তাদের করতেই হত, কারণ তা না-হলে সাংবিধানিক সঙ্কট ও শূন্যতা তৈরি হত! ফলে নির্বাচনটা যে এখন হচ্ছে, সেটা কোনও সমস্যা নয় – বরং তাতে ভালই হয়েছে।"
পররাষ্ট্রনীতির বিশ্লেষক ও মেইনস্ট্রিম সাময়িকীর সম্পাদক সুমিত চক্রবর্তী আবার বলছেন – এই নির্বাচন নিয়ে ভারতের প্রধান দুশ্চিন্তা হল এরপর বাংলাদেশে জামায়াত ও অন্যান্য ইসলামপন্থী শক্তির আরও বাড়বাড়ন্ত হতে পারে।
তাঁর কথায়, "ভারতের আশা ছিল, শেষ পর্যন্ত সব বিভেদ ভুলে বিএনপি ভোটে আসবে – কিন্তু সেটা হয়নি। ভোটটা এখন শান্তিপূর্ণ হোক, সেটাই ভারত চাইছে।"
মি চক্রবর্তী সেই সঙ্গেই যোগ করছেন, সরকারিভাবে এটাই বাংলাদেশের নির্বাচন নিয়ে ভারতের অবস্থান – কিন্তু বেসরকারিভাবে যেটা দিল্লি বলছে না সেটা হল জামায়াত বা হেফাজতে ইসলামের মতো শক্তিগুলোর উত্থান নিয়ে তারা ভীষণ উদ্বিগ্ন – এবং এই শক্তিগুলোই এবারের নির্বাচনকে অন্য একটা মাত্রা দিয়েছে বলে দিল্লির ধারণা।
আর এই সব নানা কারণেই নির্বাচন-পরবর্তী পরিস্থিতিতেও ভারত শেখ হাসিনার পাশে দাঁড়ানোর জন্য মনস্থির করে ফেলেছে বলে ইঙ্গিত মিলছে।
দেব মুখার্জীর যুক্তি – এতে অনৈতিক কিছু নেই, ’৯৬ সালে বিতর্কিত নির্বাচনের সময় আমেরিকাও বিএনপি-র পাশেই ছিল।
তিনি বলছিলেন, "আমি সে সময় ঢাকায় ছিলাম – ৯৬ সালে বিএনপি সরকার যে প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ নির্বাচন করেছিল, আমেরিকাও তখন বলেছিল সেই নির্বাচন সম্পূর্ণ বৈধ ও গ্রহণযোগ্য!"
আসলে আমেরিকা বিএনপি-র পুরনো মিত্র, জামায়াতের প্রশ্নেও তারা ইদানীং কিছু নমনীয়তা দেখিয়েছে – কিন্তু সেই অবস্থানের সঙ্গে ভারতের একমত হওয়ার কোনও কারণ নেই বলেই দেব মুখার্জীর যুক্তি।
বরং তিনি বলছেন, "আমি আশা করব ভারত এই পরিস্থিতিতে তাদের পরীক্ষিত মিত্র বাংলাদেশের বর্তমান সরকারের পাশেই দাঁড়াবে।"
দিল্লিতে বাংলাদেশ স্টাডি সেন্টারের প্রধান বীনা সিক্রি আবার বলছেন – সরাসরি শেখ হাসিনার প্রতি নয়, ভারতের সমর্থন আসলে থাকবে সে দেশের গণতন্ত্রের প্রতি।
মিস সিক্রির কথায়, "বাংলাদেশে গণতন্ত্র, স্থিতিশীলতা, সমৃদ্ধি, ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা যাতে থাকে – সেটা ভারতের জন্য খুব জরুরি। বাংলাদেশের মানুষও এর প্রতি বারে বারে তাদের সমর্থন জানিয়েছেন।"
সেই সঙ্গেই তাঁর প্রশ্ন, "কিন্তু উদ্বেগের বিষয় হল – নির্বাচনের বিরোধিতা করে, রাজপথে সহিংসতার মাধ্যমে সেই গণতন্ত্রের যাত্রাকেই থামানোর চেষ্টা চলছে। রাস্তার হিংসা কি একটা দেশের সংবিধান বদলাতে পারবে?"
মিস সিক্রির এই কথা থেকেই স্পষ্ট – গত কয়েক মাসের দ্বিধাদ্বন্দ্ব ঝেড়ে ফেলে ভারত এখন স্থির করে ফেলেছে, এখন তাদের সমর্থন থাকবে বাংলাদেশের সাংবিধানিক নির্দেশনার দিকেই – যেটা এই পরিস্থিতিতে প্রকারান্তরে শেখ হাসিনাকে সমর্থনেরই সামিল!

আওয়ামীলীগের পাশেই থাকবে ভারত: ভারতীয় বিশ্লেষকরা - BBC Bangla - খবর
Hasina got almost 80K vote yet we have seen only few people lurking around polling station. Only on explanation behind this phenomena. Gayeebi asmaqni vote casted by "?".
friends on facebook are saying they won't go and vote but that they know their "votes" will still be mysteriously casted. some people are even sad that they would have been first time voters if they had not boycotted

BAL needs 5-10% support in entire Bangladesh to stay in power. and let India's magic do the rest

Not only Awami League digital deception but also reflection of chetona for projonmo class as Awami League told in the news conf.

but lots dogs came for indian backed Awami League election. Following is picture from a center in Magura - no people only dogs.

BAL's student league cadres??
friends on facebook are saying they won't go and vote but that they know their "votes" will still be mysteriously casted. some people are even sad that they would have been first time voters if they had not boycotted

BAL needs 5-10% support in entire Bangladesh to stay in power. and let India's magic do the rest

BAL's student league cadres??

Yup, Awami Dog League.
Contrary to GOI official's sugar coating on RAWAMY deception, the following is the one that carries the saying of almost 14 crore Bengladeshies...

Jan-5 ‘Sham Election’ in Bangladesh: The day the ‘Democracy’ died
By VorerPakhi | Posted 8 hours ago

At last, following all criticism and controversy, an unprecedented sham election took place in Bangladesh today staining country’s golden polls history with thick and red ‘blood’. Such polls-day violence is never seen throughout this nation’s journey as a whole. At least 19 civilian lives have been claimed today due to violent clashes over the controversial 10th national parliamentary election underway. Voting has been scheduled to take place in 147 parliamentary constituencies as ‘uncontested’ MPs have been made in 153 seats earlier. Even extreme violence has led 161 polling centers to total closure. Moreover, no vote is cast, even not a single one, in 44 polls centers. As many as 6 lakh law enforcement agencies’ personnel including 50000 Army men and 80000 cops have been deployed across the country to make polling successful. Admittedly, it’s not the law enforcers that can principally make an election successful; rather, it’s the voters who are meant to go to polls centers and effectualize the election by casting their votes. If the people, especially the voters, are not convinced of a fair atmosphere for free and impartial polling, they are not supposed to walk outdoors. But the situation sounds as if only the law enforcement personnel were going to hold a successful (!) election. How hilarious!!

To be frank enough, Awami League is an awfully stubborn party and not at all friendly, history says, towards the people and their interests. It once again repeated its historic role of autocratic outlook by holding an in-house election overlooking advice of all the influential quarters. The notable much lower turnout of the voters connotes that today’s general election is not one worth casting votes in as the ‘ballot’ is compared to ‘bullet’ and also as the bullet is not to be shot from a gun without a goal preset, balloting is, likewise, not to be held without any targeted point or at least if the target is missing. Contrarily, even ‘ballot-rigging’ is highly reported to be a thing in common in most of the polls centers. An election cannot be a token of multiparty democracy when the situation is that “many parties boycotted the polls”, as argued by the Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad while defending the low turnout partly, and “only several others joined in”. ‘Visual transparency’ of the election has also been cast doubt on as the journos have been kicked out of many a polling center.

The question as to “how much this in-house and exclusive election will hold water” has been raised as well as resolved by many. An election denied to be overseen by the United States, European Union, Commonwealth and Russia can easily be said to lose credibility to significant extent. The power-rivalry of the ruling coalition, especially Awami League that leads, is hurriedly paralyzing country’s economic and political orders. Perhaps, the world has never seen anywhere such ‘Opposition-hostile’ crippled democracy as is in Bangladesh these days. Autocrats walk to their demise as time passes by. No single autocrat or dictator could thrive sustainably in this world. An odd fellow like Sheikh Hasina, The Awami League chief in action against democracy and good governance, suffices to sink her ‘boat’ into water to a very critical extent.

Earlier, the joint forces (!) led by Awami League wreaked havoc indiscriminately in many parts of the country. Villages one after another became void of their male inhabitants. Hundreds of houses have been set on fire. Even news of rapes has come out. Even on the Victory Day, in Satkhira, countless houses were torched, vandalized and looted and 5 inclusive of a female Jamaat activist were killed. The government went crazier after it had killed Abdul Quader Molla, the prominent Islamic thinker and Assistant Secretary-General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. The state-backed forces made crude attacks on the people infuriated by the judicial killing (of Molla) in various districts so that they (people) cannot dare to protest. This is just a newer version of Awami ‘garrison force’ (of Mujib era). The queue of the corpses is being longer and longer day by day. Policemen, BGB and RAB personnel have gone reckless these days as they are ordered so by the government. They are religiously violating human rights now-a-days. All these nasty happenings pinpoint the fact that the people of Bangladesh are not safe in the hands of this autocratic regime.
More crucially, the mass media is not that vocal against human rights violation by state-backed terrorism in Bangladesh. Firstly, the government shut down the Daily Amardesh, Diganta TV and Islamic TV as these media dared to speak against government’s undemocratic and human rights violating actions. Secondly, it is airing news and information contrary to the facts by its polarized media. Threats are being posed to the media concerned so that they don’t even dare to publish any piece of news and information that goes against the government. On 16 December night, pro-government thugs raided, as per the announcement made earlier, the office of the Daily Sangram, an ancient prominent Bangladeshi daily, and attacked as well as fired into the residence of Shafiq Rehman, an eminent journalist of the country.

Bangladesh is now heading towards the very edge of collapse to be a ‘bottomless basket’ as dubbed by Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State. This January-5 election is another dose of lethal push to the country to lead it to the untoward destination faster. Given the ongoing political instability and economic vulnerability which are only going from bad to worse, ‘today’ is a day democracy apparently died in Bangladesh; we are not sure whether it’s still in a coma or not.

Jan-5 ‘Sham Election’ in Bangladesh: The day the ‘Democracy’ died - CNN iReport
AL even failed to do justice to their claim that it's possible to hold free and fair election under an elected government.
Journos kicked out of Dhaka 15 polling centres
Udisa Islam

Supporters of Awami League-backed candidate Kamal Ahmed Majumder were seen stamping ballot papers from one centre to another
Journalists were kicked out from various polling centres of Dhaka 15 constituency during the elections on Sunday.

The Monipur High School polling centre was empty. No journalists or observers were seen present there at the time except for this correspondent in the afternoon, whose mobile phone was snatched by AL supporters carrying cards of Kamal Majumder.

Taking advantage of the vacancy, supporters of Awami League-backed candidate Kamal Ahmed Majumder were seen stamping ballot papers from one centre to another.

Meanwhile, reporters from Daily Samakal and Daily Bartaman also said that the supporters of Kamal Ahmed Majumder escorted them out in various polling centres in Dhaka 15 constituency.

Less than 10% of all registered voters cast their votes at Monipur High School centre in Dhaka 15 constituency, according to the presiding officer.

The number of voters in Booth No 88 is 3,361, but only 376 voters had cast their votes by 3pm.

A total of 18 votes were cast at Booth No 81 where the total number of voters is 609. Similarly, only 11 voters cast their votes at another booth where the total number of registered voters was 610.

- See more at: Journos kicked out of Dhaka 15 polling centres | Dhaka Tribune


Published on Jan 5, 2014

Tarique Rahman speaks to the press in London, United Kingdom to respond to the Awami League-staged 5 January farcical election in Bangladesh that suffered a mass denial from the Bangladeshis. Tarique Rahman articulated that the mass denial and the apparently failed election are only the first steps of the country's struggle for the reinstatement of effective democracy. Tarique Rahman congratulated his fellow countrymen as well as the party members for their vigorous denial to the election, and encouraged them continue their fight to bring back democracy to the country.
At Least 18 Killed, Polling Booths Firebombed As Bangladesh VotesOpposition Announces 48-Hour General Strike Starting Monday

DHAKA, Jan 5, (Agencies): Thousands of protesters firebombed polling stations and at least 18 people were killed as violence flared across Bangladesh Sunday during a walkover election boycotted by the opposition. Police said they had opened fire at protesters as they torched more than 200 polling stations and stole and burnt ballot papers to try to sabotage the poll. Two of those killed were beaten to death while guarding polling stations in northern districts but most of the victims were opposition supporters. “We’ve seen thousands of protesters attack polling booths and our personnel at a number of locations with petrol bombs,” Syed Abu Sayem, police chief of the northern district of Bogra, told AFP. “The situation is extremely volatile,” he added after describing how thousands of ballot papers had been ceremoniously set on fire.

Most of the other victims were opposition activists shot by police, while a driver died of his injuries from a petrol bomb attack on his truck. Police put the overall toll at 18 although the opposition said 22 of its supporters were killed. “We were forced to open fire after thousands of them attacked us with guns and small bombs,” said Mokbul Hossain, police chief in the northern town of Parbatipur. “It was a coordinated attack. They managed to seize some ballot papers and they tried to steal our weapons.” In the capital Dhaka, whose streets were largely deserted apart from thousands of troops, police confirmed three petrol bombings of polling stations. Tens of thousands of troops were deployed across the country after around 150 people had been killed in the build-up to the election.

The ruling Awami League has accused the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) of orchestrating the violence and has kept its leader under de facto house arrest. The opposition had demanded that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina make way for a neutral caretaker government before the election to ensure no ballot-rigging, a system in force in the past. It staged weeks of deadly protests, including transport blockades and calls for strikes, to press its demands. In a statement, opposition spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir praised Bangladeshis for “rejecting this meaningless” election. Vote counting began after polls closed Sunday. Official results are expected Monday morning.

The opposition announced a 48-hour general strike starting Monday morning to demand that the election results be voided. H.T. Imam, co-chairman of the ruling Awami League’s Election Steering Committee, accused the opposition of using violence to create panic among people. “Still, I congratulate people who ignored such threats and came to polling stations,” he told reporters. Election Commission officials said attackers torched at least 127 school buildings across Bangladesh in overnight attacks. The buildings were to be used as polling stations. Voting was suspended in at least 390 of the country’s 18,208 polling centers because of attacks, the commission said.

The opposition boycott led to 153 of Parliament’s 300 elected seats going uncontested. Hasina’s refusal to quit and name an independent caretaker administration, which resulted in the boycott by opposition parties, meant the election was mainly a contest among candidates from the ruling party and its allies. Awami League candidates ran unchallenged in more than half of Bangladesh’s 300 parliamentary constituencies.
Congrats to Bangladesh on successful elections!
Bangladesh's ruling Awami League 'wins boycotted poll'
With results in from all but eight constituencies, the Awami League has won 105 of the 147 contested seats
Bangladesh's governing Awami League has won a violence-plagued general election whose outcome was never in doubt, according to preliminary results.

The opposition had boycotted the vote, and fewer than half the 300 parliamentary seats were contested.

At least 18 people were killed during Sunday's polling. Dozens have died in the run-up to the election.

Voter turnout appears to have been particularly poor, with just over 20% reportedly taking part.

More than 70% voted in the 2008 parliamentary elections, with officials saying the fear of violence and the boycott kept many away this time.

The opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) led a nationwide 48-hour strike beginning on Saturday after its leader Khaleda Zia urged supporters to "completely boycott" what she called a "scandalous farce" of an election.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rejected the opposition's demands for her to step down and set up a neutral government to oversee the poll.

The BNP has demanded that results be declared null and void and has called for another 48-hour general strike to begin on Monday.

The poor turnout was blamed on fear of violence and the boycott
Police clash with opposition activists some of whom tried to set fire to polling booths
Widespread violence erupted across the country on Sunday. Scores of polling stations - many of them schools - were torched, and violent clashes broke out between opposition activists and police.

With results in from all but eight constituencies, the Awami League won 105 of the 147 contested seats, with allied parties or independent candidates taking the remaining 34.

The ruling party also held 127 seats that were unopposed.

A final result is expected later on Monday.

However, the initial tally means Sheikh Hasina will face no problem forming the next government.

Bitter enemies
The opposition strike is only the latest in a string of protests by the BNP and its allies - including the Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party - that has seen a blockade of roads, railways and waterways and the closure of shops, schools and offices.

In the run-up to the polls, scores of opposition supporters died in police shootings and dozens of commuters were burnt to death by protesters throwing petrol bombs at strike-defying buses.

All elections since 1991 have been held under a neutral caretaker administration to ensure that voting is not fixed.

But the Awami League abolished the caretaker system in 2010, arguing that it was no longer necessary.

The government has insisted the BNP should take part in the polls within the existing constitutional framework.

Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia - who are bitter political enemies - have alternated from government to opposition for most of the past two decades.
BBC News - Bangladesh's ruling Awami League 'wins boycotted poll'
Congratulations to all Bangladeshis for choosing the right people in power. :-)

Congrats @BDforever @Anubis for a fresh term of peaceful, secular, growth-oriented government. :D
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