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10 deadliest countries of the world

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Something I am proud of. India is a masculine country.

okay so murders are masculine....rape are masculine. India have a very bad records of rape, Murders and kidnapping and this is not something to be proud. You are really retard. "Indians does maximum rape/ year in world so we have most active hormones in world what a ****". I feels very disgust when there are reports of rape, Girl Child Murders in a India. So, please don''t be proud of everything about India. India is best in something but it is worst too....
India has lots of problem but calling it number 1 is the stupid ranking.
It proves, men in India are masculine enough and have balls. In this way, inferior humans are replaced by superior humans in a patriarchal society.

This means peoples are frustrated and starving for food, health and living standards and therefore killing others due to this frustration, this is not called bravery........this is called height of poorness.....:toast_sign:
Ḥashshāshīn;3611097 said:
You idiot you think it's a good thing? :rofl:

It's a measure of the number of murders and rape etc

He is a flase flagger , already caught on another thread .
okay so murders are masculine....rape are masculine. India have a very bad records of rape, Murders and kidnapping and this is not something to be proud. You are really retard. "Indians does maximum rape/ year in world so we have most active hormones in world what a ****". I feels very disgust when there are reports of rape, Girl Child Murders in a India. So, please don''t be proud of everything about India. India is best in something but it is worst too....

You like it or not, Indian society will remain infested with murders and rapes. It was started long long ago by Indra. Now as it started, it cannot be stopped... as long as Indra's children are here, murders and rapes will place. We can say that we are lucky because both you and me are still alive this day, but who has seen the tomorrow?

One should ask Indra why he had to start all this. This is like "revenge is inherited." Now if I murder someone, the victim's next generation will murder me, then my next generation will murder them... this way it will go on. People are now addicted to committing murders and rapes. It would not happen had Indra not raped the Ushas (native women), had he not killed Vritra.

The mythic Indra was, after all, a warrior par excellence: the Rig Veda is a martial document. Scholars have debated whether the warfare was literal, ritual, symbolic – between groups of men, men and demons, gods and demons, etc. But Vedic study, both Indian and foreign, has neglected a crucial question which Uma Chakravarty poses: “Whatever Happened to the Vedic Dassi?” Chakravarty, in her deconstruction of “the myth of the golden age of Indian womanhood as located in the Vedic period”, emphasizes the historiorgraphic foregrounding of “the Aryan woman (the progenitor of the upper caste woman) as the only object of historial concern”. Chakravarty notes “It is no wonder then that the Vedic dasi (woman in servitude), captured and subjugated, and enslaved by the conquering Aryans, but who also represents one aspect of Indian womanhood, disappeared without leaving any trace of herself in 19th century history”[12].

The Indo-Europeans infiltrated the sub-continent in different waves, c 1500-1200 BC. The Aryan hymn singers of the Rig Veda lionized the exploits of Indra – his swigging of Soma, his rape of Ushas, his plundering of booty for his followers and also his killing of Vritra. Sukumari Bhattacharji calls Indra a culture hero [13].

Research Papers - The Mythic Origins of Menstrual Taboo in the Rig Veda :: Matrika

Now, with poor knowledge anyone may consider my words weird. Yes, if an illiterate farmer from a remote village is told about the basics of Quantum theory, he might say that is weird in the end. But the fact is that all the Vedic Aryan gods carry weapons of various types and when you carry weapons, you appear to be ready to murder.

Let India allow everyone legally buy and posses guns... there will be jalwa everywhere all the time.

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India deadliest in the sense that it has the highest numbers of murders ....on average of 42,923 per annum.

An INCREDIBLY dubious and self-serving way to go about presenintg these facts. Being the 2nd most populous nation on earth total homicides are always going to be relativly high. You can equalise the data by looking at homicides by 100,000 and wouldn't you know it- Pakistan (7.8 per 100,000) has MORE THAN DOUBLE the murders per 100,000 than India (3.4 per 100,000)!


Funny that!

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egg on face much!!
+ a YT vid is not an offical source! I could knock one up like this within 20mins saying whatever I wanted. "India the most dangerous nation on earth"!!!??? Dream on!! By NO measure is this true. India has its issues that it is working on but calling it the most dangerous nation on earth is simply absurd.
Thank heavens we are not on that list.
Because you don't have so many problems that India have. Rural India especially in UP, Bihar lawlessness is way much prevalent.

India deadliest in the sense that it has the highest numbers of murders ....on average of 42,923 per annum.
Yaar Windy. at least you shouldn't make these type of comments. Just look at Indian population - 1.2 billion.

It should be kept in mind that still guns are not accessible to most people in legal way in India... I wonder what will happen when keeping firearms for every ordinary citizen is legalized. All of India will turn into Kurukshetra... BTW I am in favor of legalizing firearms... some companies will benefit at least.

I am curious to know ajtr's opinion.
With Pakistan it too much meat, with India it is becuase of starving.
WTF, seeing a Youtube video made by someone & believing it like the words of God????

42k murders in India......ok, but India's population is 1.2 billion, it comes out to be 0.000035% of total population, not even close to many other countries including the US (% of total population), so how come India is the most deadliest country???

Is India facing suicide bombing daily like Iraq or Afghanistan??? Does India have the gun culture as prevalent in the US??? Is India hiding the world's most wanted terrorist???? HOW??? I know.....sometime India bashing is too much fun for some :lol:
You like it or not, Indian society will remain infested with murders and rapes. It was started long long ago by Indra. Now as it started, it cannot be stopped... as long as Indra's children are here, murders and rapes will place. We can say that we are lucky because both you and me are still alive this day, but who has seen the tomorrow?

One should ask Indra why he had to start all this. This is like "revenge is inherited." Now if I murder someone, the victim's next generation will murder me, then my next generation will murder them... this way it will go on. People are now addicted to committing murders and rapes. It would not happen had Indra not raped the Ushas (native women), had he not killed Vritra.

Now, with poor knowledge anyone may consider my words weird. Yes, if an illiterate farmer from a remote village is told about the basics of Quantum theory, he might say that is weird in the end. But the fact is that all the Vedic Aryan gods carry weapons of various types and when you carry weapons, you appear to be ready to murder.

Let India allow everyone legally buy and posses guns... there will be jalwa everywhere all the time.

ha ha ha .....what should i say to you now....god bless you and India

With Pakistan it too much meat, with India it is becuase of starving.

okay you eat all the meat...we are happy in starvation.
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An INCREDIBLY dubious and self-serving way to go about presenintg these facts. Being the 2nd most populous nation on earth total homicides are always going to be relativly high. You can equalise the data by looking at homicides by 100,000 and wouldn't you know it- Pakistan (7.8 per 100,000) has MORE THAN DOUBLE the murders per 100,000 than India (3.4 per 100,000)!


Funny that!

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egg on face much!!

after this post atleast Pakistanis should not have comment about India anymore but they haave no self consciousness...:meeting:
murders/100,000 in pakistan is more than double when compared to India......hope many ignorants will now consider this before posting craps about India.
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