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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Yes I agree, most of Islam is a hybrid copy of Christianity and Judaism.

On the other hand both Indian army and Pakistan army come from Royal Indian army, which is why the term martyrdom is prevalent.

Don't make religious comparisons on this forum. Islam is not a hybrid copy of Christianity or Judaism. Stick to what you know best and that is Hinduism.
Modi, RajNath and Ex/Present IA chiefs previously suffering from verbal diarrhea but now with real one ... I didn't heard their mewing since the @$$ beating starts.
If you look at it pragmatically without emotions.

Islam in most cases is rebranded mixture Christianity and judaism, tailored to appeal to the people of a particular region.

How is it a rebranded mixture? Give examples please or are you just going to repeat the same bs over and over again?

Indeed but Shaheed is a Islamic concept including the term. If it was derived from British Raj then perhaps the "martyr" which is English would be used. But using "Shaheed" is not only a Abrahic concept but specifically Islamic and Arabic. So why are Dharmics using Islamic concept/symbology? Seems particularly surprising given that Indian's love baiting Pakistani's for having adopted the invaders religion and concepts. At least we can say e use it because we are Muslims. But Hindu dharmics? In your rich galaxy don't you have original word or concept?

Literal translation of the word martyr in Urdu/ hindi is Shaheed. English press uses the word martyr.

On the other hand, a concept which you copied from Christians in the first place, you are claiming as your own are being proud of it?
it is comical as always to see Pakistanis jumping up and down in their sad state when India and China are in conflict. Don't worry, these are big countries and know how to deal with issues.

"The clash in the Galwan Valley this time has led to casualties on both sides, indicating China-India border tensions, amid constant frictions, may spiral out of control. We notice that the leadership of the two militaries has exercised restraint after the incident, indicating that both sides would like to handle the conflict peacefully and not let the conflict escalate. It is noteworthy that the Chinese side did not disclose the number of casualties of the Chinese military, a move that aims to avoid comparing and preventing confrontational sentiments from escalating."

Ex Indian Army dude head explodes
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Literal translation of the word martyr in Urdu/ hindi is Shaheed.
In Urdu it is not translation but simple appropriation of Arabic with the vehicle being Islam. But does Hindi not have it's own word/concept for "martyr"? Why do dharmics need to travel to Arabic to find a uniquely Islamic term for translation of English term "martyr"?
Literal translation of the word martyr in Urdu/ hindi is Shaheed. English press uses the word martyr.

On the other hand, a concept which you copied from Christians in the first place, you are claiming as your own are being proud of it?

The concept of dying for a particular religion is seen all across. Almost all religions have this concept in one way or another. What you don't seem to understand is the word. "Shaheed" is an Islamic word from Arabic adapted by Urdu and it has certain connotations. It is purely Muslim. Why are you using it when the majority of your soldiers are Hindus? Martyrdom is not being questioned it is the word that is in question.. You guys are Hindus, not shaheeds.
If there was Chinese casualties, and the likelihood for that to happen is also big, so by not showing the casualties means China want to deescalate the tension. Just think if it is indeed many Chinese casualties happening in their side. Their government will get some pressure from their people to retaliate and it will likely create war.

Why are you passing conjecture as fact? Are Indians so beloved to you?

Wait for official Chinese statements, because as of now China is on full war footing and so is Pakistan.

Indians backstabbed China twice and took Chinese blood, this is serious. The threat must be eliminated.
How is it a rebranded mixture? Give examples please or are you just going to repeat the same bs over and over again?

Heaven - hell - apocalypse - garden of eden - adam - eve many more - all concept from other religions.

And how it is tailor made of people of particular region( a dessert region)

Can you tell us, how Quran describes heaven? Is it like a desert Oasis ?

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