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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China



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Clashes comes days after Indian Army chief said troops have begun disengaging
The Indian Army and Chinese troops have been engaged in a bitter standoff over several weeks in Galwan Valley. Tension between the two armies continued for the last five weeks. The latest incident in which 3 Indian soldiers have been killed, comes days after Indian Army Chief Gen MM Naravane said both sides have begun disengaging from Galwan Valley.
CNN: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
BBC: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
New York Times: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
AP News: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
RT News: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
DW News: 3 Indian soldiers dead in a clash with Chinese troops
Yes it's true and we respect each of our fallen ones. It's sad and tragic.
when we know our casualties, we know enemy casualties as well. it can be 5 or more.... for sure the bullets were fired and now the blood is drawn.

death of our soldiers will be avenged.
Everyone who is happy about Indian soldiers being killed.... There are confirmed news of more than double the number of Chinese soldiers being killed by those 3 Indian soldiers. That's what happens when an inexperienced army challenges a battle hardened army.

Pakistan is battle hardened. India is experienced in butchering Kashmiris and minorities.

India does not care about losses. They have huge territory, industry and manpower. They have a lot of money. China shot down a fighter jet, Indians could buy 10 new fighters from Russia or the United States. China kills three soldiers, and Indians can give birth to 300,000 children a year.

However, for the time being, Modi will not order an attack first. He is patient and careful. He will not take risks. War with China may help Modi become the greatest leader in Indian history, but if it fails, it is the end of his political career.

And? China's population is greater than India's. China is superior in every way. Only the USA can hope to defeat China. How will super power Endia even tickle China?
But we also know you

You officially claim shooting down f16 while shooting down your own mi17 :lol:
maybe, but my point about how the commies control, release and suppress info still stands.

so far we have no confirmation of any Chinese KIA and my fellow Indians are really disappointing me with all the sources they've posted so far.

tum maze lete rho
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This time it could be real.


Three Indian soldiers have been killed in a clash on the Chinese border, the Indian army said on Tuesday, following weeks of growing tensions and the deployment of thousands of extra troops from both sides.

The army said the incident happened during a de-escalation process and involved “casualties on both sides”.
“During the de-escalation process in the Galwan Valley, a violent face-off took place yesterday night with casualties. The loss of lives on the Indian side includes an officer and two soldiers. Senior military officials of the two sides are currently meeting at the venue to defuse the situation,” the army said.
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