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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Honestly both sides failed by allowing things to get to this level. Both sides only have something to lose from fighting one another.
5 Minor injury? how is it possible. PLA attacked when Indian army sleeping?
Morale, formation, organised,skilles..etc,it connects with the fact that the PLA statement didn't used the word "Scarificed" if any solider deceased and the statement was soft.
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these chinese posters just got the draft from global times to drive this here now... soon the body bags will start getting back deep inside china to families who lost their only son.... and then the anguish begins.

why are you so afraid of putting the right figure for everyone, including your own people, to see? they must be in hundreds and you want to save face?

china is a country who's political party has an army... so they cant disclose these important details to local public.

if anyone dares to do so, he will be either killed like Li Wenliang or vanished like other whistle blowers of wuhan virus.
India will now seek an ally to help them against China. Russians just want to make money selling weapons, they will not support India politically or militarily. The United States is not reliable. And the last option of the Indians is Turkey.

Turkey wants XinJiang to separate from China and become an independent nation. India wants to annex Tibet. The two nations will form a temporary military alliance to attack China on two fronts.

Are you serious or joking?

You think Turks would go against Pakistan. :lol::lol::lol:

:turkey::pakistan: Never.
Conquest of J&K would eliminate risk to CPEC from India for good and put India in internal chaos/balkanization . India would no longer be a threat to Pakistan or China.

Nukes would be useless as the war would be isolated to Kashmir only.

Threat of US using Kashmir or India as bases to attack China would also be neutralized.

Its not about pak or cpec... But about Indian connectivity development at same area.
I do not think China will risk all out war with India to revoke Article 370.

China is trying to warn India not to fully align itself with the American nexus against China by being the West's proxy. It also wants to secure the region for its Belt and Road Initiative.

I think if China actually lost 50 soldiers, they will go for some kind of limited war because they can afford it.

I think a lot of people underestimate China's ability to do a knockout punch on India to force them back to the negotiating table. China is a real superpower and they can even force US to accept their demands. For China, making demands to India is nothing.

There is nothing in the current situation that favors India, China knows this.

Forcing India to reverse 370 will be a clear message to both India and US to not mess with China so I can see China's power brokers interested in the idea
Honestly both sides failed by allowing things to get to this level. Both sides only have something to lose from fighting one another.

Sorry, China is winning this hands down... India is caught with its pants down with nothing down there to show in response.

India is and has always been a paper tiger. It's forces are good at terrorizing innocent women and children in Kashmir... But when faced with real men with guns on the other side.... They run away to make Bollywood movies of their surgical strikes...
You are not even Chinese. You are an American citizen. Probably never stepped foot in China.

Many of the Chinese diaspora seem to be pro-Indian or fear war, while Chinese citizens have bravado and courage in abundance.

This is quite interesting. Our diaspora is similar too and different from our citizens.

I do not think China will risk all out war with India to revoke Article 370.

China is trying to warn India not to fully align itself with the American nexus against China by being the West's proxy. It also wants to secure the region for its Belt and Road Initiative.
China's wants to cut India down to size. Occupying Galwan Valley is sufficient to teach them a lesson for now but India probably will escalate.
Morale, formation, organised,skilles..etc,it connects with the fact that the PLA statement didn't used the word "Scarificed" if any solider scumed to death and the statement was soft.

Sorry as per the Chinese sources only.. 5 casualties from Chinese and Indian sources are saying 40+.

believed me! No one trust on your government statement... On such incidents.

I just saying casualties happened at both sides
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