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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I've just been on Bharat rakhshak for the first time ever just out of curiosity because you happened to mention it.
The delusion there is off the scale.
I’m pleased you survived the ordeal - welcome back safely bro.
Indians still are in denial and don’t register of the effects internationally what’s happened - I see this as perhaps one of their worst days in living memory - there is a chance more prisoners maybe handed over to the country that denied any were missing
Looks like you got the things wrong,

Good or bad, we are pretty open about information.
You & Chinese on the other hand, well, we all know how information flows, don't we?

Even after 100+ dead Chinese did not acknowledge any.
They had POW but did not dare to acknowledge that either, If you are wondering, it's because we had bigger number in cross-hairs.

Silence from Chinese speaks the loudest.

Okay, so this is how a delusional mind thinks:

1. India reported casualties on their side because they are transparent. China did not disclose the casualties because they hide the truth.

2. India disclosed their own POWs, who were held in Chinese custody because India is transparent and truthful. China and India did not disclose Chinese POWs held in Indian custody, because China hides the truth.

Oh bhai, what is stopping your country to disclose the number of POWs held in your custody? Mr. Transparent!

Itna na socha kar merey bhai, these matters shouldn't be analysed by delusional minds.
I actually don’t think that being defeated is too big a setback. Let’s say your rocket exploded before it reached orbit because of a defective engine nozzle. If you spend a couple months debugging the problem and engineer a proper solution, your future launches will be successes. On the other hand, if you claim that your rocket was only 10km from reaching orbit and make no attempts to improve the design because you achieved 99% of your objectives, then you can expect more fireworks in the future.
PLA Death Squads Hunted Down Indian Troops in Galwan in Savage Execution Spree, Say Survivors
The killings mark the Indian Army’s worst losses since the 1999 Kargil war, and mark the most intense fighting between India and China since 1967.

    • NEWS18 » INDIA
      4-MIN READ
      PLA Death Squads Hunted Down Indian Troops in Galwan in Savage Execution Spree, Say Survivors
      The killings mark the Indian Army’s worst losses since the 1999 Kargil war, and mark the most intense fighting between India and China since 1967.

      Praveen Swami

Furious hand-to-hand fighting raged across the Galwan river valley for over eight hours on Monday night, as People’s Liberation Army assault teams armed with iron rods as well as batons wrapped in barbed wire hunted down and slaughtered troops of the 16 Bihar Regiment, a senior government official familiar with the debriefing of survivors at hospitals in Leh has told News18.

The savage combat, with few parallels in the history of modern armies, is confirmed to have claimed the lives of at least 23 Indian soldiers, including 16 Bihar’s commanding officer, Colonel Santosh Babu, many because of protracted exposure to sub-zero temperatures the Indian Army said late on Tuesday.

“Even unarmed men who fled into the hillsides were hunted down and killed,” one officer said. “The dead include men who jumped into the Galwan river in a desperate effort to escape.”

Government sources say at least another two dozen soldiers are battling life-threatening injuries, and over 110 have needed treatment. “The toll will likely go up,” a military officer with knowledge of the issue said.

The fighting at Galwan, News18 had first reported on Tuesday, began after troops under Colonel Babu’s command dismantled a Chinese tent sent up near a position code-named Patrol Point 14, close to the mouth of the Galwan river. The tent had been dismantled following a meeting between Lieutenant General Harinder Singh, who commands the Leh-based XIV Corps, and Major-General Lin Liu, the head of the Xinjiang military district

Inside two days of the disengagement agreed to at the two Generals’ meeting in Chushul, though, the PLA set up a fresh tent at Patrol Point 14, inside territory claimed by India. Colonel Babu’s unit, government sources said, was ordered to ensure the tent was removed.

For reasons that remain unclear, the PLA refused to vacate Point 14 — reneging on the June 6 agreement — leading to a melee in which the Chinese tent was burned down, the sources said. In ongoing dialogue with division-level military commanders of the two armies in Galwan, a bid to bring about de-escalation, the PLA has alleged troops of the 16 Bihar were responsible for the incident.

The PLA, government sources have said, alleges Colonel Babu’s troops crossed a buffer zone separating the two sides, violating border-management protocols which mandates the use of white flags and banners to signal to the other side that it must turn back from the territory it is on.

The burning of the tent, the sources said, was followed by stone-pelting on Sunday, and then a massive Monday night attack on the 16 Bihar’s unprepared troops. Large rocks were also thrown towards the Indian positions by Chinese troops stationed on the high ridge above Point 14, one source said. Though some fought back using the improvised weapons carried by the PLA, most had no means of defence.

Large numbers of dead bodies, Indian military officials say, were handed over by the PLA on Monday morning — possibly men dragged away in the course of hand-to-hand fighting, and then killed.

The killings mark the Indian Army’s worst losses since the 1999 Kargil war, and mark the most intense fighting between India and China since 1967, when 88 Indian soldiers and perhaps as many as 340 PLA troops were killed in the course of intense skirmishes near the Nathu La and Cho La passes, the gateways to the strategically-vital Chumbi valley.

Beijing has issued no official statement on the numbers of casualties the PLA suffered in in the fighting, but the Indian Army claims it has intercepted military communication suggesting over 40 PLA soldiers may also have been killed or injured.

Earlier, on May 5, Indian and Chinese troops, as well as border guards, had engaged in similar, brutal fighting near the Pangong Lake, south of the Galwan valley. The commanding officer of the 11 Mahar Regiment, Colonel Vijay Rana, is still being treated for life-threatening wounds sustaining during the fighting, army sources say.

“There are obviously questions the public will want answers to,” a senior government official told News18, “including why the troops under attack at Galwan could not be supported, and why casualties could not be evacuated. The government will conduct a full investigation of these issues.”

No explanation has been offered for why the PLA pitched a tent at Point 14 after agreeing to a withdrawal. In addition to a drawdown at Point 14, the June 6 agreement had mandated an end to a standoff unfolding at another location code-named Point 15, and a withdrawal of troops and armoured personnel carriers stationed at the third location, Point 17.

Experts believe the crisis unfolding along the LAC is driven by China’s concerns that India’s development of logistical infrastructure could lead it to occupy contested territories it has until now only been able to patrol.

In maps published in 1962, after the end of the China-India war that year, the PLA asserted it had established control of the entire Galwan valley. Lightly-armed Indian troops of the 5 Jat Regiment, whose supply lines had been choked for months, held out against an entire PLA battalion at one key post in Galwan, losing 32 of the 68 troops stationed there before running out of ammunition.

Following the war, though, the PLA pulled back from its 1962 line, allowing Indian troops to resume patrolling ground dozens of kilometres to the east of the 1962 line, reaching the positions that India claims to be the LAC.

In the 1980s, China launched major border-works programmes which led several areas claimed by India to lie on its side of the LAC — like the Finger 8 ridge in Pangong — to be physically held by the PLA.

Same BAT type excuses. Stories and more stories.
On the other hand, if you claim that your rocket was only 10km from reaching orbit and make no attempts to improve the design because you achieved 99% of your objectives, then you can expect more fireworks in the future.

Sounds like a certain country bordered by Pakistan, China, and Nepal
Is this why @dbc said Kashmir should be part of Xinjiang?


nah! I said it so the people of Kashmir can enjoy a decent standard of living under the Chinese - something both Pakistan and India are incapable of providing its citizens. Don't attribute some retarded Indians retarded notions to me.
China price is competitive due to the industry scale, actually Chinese salary are at least 5 times higher India's, there's talk way before to move out of China to India for cheaper labor, but non success

You know China annual steel output are 60% more than the rest of world combined, China consumed more concrete in three years than USA in 100 years in industry revolution, but I guess no use to talk dumb PDF Indian like you only knows jingoism slogans

Plus what end product do you have? I kept hearing boycotting China, what India products can we boycott?
I dunno, the only thing India exports to the world are pedophiles
Hindu dieties like Hanuman and Ganesh will come from Himalayas to salvage India and embark on a war of conquest. RSS sincerely believes this.

I think with the break up of India and the collapse of Hindu right, Hinduism itself will become a dead religion like Buddhism.

In Hinduism, Kali Yuga (Sanskrit: कलियुग, romanized: kaliyuga, lit. 'age of Kali') is the last of the four stages (or ages or yugas) the world goes through as part of a 'cycle of yugas' (i.e. mahayuga) described in the Sanskrit scriptures


Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga.[15] Common attributes and consequences are spiritual bankruptcy, mindless hedonism, breakdown of all social structure, greed and materialism, unrestricted egotism, afflictions and maladies of mind and body.


The tenth avatar of the Lord Vishnu in the current Mahayuga is foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the current epoch. The Purana scriptures foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of the end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga.
Hindu dieties like Hanuman and Ganesh will come from Himalayas to salvage India and embark on a war of conquest. RSS sincerely believes this.

I think with the break up of India and the collapse of Hindu right, Hinduism itself will become a dead religion like Buddhism.

Man you are super delusional, India lost 20+. It is fact. Do you think India will disintegrate with loss of 20 soliders?
Now the rules of engagement changes in the LAC.
nah! I said it so the people of Kashmir can enjoy a decent standard of living under the Chinese - something both Pakistan and India are incapable of providing its citizens. Don't attribute some retarded Indians retarded notions to me.

Go take your soapbox someplace else.
it is nothing but a fantasy. it is a boast that "we" the vedic force are successfully defeating Chinese cyber attacks

[....] hackers from the Chinese city of Chengdu, headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military cyber-warfare unit [.....]The attacks began on Tuesday and continued through Wednesday, said people aware of the developments, but they largely proved unsuccessful
if n when they start, everything in bharat will go dark
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