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بھارت میں ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے مسلمان سیاستدان کو زندہ جلا دیا


Apr 27, 2012
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لکھنؤ: بھارت میں مسلمانوں پر حملے نئی بات نہیں لیکن انتہا پسند ہندوؤں کے اندر پلتے مسلم کش جذبات کس قدر بھیانک ہوچکے ہیں اس کا اندازہ اس سے لگایا جاسکتا ہے کہ گزشتہ روز ریاست اترپردیش میں ایک ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے خود کو آگ لگا کر وہاں موجود مسلمان سیاستدان کو بھی جلا ڈالا۔

غیر ملکی خبر رساں ادارے کی رپورٹ کے مطابق بھارتی ریاست اتر پردیش کے شہر سلطان پور میں سرکاری ٹی وی چینل نے ایک پبلک پارک میں سیاستدانوں کے درمیان مباحثے کا اہتمام کیا تھا جسے براہ راست نشر کیا جارہا تھا۔ مباحثے میں جہاں کئی جماعتوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے سیاستدان موجود تھے وہیں بہوجن سماج وادی پارٹی سے تعلق رکھنے والے ایک مسلمان سیاستدان قمر الزماں بھی شریک تھے۔ ٹی وی شو جاری تھا کہ اچانک ایک انتہا پسند ہندو اسٹیج پر آیا اور پہلے اس نے مٹی کا تیل چھڑک کر خود کو آگ لگائی اس کے بعد قمرالزماں کو بھی کھینچ کر اپنے ساتھ جکڑ لیا۔ وہاں موجود لوگوں نے قمر الزماں کو خودسوزی کرنے والے شخص کے شکنجے سے نکالنے کی بہت کوشش کی لیکن وہ اس میں کامیاب نہ ہوسکے۔

قمر الزماں کوبچانے کی کوشش میں شو میں شریک 2اور سیاستدان رام کمار سنگھ اور چوہدری ہری دیو رام ورما بھی زخمی ہوئے۔ دونوں کو شدید تشویشناک حالت میں سلطان پور کے اسپتال لے جایا گیا تاہم بعد میں دونوں کو لکھنؤ کے سرکاری اسپتاال میں منتقل کردیا گیا، جہاں انہیں طبی امداد دی جارہی ہے۔

پولیس نے اپنے آپ کو آگ لگانے والے شخص کی شناخت درگیش کمار کے نام سے کی ہے، پولیس کا کہنا ہے کہ درگیش کا جسم 95 فیصد جبکہ قمر الزمان 75 فیصد جلے ہوئے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے ان دونوں کے بچنے کے امکانات انتہائی کم ہیِں، دونوں کی حالت ایسی نہیں کہ ان کے بیان ریکارڈ کئے جاسکیں تاہم واقعے کے محرکات جاننے کے لئے تفتیشی شروع کردی گئی ہے۔

واضح رہے کہ بھارت میں ہندوؤں کی جانب سے مسلمانوں کو نشانہ بنانا نئی بات نہیں لیکن کسی مخالف سیاسی جماعت یا برادری کے نمائندے کے ساتھ بھارت میں ہونے والا یہ اندوہناک واقعہ پوری دنیا کی انتخابی تاریخ میں پہلا واقعہ ہے کہ کسی سیاسی رہنما کو اس طرح سرعام جلانے کی کوشش کی گئی ہو۔

بھارت میں ٹی وی شو کے دوران انتہا پسند ہندو نے مسلمان سیاستدان کو زندہ جلا دیا – ایکسپریسس اردو
So Terrible... Kindly translate into english for Indian Members
Google Translate

Lucknow: Attacks on Muslims in India are nothing new, but thrive within the Hindu extremist anti-Muslim sentiments have been aware of how horrible it can be seen from the previous day during a TV show in Uttar Pradesh, the Hindu extremist self set fire to Muslim politicians also burned there.

Foreign news agency reports Sultan Pur town in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh state TV channel debates among politicians in a public park was arranged was being broadcast live . Politicians debate where several parties were present from the Bahujan Samajwadi Party , a Muslim politician from Qamar Zaman were also present . The TV show that came on the stage of an extremist Hindu before he poured kerosene and set himself on fire then drag Qamar also captivated with . Qamar Zaman present the self-immolation of people out of the clutches of the man who tried but could not do it .

Qamar Zaman defending his attempt to participate in the show 2 and politician Ram Kumar Singh and Chaudhary Ram Hari Dev Varma, were also injured. Both acute Sultan Pur was taken to hospital in critical condition but later both moved to Lucknow official asptaal, where they are receiving treatment.

Police identify man who set fire to themselves in the name of durgesh Kumar, police said durgesh body burned 95 percent and 75 percent, Qamar Zaman, which both of them are very slim chance of survival both the condition that they be not adequate investigation to determine the motive for the incident has been launched.
I think may be Wrong...There is a Wave of Global Fanaticism (by State) in Whole World, esp when you c all recent happenings
1. Russian invasion on small countries
2. Modi Popularity in India
3. Americans advancement in Muslim land
Are we really Heading Towards World War III..??
@faisal6309 @Anoushirvan @Yasir Altaf
You guys know why your country is in such a mess ? Because of MISLEADING news TWISTED to suit Anti india propaganda and paranoia by pak-establishment

That guy was a mentally unstable and you guys are showing your audience that it was some kind of religious hated !

I',mean i really Pity you guys and the guillable audience which read such news

According to Hindustan Times preliminary evidence suggests that Singh, who had a criminal record, had not gone home to Mau for the last year. He had been in a Sultanpur hotel after being in Lucknow Monday.

The IG said the man appeared to be mentally unstable and filed applications against his elder brother and father regularly. In one application, he said he would immolate himself in Lucknow but he disappeared before anyone could trace him. The police have found a mobile phone number that they will be investigating further as part of the evidence.

It appears then that the motivation was likely not political but that the man was unstable mentally and really should have been picked out of the crowd by security before such a horrific event could occur. What type of security these types of events have is unclear but they really should be well-guarded considering the political sensitivities of many onlookers.

LINK : bit. ly / 1mdXhkm
@faisal6309 @Anoushirvan @Yasir Altaf
You guys know why your country is in such a mess ? Because of MISLEADING news TWISTED to suit Anti india propaganda and paranoia by pak-establishment

That guy was a mentally unstable and you guys are showing your audience that it was some kind of religious hated !

I',mean i really Pity you guys and the guillable audience which read such news

LINK : bit. ly / 1mdXhkm

I would gladly take my words back if what you are telling is true.
But it is more looking like a cover up story to bring situation under control.
As far as propaganda is concerned
Believe me I observed very closely Indian media and you guys top this list by clear margin.
But it is more looking like a cover up story to bring situation under control.

LOL everything is cover up for you,show me contrary evidence and why would somebody cover it ? Hindu extremism or any other extremism if happens if widely reported here unlike the hidden stories of murder of journalists by state agencies and hiding of worlds biggest terrorists.

LOL everything is cover up for you,show me contrary evidence and why would somebody cover it ? Hindu extremism or any other extremism if happens if widely reported here unlike the hidden stories of murder of journalists by state agencies and hiding of worlds biggest terrorists.


Did your media reported killing of innocent Kashmiris by indian army and muslim killings in Gujarat and in babri mosque
Did your media reported killing of innocent Kashmiris by indian army and muslim killings in Gujarat and in babri mosque
Yes everybody blasted modi for 10+ years,till he was cleared,thats why he became household name.

Regarding Kashmir Ask your senior journo shami,all pak media reports about atrocities against mujahideens were reported via ZEEnews clips by pakmedia.

Sadly our media reported atrocities on Muslims more than atrocities on hindus,be it bengal or pandits in kashmir .

Your agencies kill people just because they reported whats happening in balochistan .
Yes everybody blasted modi for 10+ years,till he was cleared,thats why he became household name.

Regarding Kashmir Ask your senior journo shami,all pak media reports about atrocities against mujahideens were reported via ZEEnews clips by pakmedia.

Sadly our media reported atrocities on Muslims more than atrocities on hindus,be it bengal or pandits in kashmir .

Your agencies kill people just because they reported whats happening in balochistan .

Do not be fool.
India army has killed thousands in Kashmir over the years.
Those killed include children , women and old people.
Hundreds of rape cases by your army men.
On one side you are killings hundreds of innocents every month and on the other hand you want the world to believe you are doing nothing wrong in Kashmir.
Do not be fool.
India army has killed thousands in Kashmir over the years.
Those killed include children , women and old people.
Hundreds of rape cases by your army men.
Except minor incidents there is no point of killing women and children,anyways Are these not reported?

On one side you are killings hundreds of innocents every month and on the other hand you want the world to believe you are doing nothing wrong in Kashmir.

When Jihad happens ,things happen in reply,in insurgencies human right voilations happen ,Just like bori band lash daily found in balochistan.

Anyways this has nothing to do with news .
Red corridor...
800+ terrorists camps.

Koi acha country hmain terrorists boly tu smj aata h.
Sala tm log apna ghr dekho phly .
Hm sy bhtt bura halat hain tm logo k..
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