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10,000 ‘jihadi’ fighters have crossed into Afghanistan from Pak., says Ashraf Ghani

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These Gangedeshis have suffered repeat brain hemorrhage lately, Covid, loss of control over LAC, forced to make ceasefire with Pak, China breathing down their throat, economy in a freefall, Afghanistan and 20 years of investment their lost to the loot of the taliban :D
The library

You forgot the library .
Russia dumped India

Canada dumped India

Israel dumped India

France dumped India

UK dumped India

EU dumped India

Iran dumped India

US dumped India

World is dumping India at light speed and the fun continues.
And they said we are isolated. :lol:
Their whole cultural edifice is standing on Fantasies and lies.
The problem is that the Kabul regime is following and supporting these fantasies as well. India and Kabul are spoilers to regional peace and integration. Mind sets must change on their side or they will be left behind by the CA and Eurasia.
Please keep fake news Factory away from the Forum as it is toxic for normal working brains. Since the Indian disgraceful exit and loss of launching pads in Afghanistan; Modi is shitting in paints and his media continues with propaganda to wash off his own fear.

Someone needs to tell them lynching sanghis that Taliban didn't need any fighters from Pakistan to kick out invaders or even controlling Afghanistan at large. My sympathies with helpless Indians going through such mental torture and to be counted among idiots before world.

Thread locked due to low quality journalism and fake news.

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