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100% price escalation on Rafale fighter aircraft to Rs 1.75 lakh crore likely to dent IAF's strike c

$ 30 billion is too much man.. Almost 4 times the total forex reserves of Pakistan....
Its damn too hot.

Why can't India go for more MKIs which it says are even better than Rafale. For 10Billions, Russia can transfer technology and India can produce all it wants without fear of getting overly dependent upon Russia.
Let's buy individual components that's lagging in our R & D ., and built our own AMCA ..
yes u are right mate Iaf dumb *** if the spend so much on tech which are 20- 30 years old we should see to the future
Why can't India go for more MKIs which it says are even better than Rafale. For 10Billions, Russia can transfer technology and India can produce all it wants without fear of getting overly dependent upon Russia.

The requirement is for a Medium Multirole.
MKIs are large.
This is what happens when you take forever to make a decision... Next time how about not keeping a bidding open forever and never trust the frenchies, they are useless.
coming from country which make every deal with claws link attached altleast frenchies dont have double standard like usa i know tech is costly but at least they are showing transparency in the deal offering full tot to us
Why can't India go for more MKIs which it says are even better than Rafale. For 10Billions, Russia can transfer technology and India can produce all it wants without fear of getting overly dependent upon Russia.

We are already manufacturing MKIs from scratch. It is better than the Rafales in some aspects. Running costs are higher for the MKIs, but for such a huge difference in purchase cost, I doubt if that is an issue.
It seems mighty MMRCA deal is going end up even before start...
On serious note, price is too high for rafale. india should focus now on indiginous programs and should even look for more MKIs or may be F-35 if US is willing to sell them to india.
IAF should reconsider sukhoi 35. There's no point in bargaining with Frenchies anymore! Nobody gonna buy Rafael at that price.
The French and the Swiss, they are always ready to screw people over.
120 millions only for airframes or weapons package and training is included?
5th Gen tech is not for sale in open market.

  1. For that you have develop it all by yourself. (will take decades).
  2. Steal it ( not possible).
  3. Develop it with like minded people like Japan or Israel or both.

I will choose option 3
go for a mix of

-> 40x SU-35s
-> 10 billion for 60 eurofighters (sold them to uae for the same price)
-> and spend some more money on lca's avionics by collaborating with italians,germans and british and make it a further potent platform...

Or simply go for JSF-35 (if possible)
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