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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

What is the word though? Do they even have the concept of "martyr"? Often when people don't have a concept they end up using foreign word for that alien concept.
Maybe Buddhism / Jainism has this concept. Tag Buddhists / Jains. Or even Hinduism may be having but the word may have been forgotten in time.

IF india wants to avoid a disastrous full blown war, more than back door diplomacy they will have to get their media under control. Failure to do this mean the extremist hindutva appeasement media outlets will charge up the public with more stupid and fake news breaks like exaggerated deaths on Chinese side or tge kind of propaganda we heard a few days ago like Chinese soldiers wont fight as the are only child of their parents and calls for "making china pay". This charged up public then have to be cooled down for political purposes and that forces government into makeing ill informed rash decisions with serious consequences!! That is what happened in case of Pulwama attack where the extremist driven media put blame on Pakistan minutes after attack and the public was so charged up that gov had to take a poorly planned and executed decision of LOC intrusion that eventually led to embarrassment faced by India on Feb 27!! In case of China-India, the consequences will be even more serious.

See, this is how much the public have been misguided and made a fool. Check out the replies to this tweet confirming 20 deaths!!
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Indian gov, if they want to avoid war, must control the media from propagating war hysteria!! That is more important than asking Russians to to meditate.
That's the beauty of freedom of speech and liberal democracy in India, which made government dysfunction.

Every freedom has a limit.
Speech is action. History proved that by Hitler.
If an Indian muslim or Christian soldier dies in combat he should be called shaheed or martyr
Shaheed is one who dies for a righteous cause; primarily that cause is the glory and safety of Islam and Muslims. I do not think that the Indian Muslim soldier falls in this category.
Cheerleaders should wait till new update but I guess dance is going on:

As of now we know that casulities happened in both sides bit china is not disclosing:

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Chinese didn't release their number and this is a good will to India, do you even understand what does that mean?

Basically he is mocking you, if China release their loss, which is no fatalities according to Chinese social medias, and the pictures of your dead bodies and men in custody, it leave no room for modi other than the succide mission on take on China, so China remain quiet and give his some room to fool you Indians, that's why the good will.:rofl:

But anway is not very hard to fool low iq Indians anyway
Thats what I'm saying bro. That we as muslims believe tawheed never stopped flowing from Adam to Muhammad alai salam. Even the Quran itself says that the message it has brought verifies and acknowledges the books/message of Prophets before it.
If you look at it pragmatically without emotions.

Islam in most cases is rebranded mixture Christianity and judaism, tailored to appeal to the people of a particular region.
Breaking news,
indian government and BCCI has decided not to play cricket with china. :rofl:
even though china does not have a team.

on serious not we need to high alert our armed forces modi has lost it and will try to claim victory against Pakistan only way to boost moral of indian.
Heaven - hell - apocalypse - garden of eden - adam - eve many more - all concept from other religions.

And how it is tailor made of people of particular region( a dessert region)

Can you tell us, how Quran describes heaven? Is it like a desert Oasis ?

Religious discussion is banned. Go check Zakir Naik if you want info.
China and Israel follows the same doctrine, neither confirm nor deny. If china says they lost less men than India, it will make India lose face and unnecessarily escalate situation, Indian nationalist will probably call for war. The only time I can think china will confirm more death is if it plays victim card, portray itself as the victim. If china has a win and doesn't want escalate situation, China could care less if Indian media claim china has 2x, 10x, or 100x more deaths, why not just take the win, shut up and be happy with it?

Don't know about Israel, they are a democracy, they have to rigorously report all their casualties.

It's not about us, it's about you, a win or a loss, ultimately a government is answerable to its own people.

But if your government does not believe that you people are equipped to handle the truth and them keeping you in the dark, keeps you people happy, finding excuses for them, then all the power to you. May you stay in dark for ever.
Chinese didn't release their number and this is a good will to India, do you even understand what does that mean?

Basically he is mocking you, if China release their loss, which is no fatalities according to Chinese social medias, and the pictures of your dead bodies and men in custody, it leave no room for modi other than the succide mission on take on China, so China remain quiet and give his some room to fool you Indians, that's why the good will.:rofl:

But anway is not very hard to fool low iq Indians anyway

I could be opposite as well. If disclose and chinse causalities are higher than India, chinese will ask to revenge.

So chinese goverment are down playing! The simple is that ....
Veer Ghati. Right so this is the Hindu word. So why is this not "adapted" to be used for all as a secular term given India does not operate along religious lines?

We use all three terms, Martyr, Shaheed, Veergati without any religious connotations of course. Just like how we use Bharat, India and Hindustan for the same country.
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