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10,000 warheads



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May 23, 2013
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http : // aworldchaos wordpress com /2013/07/28/chinas-nuclear-arsenal-perhaps-worlds-largest-up-to-10000-warheads/

China Daily Mail - Mil.huaniu.com says in its comprehensive report on July 24, 2013: “According to an article in Russian Military Messenger weekly on July 24 titled “China’s grand nuclear gift—China may have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world”,

the author, a deputy director of the Russian Institute for Political and Military Analysis, believes that from the perspective of production capacity, there are at least a few thousand and even up to ten thousand nuclear warheads in China’s nuclear arsenal.

“The Russian media says that China has not revealed any official data about the size of its nuclear arsenal and is not expected to publish any data in the future. Beijing has no intention for discussion of the size and deployment of its nuclear weapons, but has merely announced that it has very few nuclear warheads. On that excuse, it firmly refuses to participate in any nuclear disarmament negotiations.”

Some western analysts believe that the number of China’s nuclear warheads does not exceed 250. “However, in the 1990s, China was able to make more than 140 nuclear warheads p.a. Even if some of the old warheads have been dismantled, the estimate of 250 warheads cannot even been regarded as an awkward joke.”

The article points out that judging by China’s production capacity, China has at least several thousand and even nearly ten thousand nuclear warheads.

As for the number of China’s ICBMs, judging by the production capacity of China’s military industrial enterprises and its huge underground tunnel system to cover its ICBMs, China perhaps has nearly one thousand ICBMs. Therefore, it is quite safe to say that China has a comparable or even larger nuclear arsenal than the United States and Russia.
@AsianBoy u cant post link until you reach 30 posts..
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No,no,no。We have 50-100 warheads according to the Americans。

Russians are being overly generous in their estimate。:azn:
10,000 nukes?


Like I'm Santa Claus too! :cheesy:
according to open source, NTI, they have enough fissile materials for about 3000 nukes.
Funny number, 1 warhead cost 50million$ during whole life span, 10000warhead--500billion$??? OK, if sun comes from west I will believe that. 500 is a believeble number, China's nuke policy is lowest limited deterrence----comfirm after nuke attack, there will be at least 1 warhead reach enemies' city
No, we don't have that many.

We will always keep our nuclear stockpile in between that of US/Russia and UK/France.

Too many nukes will eat up all of our budget and prevent us to further upgrade our nuclear technology. :coffee:
People should stop writing stupid articles like this one, especially when they do not offer any evidence for their claims.
that ruski must had too much vodka before saying this he must have added an extra zero

Stupid article. Even 100 megaton nukes can destroy earth then what will they do with 10000 warheads.

soviets tested tsar bomba (scaled down version of a 100 mega ton) with 57 mega ton it diddnt destroyed half of the world :cheesy:

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