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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Right now listening to Arnab Goswami and want to ask him what he is one ???
Arnab Gobarswami: "Its time to Isolate China Globally"

This shit's better than any standup I've seen lately.

Man, it's the first time I watch an Indian TV show. It give me weird satisfaction as this man shouting war against us.:omghaha:
super-ultra moron or trying to deflect away from humiliation upon humiliation being piled on mother india? whether or not they are doing something, you think they'll come and announce it here first?:pissed:

@viva_zhao @rott :nono:
Did India announced it here before violating ceasefire yet the new is all over. When something happens everyone knows and when it doesnt, you can make excuses all day long and take solace that they might be doing something they wont announce it here. Wake up 21st century.
because Indian and Chinese know that there is no benefits to anyone if fight will happen between India and china.

No Chinese or Indian support fight, any causalities of Indian or Chinese will not be justified because it is a kind of short tense situation.

Both countries are mature enough to talk and resolve the issue by talk...

Your assertions are not supported by the fact of the killing of at least 3 india soldiers by the Chinese military. Maturity does not come in to it. The huge, unbridgeable power and might differential in favour of China does.

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