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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

No, it shared by both countries even now.... but dispute in boundary... still indian and chinese are present in Galwan vally

Its easy to see what belongs to who. India check points can be seen in Google map, and it clearly shown most of Galwan belongs to China.

PLA Death Squads Hunted Down Indian Troops in Galwan in Savage Execution Spree, Say Survivors

extract from above:

  • “Even unarmed men who fled into the hillsides were hunted down and killed,” one officer said. “The dead include men who jumped into the Galwan river in a desperate effort to escape.”
  • Large numbers of dead bodies, Indian military officials say, were handed over by the PLA on Monday morning — possibly men dragged away in the course of hand-to-hand fighting, and then killed....

This confirms my assessment from earlier today morning, Indian Army had no control over the situation on ground, they were basically handed in the dead bodies of their Soliders....IA had means to conduct BDA to even figure out number of dead Chinese solider nor does it know how many of it;s men are actually dead.

The number of dead 'MAY' rise up since Newspaper qoutes military sources that all lot of men are critically injured....
This drama is folding out exactly what i had predicted :rolleyes::angel::disagree:

why does every indian military story on them getting screwed sound like it has been sourced from a Bollywood script...

best ones

> Pak Army used chemical weapons in Kargil
> Pak Army beheads indian POW
> Pak Army abused and beat to death indian pilot
usnews & world report is a tabloid. just like all indik media rags. no wonder they take it so seriously.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have an important example of the ignorant aspiring to be the ignored.

Hahaha yea sure Joe or whatever you name is. The day you will Discover the direction of your arse will be a fantastic day ! Until then I guess everyone in the World would just have to bear all the BS from you Indians. :lol: :lol:

Anyways, Indian military will be hacked to death by the Chinese. My advise to the sane minded people in the Indian Military is to overthrow the Modi government and MAKE PEACE WITH PAKISTAN AND CHINA. :enjoy:
You need decades x 100 to at least match half of Chinese strength that too with USA's help.

There's a reason BJP is at pin drop silence over it.
The Chinese are a decade to two ahead, at best. That gap will be reduced in the specific theatres of war in the short term.
We haven't focused on China centric weapons. Necessity drives change, though.

Truth be told, we don't need to win, to weaken China. Extended conflict will do enough. And there are other countries willing to defend themselves against China. Including Vietnam, Japan.
They can grab as much territory as they like. We will be bombing that territory for a long time, though.

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