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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Is this confirmed that 10 Indian soldiers are/were POW by china? Any source related to this.
More than 20 Indian soldiers killed and 40 plus surrendered thinking they will
get fantastic tea from the Chinese. The got a fantastic beating instead.
The Chinese are no Paks...

By the by, how do you surrender in a hand-to-hand combat???

Come on gift her bangles on her birth day.. thats why we fukin work.
Only if these were that affordable after all the taxes...

Holy cow, they are still insisting that they have killed 40 chinese soldiers? Or are they hiding in shame now?
The release follows agreement at Major General-level talks; no troops missing in action, says Army.
Three days after clashes in the Galwan Valley of Ladakh left 20 Indian soldiers dead, the Chinese on Thursday evening released 10 Indian Army personnel, including a Lieutenant Colonel and three Majors, from their custody.

A security source told The Hindu that all 10 persons were released around 5 p.m. after an agreement was reached at the Major General-level talks on Wednesday evening and they were returned unharmed.

Ladakh face-off | China’s People’s Liberation Army planned attack in Galwan for at least two days, says senior government official

Separately, the Army clarified in a statement that there were “no Indian troops missing in action”.

‘Soldiers were armed’
In another development, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said the Indian troops, who were outnumbered and attacked by the Chinese side, carried arms.

“All troops on border duty always carry arms, especially when leaving post. Those at Galwan on June 15 did so. Long-standing practice (as per 1996 & 2005 agreements) not to use firearms during faceoffs,” Dr. Jaishankar said on Twitter, in response to a tweet from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.

Article VI of the 1996 agreement between India and China on “Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) in the military field along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China border areas” says, “Neither side shall open fire, cause bio-degradation, use hazardous chemicals, conduct blast operations or hunt with guns or explosives within two kilometers from the line of actual control. This prohibition shall not apply to routine firing activities in small arms firing ranges.”

Ladakh face-off | No Indian soldiers missing in action, says New Delhi

Commenting on the 1996 agreement, former Northern Army Commander Lt. Gen. H.S. Panag said these agreements apply to border management and not while dealing with a tactical military situation. “Lastly when lives of soldiers or security of post/territory threatened, Commander on the spot can use all weapons at his disposal including artillery,” he said on Twitter.

The third round of talks at the Major General-level were held in the Galwan area. Specific outcomes from Thursday’s meeting were not immediately known, but a source said the talks were positive and there would be more meetings in the coming days. The effort was to reduce tensions on the ground and implement the consensus agreed on June 6 for de-escalation, the source added.

The Army had stated that both sides had disengaged from the site of the clash. However, both sides continue to retain a large number of troops in the general Galwan area following the build-up along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) after the violent scuffle at Pangong Tso on May 5 and the standoff since.

Ladakh face-off | Govt sources cite U.S. intelligence to claim China suffered 35 casualties

In the first combat fatalities in 45 years along the LAC, 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash after they were attacked by Chinese troops. About 80 Indian troops were also injured and all of them are said to be stable.

The Chinese PLA Western Theatre Command spokesman Senior Colonel Zhang Shuili said on Tuesday that the clash in the Galwan Valley had led to casualties on both sides, but so far China has not revealed the number of any dead or wounded.

Also read | There has been no firing on the border since 1975

The Foreign Ministers of the two countries held a telephone conversation on Wednesday in an effort to reduce tensions following the killing of the Indian soldiers.

(With inputs from Vijaita Singh)

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@Gandhi G in da house unnamed US intel from ranking website didnt tell you this.. :lol:
So, Pakistan army knew about this operation .... as i mention and guys can check my last post reference to my source... Chinese army beat the shitz out of Indian army and been attacked from 3 different direction and there was use of weapon. Chinese had killed Indian soldiers and drop there body in river , took prisoners ...Indian casualties are high as I claimed before...
your answers lie in your own posts. you mentioned GPS. i showed you how GPS is heavily being used by US navy, air force, NASA.

by the same way beidu will be used by Chinese PLA, PLAAF

you mention 'spy satellites', there are no spy or military missions allowed in space. its space law. so countries have been sending and using civilian satellites for military purpose.

did you read my post where i described relation between GPS and US military?who can stop China to use Beidu 3 for that purpose?

GPS was actually a military invention, later became available to public. if GPS was enough, if reliance on another country's system is enough why China needed Beidu 3 , and how much can it benefit its adversary india?

you have no idea of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Beidu can become part of

stop whining
Its not whining but its logic/commonsense, and i am sorry to say you lack logic/commonsense, to track someone positions this guy or group could have RECEIVER FOR THAT PARTICULAR NAVIGATION SYSTEM

My gawd, do these indians vet their propaganda pieces...even their puppet masters is having a hard time.

The other side have everything recorded just waiting for indians todo the dumbest and then gets debunked
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Yes agreed. As I said it will take some time. First will be value added stuff. It will be done in phases
High margin and finished product will be moved to India, next will be individual components.
If chinese are able to produce components like slave to keep it cheap, then let them.

As I said china holds nothing special other than cheap.
It will take time to find out what you guys are using is Chinese and after very long R&D you will switch the light bulb off switch made in china wires made in china bulbs made in china. All the devices on net made in china even the tv u watch indian propaganda news channel made in China. All I can say LOL at your blockade.

No worries India has cheaper wages. Btw, just read that we freed 10 soldiers, 2 majors were released as well. What's your take on that? Lol
China kick there behind so hard that they will feel the pain for few generations to come and history will say all they did was to do R&D on Chinese products to ban but couldn't do it, that's there reply. Cant even protect there border with nearly 1mill army in the region.
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