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10 questions for the U.S.: Where did the novel coronavirus come from?


Mar 16, 2020
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The CIA shills thought they could coverup their crimes forever. If China is publishing this to the public you can bet they have vastly more corroborating evidence in their hands. The American committed a crime against humanity and they will become a pariah state.

10 questions for the U.S.: Where did the novel coronavirus come from?
Wang Fuhua


The Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., U.S., December. 4, 2019. /Xinhua

Editor's note: The article is an edited version of an article which was first published on a WeChat official account named Gong Yi Kan Shi Jie. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

Given that some major U.S. media and politicians made groundless claims that the novel coronavirus originates in China, blamed and slandered China, even asked for an apology from China, then I have every reason to ask 10 questions for the United States about its origin too. Better still, unlike the U.S., I did a lot homework and will base my questions on international media coverage of COVID-19.

Question 1

Since the director of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control, Robert Redfield admitted that some Americans seemingly dying from flu were tested positive for the novel coronavirus, can I conclude that those people actually died from the novel coronavirus? Among the 34 million influenza patients, with a death toll of 20,000, how many were misdiagnosed?

When did the misdiagnoses start? And did it actually start from August 2019? These questions are so vital that the world is waiting for an explanation from the United States.

Question 2

When there were some misdiagnoses admitted by U.S. CDC, I'm scratching my head – isn't the U.S. that owns the best medical technologies in the world? Why did that happen?

As the ground glass opacity (white patches) can be easily seen in CT scans of the lungs of patients with the novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia, it should have been an easy thing to separate the cases of COVID-19 and H1N1 flu. But why were there so many misdiagnoses?

Well, that reminds me of the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's request of controlling all messaging regard to the coronavirus. Why does the White House call for messaging control? Does the U.S. need to hide something?
Are they plotting some conspiracy?


Director of the U.S. CDC Robert Redfield (front) speaks during a press conference on the coronavirus at the White House in Washington D.C., U.S., March 4, 2020. /Xinhua

Question 3

Why did the U.S. withdraw from the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) in 2001? Why did it try to prevent a monitoring mechanism for the execution of the Convention? Is it standing in the way of developing biological weapon for the U.S.?

If not, why are there new biological laboratories in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan? Are those labs for biochemical warfare? It's impossible that they are keeping viruses as pets. If the U.S. is aiming at provoking a biochemical war, who would be the first target then?

Also, how about the swine flu outbreak in China last year? The odd thing is that it broke out in different places simultaneously instead of breaking out separately. Why were drones used to poison the pigs? Was the U.S. behind all that? I heard that it was the pork speculators. But that theory makes no sense – since the swine flu killed millions of pigs in China during the same period of time, pork speculators would suffer great loss instead of profits.

The best possible answer to that was foreign meddling. I was among those who wondered if the U.S. had anything to do with that and hoped for an explanation.

Question 4

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, located on Fort Detrick, Maryland, was shut down in July 2019. Was it because there was a virus leakage incident?

Just one month later, there was an influenza outbreak across the country. Were those two things related in any way?

Were the misdiagnoses simply cooked up to cover up such secrets? Did that also become a motive for the U.S. to shift the blame to other countries by labeling them as the origin of the novel coronavirus?

Was that an epic coincidence or a dirty secret in disguise? Why did the U.S. erase huge number of English news reports on the internet covering the shutdown in March 2020? Is there anything to hide
, or is there anything to worry about?

Question 5

At the 7th Military World Games (October 18-27, 2019) held in Wuhan, why did the U.S. team (369 members) win ZERO gold medal? Did that even look like a reasonable record for the world's leading military power? Did your government do it on purpose?

Was anyone among the 369 participants ever (mis)diagnosed with influenza? Was it possible they were carriers of the novel coronavirus?

The best thing for the U.S. now is to stop burying its head in the sand and give the 369 people PCT tests to see if they are infected.

Question 6

Why did the U.S. hold Event 201, a global pandemic exercise in October 2019? Why was the CIA deputy director participating it? Is it because the U.S. has foreseen a highly-infectious virus is about to cause a pandemic? One month later, cases of pneumonia of unknown cause were detected in China and there was a pandemic three months later. Probably, it's not just a coincidence.

Question 7

Japan, South Korea, Italy and Iran all reported that many of their first COVID-19 confirmed cases had no exposure history with China but showed connection with the United States. How come?

Genetic research shows that the type of novel coronavirus found in China belongs to Group C, but Group A and Group B viruses – Group C's parental and grand parental viruses – are both found in the United States. Why? A Japanese patient was diagnosed with influenza in Hawaii but was tested positive for COVID-19 when he returned to Japan. How to explain that?

Some COVID-19 cases in the U.S. had no connection with China whatsoever. So where does it come from?

Question 8

You've got no reason to deny that the 1918 Pandemic originated within your territory. But you let Spain bear the blame for as long as a century. Don't you feel shame on that?

History seems to repeat itself. So, is the U.S. playing the trick again and attempting to label the novel coronavirus as the "Chinese Virus"?

Question 9

The 1918 Pandemic, causing 1 billion infections, with a death toll "estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million... one of the deadliest epidemics in human history," according to wikipedia, was proven originating in the U.S., but the U.S. has never apologized to the world.

So far, the origin of the novel coronavirus is still unknown, but the United States is requiring China for an apology, how ridiculous is that! Just to remind the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic killing 300,000 people also originated in the U.S., and also the same for HIV AIDS. So why not confess to the world?

Question 10

In movies, the U.S. is fond of playing the role of the world savior. The image of Captain America is one of its most popular symbols. However, in reality, in the face of a disaster like COVID-19, where is Captain America?

The U.S. is not doing enough to protect its citizens at home or on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. It even attempted to make Japan responsible for Americans on Diamond Princess. How does the U.S. have the brass to do all these and accuse China of being irresponsible?

While China bought the world valuable time to battle COVID-19, the U.S. accused China of being passive and lacking transparency. Well, when the White House instructed the CDC to stop tallying the people tested for novel coronavirus, did that count as transparency?

When the U.S. government advised its people not to wear masks, was it not being passive? Just too many questions call for the U.S.'s explanations.

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com.)
just in case if you dont know were the corona virus in Italy come from... from ILLEGAL Chinese worker ...working illegal in Sweat shops... they brought the Virus to italy .... just check the maps with illegal chinese worker in Italy and then check the map with the most Corona cases in Italy... even the most dumb person see how the corona virus get in that huge number into Italy.... thanks to the huge number of illegal chinese worker in sweat shops...
The Italian call it Pronto Moda ...in Prato the center of "Pronto Moda" allone are 50.000 illegal chinese worker...
They are the reason why many italian start voteing for right wing party because the italian want to get rid of the chinese slaves ruining their old clothing industry....

This has nothing to do with USA...



first map italian provinces with corona cases.... second map italian prvinces with chinese citizen (mostly illegal) working illegal in sweat shops making cheap clothing
just in case if you dont know were the corona virus in Italy come from... from ILLEGAL Chinese worker ...working illegal in Sweat shops... they brought the Virus to italy .... just check the maps with illegal chinese worker in Italy and then check the map with the most Corona cases in Italy... even the most dumb person see how the corona virus get in that huge number into Italy.... thanks to the huge number of illegal chinese worker in sweat shops...
The Italian call it Pronto Moda ...in Prato the center of "Pronto Moda" allone are 50.000 illegal chinese worker...
They are the reason why many italian start voteing for right wing party because the italian want to get rid of the chinese slaves ruining their old clothing industry....

This has nothing to do with USA...



first map italian provinces with corona cases.... second map italian prvinces with chinese citizen (mostly illegal) working illegal in sweat shops making cheap clothing
The truth will be found, not long. I believe it comes from US, we will not forget and forgive.
For the sake of arguments, yes the USA has released it to bring the "balance" back!!! Any problems?!?!

No mortals would just leave their Super Power status just like that!!! The adversaries need to earn it...

What has been acquired with blood can only be taken away with blood...

Last edited:
just in case if you dont know were the corona virus in Italy come from... from ILLEGAL Chinese worker ...working illegal in Sweat shops... they brought the Virus to italy .... just check the maps with illegal chinese worker in Italy and then check the map with the most Corona cases in Italy... even the most dumb person see how the corona virus get in that huge number into Italy.... thanks to the huge number of illegal chinese worker in sweat shops...
The Italian call it Pronto Moda ...in Prato the center of "Pronto Moda" allone are 50.000 illegal chinese worker...
They are the reason why many italian start voteing for right wing party because the italian want to get rid of the chinese slaves ruining their old clothing industry....

This has nothing to do with USA...



first map italian provinces with corona cases.... second map italian prvinces with chinese citizen (mostly illegal) working illegal in sweat shops making cheap clothing

Illegal immigration is a serious issue. Unlike legal immigrants/travellers, Illegal immigrants cannot be tracked and scanned for the virus.

Published March 11
Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at US border amid coronavirus-tied travel ban

By William La Jeunesse | Fox News
Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on progress to secure US border, threat from coronavirus

Since October 2019, approximately 14,000 more illegal immigrants have been removed from the U.S. than arrived; insight from acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan.

Since officials first reported the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan in late December and the United States imposed a travel ban for those entering from China, Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally, according to Department of Homeland Security data obtained by Fox News.

While none have tested positive for the virus, the southern border remains a primary focus of the Trump administration, which sees the area as high risk and a gateway for COVID-19 to spread in the U.S.

"We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border, where migrants, law enforcement officials, frontline personnel, and the American public are put at risk," said a DHS official who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak publicly by the agency.


Under MPP, which stands for the Migrant Protection Protocol, the U.S. has deported some 60,000 migrants to Mexico to await their deportation hearings. Unless the Supreme Court acts, the policy will be ruled illegal in California and Arizona and those individuals and other migrants claiming asylum will be allowed to remain in the U.S. indefinitely.

"All it would take is a single infected individual to impact the detained migrant community within DHS facilities without proper precautions, which can only happen through orderly, lawful migration, the virus threatens to spread rapidly,” the official said. “Any halting of MPP would exacerbate this threat."

The U.S. southern border is a microcosm of the world, with foreign nationals from 122 separate countries apprehended or denied entry already this fiscal year -- from October through the end of February.

Seventy of those countries currently report confirmed COVID-19 cases, led by China but followed by Italy, Iran, India, Romania, Vietnam and Brazil.

The virus started popping up on health officials’ radar screens in late December in China and has since spread around the world. Some of the countries on the list have had very low rates of the virus, including Mexico.

Meanwhile, the number of cases in the U.S. has risen dramatically in recent days, topping 1,000. China has nearly 81,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Italy has more than 10,000 and Iran has about 8,000.

Last week the Border Patrol asked the CDC to take over testing of those migrants who show symptoms consistent with COVID-19. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also runs 16 detention facilities with airborne infection isolation rooms. So far, it tested 4 migrants, all coming back negative.

"It's absolutely a risk that we're monitoring and we're evaluating," U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan told Fox News. "And if it shifts and we're asked to do more at the SW border, we're ready to operationalize that.”

Agents say the threat is threefold.

One, Border Patrol agents can't work from home or practice social distancing. Those who work in the field are exposed to human contact every day with dozens they have never met, often in poor physical shape, coughing and sneezing.

Secondly, unlike legal immigration, where tourists and migrants arrive with a passport and travel history, migrants arriving illegally have no medical history and no travel manifest, allowing agents to determine what countries they visited and how long.

Frequently, those apprehended stayed in stash houses in Mexico with many others in the days ahead of crossing. None of those people know where the others came from or who they traveled with, whether sick people preceded them in the houses, who may have slept in that spot the night before, whether it was cleaned.

Finally, Border Patrol detention facilities are crowded, usually overflowing with migrants stuffed into pods for several days awaiting immigration hearings or transport to an airfield, community center or deportation to Mexico.

These detention centers are breeding ground for many types of communicable diseases: chickenpox, measles and the flu. In May of last year, a detention center in Texas had to be isolated and shut down after nearly three dozen detainees became ill with the flu and a 16-year-old boy died.


In June, ICE reported 297 cases of the mumps in 39 detention facilities as the disease spread across several states.

As for COVID-19, last week DHS acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf told the House Homeland Committee: "The administration will continue to closely monitor the virus globally, as well as in our hemisphere, and will adjust our proactive measures as necessary."

Roughly, 1,000 migrants a day are caught attempting to enter illegally from Mexico, which has detected seven coronavirus cases. President Trump considered closing the border, but has since downplayed the idea, while still using the virus as a talking point to support his call for a wall.

William La Jeunesse joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in March 1998 and currently serves as a Los Angeles-based correspondent.

Illegal immigration is a serious issue. Unlike legal immigrants/travellers, Illegal immigrants cannot be tracked and scanned for the virus.

Published March 11
Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at US border amid coronavirus-tied travel ban

By William La Jeunesse | Fox News
Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on progress to secure US border, threat from coronavirus

Since October 2019, approximately 14,000 more illegal immigrants have been removed from the U.S. than arrived; insight from acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan.

Since officials first reported the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan in late December and the United States imposed a travel ban for those entering from China, Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally, according to Department of Homeland Security data obtained by Fox News.

While none have tested positive for the virus, the southern border remains a primary focus of the Trump administration, which sees the area as high risk and a gateway for COVID-19 to spread in the U.S.

"We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border, where migrants, law enforcement officials, frontline personnel, and the American public are put at risk," said a DHS official who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak publicly by the agency.


Under MPP, which stands for the Migrant Protection Protocol, the U.S. has deported some 60,000 migrants to Mexico to await their deportation hearings. Unless the Supreme Court acts, the policy will be ruled illegal in California and Arizona and those individuals and other migrants claiming asylum will be allowed to remain in the U.S. indefinitely.

"All it would take is a single infected individual to impact the detained migrant community within DHS facilities without proper precautions, which can only happen through orderly, lawful migration, the virus threatens to spread rapidly,” the official said. “Any halting of MPP would exacerbate this threat."

The U.S. southern border is a microcosm of the world, with foreign nationals from 122 separate countries apprehended or denied entry already this fiscal year -- from October through the end of February.

Seventy of those countries currently report confirmed COVID-19 cases, led by China but followed by Italy, Iran, India, Romania, Vietnam and Brazil.

The virus started popping up on health officials’ radar screens in late December in China and has since spread around the world. Some of the countries on the list have had very low rates of the virus, including Mexico.

Meanwhile, the number of cases in the U.S. has risen dramatically in recent days, topping 1,000. China has nearly 81,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Italy has more than 10,000 and Iran has about 8,000.

Last week the Border Patrol asked the CDC to take over testing of those migrants who show symptoms consistent with COVID-19. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also runs 16 detention facilities with airborne infection isolation rooms. So far, it tested 4 migrants, all coming back negative.

"It's absolutely a risk that we're monitoring and we're evaluating," U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan told Fox News. "And if it shifts and we're asked to do more at the SW border, we're ready to operationalize that.”

Agents say the threat is threefold.

One, Border Patrol agents can't work from home or practice social distancing. Those who work in the field are exposed to human contact every day with dozens they have never met, often in poor physical shape, coughing and sneezing.

Secondly, unlike legal immigration, where tourists and migrants arrive with a passport and travel history, migrants arriving illegally have no medical history and no travel manifest, allowing agents to determine what countries they visited and how long.

Frequently, those apprehended stayed in stash houses in Mexico with many others in the days ahead of crossing. None of those people know where the others came from or who they traveled with, whether sick people preceded them in the houses, who may have slept in that spot the night before, whether it was cleaned.

Finally, Border Patrol detention facilities are crowded, usually overflowing with migrants stuffed into pods for several days awaiting immigration hearings or transport to an airfield, community center or deportation to Mexico.

These detention centers are breeding ground for many types of communicable diseases: chickenpox, measles and the flu. In May of last year, a detention center in Texas had to be isolated and shut down after nearly three dozen detainees became ill with the flu and a 16-year-old boy died.


In June, ICE reported 297 cases of the mumps in 39 detention facilities as the disease spread across several states.

As for COVID-19, last week DHS acting Secretary Chad F. Wolf told the House Homeland Committee: "The administration will continue to closely monitor the virus globally, as well as in our hemisphere, and will adjust our proactive measures as necessary."

Roughly, 1,000 migrants a day are caught attempting to enter illegally from Mexico, which has detected seven coronavirus cases. President Trump considered closing the border, but has since downplayed the idea, while still using the virus as a talking point to support his call for a wall.

William La Jeunesse joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in March 1998 and currently serves as a Los Angeles-based correspondent.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, located on Fort Detrick, Maryland, was shut down in July 2019. Was it because there was a virus leakage incident?
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, located on Fort Detrick, Maryland, was shut down in July 2019. Was it because there was a virus leakage incident?

Doubt it otherwise Maryland would have been like Italy and 500,000 people would have been dead within months.
Doubt it otherwise Maryland would have been like Italy and 500,000 people would have been dead within months.

Good point. But maybe the strain of Coronavirus was not as deadly as the mutated version in Wuhan. You've got to admit that it's pretty crazy for 2 senior care facilities within 40-50 miles of Fort Detrick to come down with mysterious pneumonia illness in the peak of summer. Over 60+ seniors and staff being infected. There were 3 deaths. Fort Detrick later being shut down.
Doubt it otherwise Maryland would have been like Italy and 500,000 people would have been dead within months.
Actually I thought your question too. I guess it could be this scenario.

Virus spread speed is in a way of acceleration. The massive infection normally doesn't happen at the early stage. If the origin of virus happens to a low population density place, the early stage could be pretty long period. In this window time, if the virus was brought to another country's high density place(big city for example), the virus outbreak speed in this country could be even faster than the origin country.
At the 7th Military World Games (October 18-27, 2019) held in Wuhan, why did the U.S. team (369 members) win ZERO gold medal? Did that even look like a reasonable record for the world's leading military power? Did your government do it on purpose?

Was anyone among the 369 participants ever (mis)diagnosed with influenza? Was it possible they were carriers of the novel coronavirus?

The best thing for the U.S. now is to stop burying its head in the sand and give the 369 people PCT tests to see if they are infected.
Actually I thought your question too. I guess it could be this scenario.

Virus spread speed is in a way of acceleration. The massive infection normally doesn't happen at the early stage. If the origin of virus happens to a low population density place, the early stage could be pretty long period. In this window time, if the virus was brought to another country's high density place(big city for example), the virus outbreak speed in this country could be even faster than the origin country.

Thanks for pointing that out. For example Italy realizes that something bad happened in November to December. Just as China was also detecting it in December but couldn't figure it out. So the early stage could take awhile.

Good point. But maybe the strain of Coronavirus was not as deadly as the mutated version in Wuhan. You've got to admit that it's pretty crazy for 2 senior care facilities within 40-50 miles of Fort Detrick to come down with mysterious pneumonia illness in the peak of summer. Over 60+ seniors and staff being infected. There were 3 deaths. Fort Detrick later being shut down.

Not deadly but 3 deaths? Should have been alot more in that time. If it travels that far, thousands would have been infected by now at the time. And when was this again? In the summer?
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