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10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

This should have not happened, we were supposed to be past that stage... :cry:
You are right... We should learn something from Americans in Afghanistan... We are fighting since 20 years in those areas... And this should not be happens in any way.. Why we are not using UAVs to monitor afghan board during working on wall..??
You are right... We should learn something from Americans in Afghanistan... We are fighting since 20 years in those areas... And this should not be happens in any way.. Why we are not using UAVs to monitor afghan board during working on wall..??
Drones cannot protect the workers on the ground.. Besides since they were ambushed i believe the foot soldiers went to investigate something.. Thats where the problem lies we still are not well equipped..
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Inside the vest there is a ceramic plate or a steel plate---.

I mean to say---these are one too many deaths on a single ocassion---. How are they getting trapped---.
I saw some videos of ambushes before waziristan operation. Our soldiers move mostly in toyota double cabins. If a good spot is chosen for ambush and you you are in a toyota there is little chance of survival once the vehicles stops.

We definitely need armored vehicles along with extensive drone coverage.
More of this can be expected as we have butt hurt neighbors whose *** is continuously being lit on fire ever since Feb this year. They will throw all their stuff at us to try and sabotage the Afghan peace and india's sidelining and loss of rep in the International world and politics.

Thanks for electing modi @Indians
Another 5 years and india will be no different than another third world country no one cares about...
We need to develop attack/suicide drones. Small drones with enough plastic explosives or to drop grenades. Or other C weapons if we have them.

Inside the vest there is a ceramic plate or a steel plate---.

I mean to say---these are one too many deaths on a single ocassion---. How are they getting trapped---.
I know about the plates being inside, I was assuming you knew too (which you did of course) so I shortened it.
And that’s what I’m wondering too. Where was the support? If any? We don’t even have figures of enemy deaths this time so that further complicates it. It’s too vague to comment on. It’s like all we know is that they were martyred, why, how etc isn’t.
Thank you my dear kin for giving your lives for the betterment of Pakistan.
Equip the forces as best as you can and kill four times the number that we lose.
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