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100 killed in Syrian violence Monday


May 29, 2009
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New Zealand
So it goes from the 20 a day we have seen for almost the last year to wholesale slaughter, how many dead must there be before Russia China and Iran realise assad is a butcher willing to masacre his population to stay in power?

NICOSIA — A surge of violence in Syria on Monday, mostly in the flashpoint Homs region, killed almost 100 people, including 55 civilians, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The violence, which also saw 25 soldiers killed, marks one of the bloodiest days of the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad's regime since it erupted in March.

Included in the 96 people killed were 10 dissident soldiers and six members of the security services, the Britain-based monitoring group said on Tuesday, without giving further details.

The watchdog said in a statement received in Nicosia that 40 civilians were killed in Homs, nine in Syria's southern Daraa region where the revolt began more than 10 months ago, five in outlying districts of Damascus and one in northwestern Idlib region.

In addition, the bodies of a family of six killed last Thursday were found in the Karm al-Zeitun neighbourhood of Homs, it said.

On Sunday, 80 people were reportedly killed, equally divided between military and civilian deaths, in the most intense clashes of the uprising began, the Observatory reported.

Almost 100 killed in Syrian violence Monday: activists
What makes you think Russia or China or especially Iran care that Assad is butchering his own people?
Russia has interests that only Assad guarantees in the country, as far as they care Assad can butcher them all as long as Russia`s interests are safe.
Iran, come on, no need to ponder much.
China - They usually shield all nations that are anti-western for no other reason than to tick off the west. They too have interests in Syria, namely resources.
What makes you think Russia or China or especially Iran care that Assad is butchering his own people?
Russia has interests that only Assad guarantees in the country, as far as they care Assad can butcher them all as long as Russia`s interests are safe.
Iran, come on, no need to ponder much.
China - They usually shield all nations that are anti-western for no other reason than to tick off the west. They too have interests in Syria, namely resources.
For the same reason U.S doesn't care about people being slaughtered in Bahrain,Yemen or repressed in KSA.Interests
So it goes from the 20 a day we have seen for almost the last year to wholesale slaughter, how many dead must there be before Russia China and Iran realise assad is a butcher willing to masacre his population to stay in power?
Is it Russia or China arming the terrorists and send them to Syria on daily basis?
What makes you think Russia or China or especially Iran care that Assad is butchering his own people?
Russia has interests that only Assad guarantees in the country, as far as they care Assad can butcher them all as long as Russia`s interests are safe.
Iran, come on, no need to ponder much.
China - They usually shield all nations that are anti-western for no other reason than to tick off the west. They too have interests in Syria, namely resources.

Ok Iran perhaps not, China will go with we dont interfere no mater how many are killed but Russians are romantics they had many strugles of their own through out history against bloody tyrants perhaps they can remember killing the Decembrists didnt end their revolt.
If assad were killed tomorrow it would not stop the killing, simple the alwaties fear what happened in Iraq will happen to them if assad dies Alwais will put someone else in power.
Ok Iran perhaps not, China will go with we dont interfere no mater how many are killed but Russians are romantics they had many strugles of their own through out history against bloody tyrants perhaps they can remember killing the Decembrists didnt end their revolt.
Russia sees Syria as an ally against the west, their ports of essential strategic importance, which they already sent carriers and warships as a warning to the west.
So it goes from the 20 a day we have seen for almost the last year to wholesale slaughter, how many dead must there be before Russia China and Iran realise assad is a butcher willing to masacre his population to stay in power?

Almost 100 killed in Syrian violence Monday: activists

Fortunately, they know better than that. Hopefully they will keep supporting Assad in his fight against the Western-armed terrorists.
Fortunately, they know better than that. Hopefully they will keep supporting Assad in his fight against the Western-armed terrorists.

I've seen plenty of reports on the Russian arms shipments to Syria and the Iranian snipers, perhaps you could provide the reports on which "western" countries are arming the rebels please.
The killing of his own people is certainly despicable. But after seeing how many civilians got slaughtered in Iraq, Libya in the name of promoting democracy, I don't think Western countries care about human life either. It is all about national interests. Let's just cut the hypocrisy and say this is just an interest conflict among nations.
Whatever be the reason or background Assad is clearly heading a country that is steadily spinning out of control.

His presence makes it worse.

He clearly needs to move on before his nation gets ruined completely and he gets hounded for crimes for the rest of his days.
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