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People worshiping baby who have 12 inches long, tail-like peak in India

So a doctrine of there religion is to worship anybody and anything? Can any Hindu members verify this for me?
And with that logic I can say that suicide bombing is a doctrine of Islam or else nobody would be doing it.

Except it isn't. It it was, I assure you the planet would be gone by now. 1.6b people all blowing them selves up wouldn't leave much behind. Besides, suicide bombing would come under 'suicide', which is strictly forbidden in Islam.
I heard some members accused you of being Indian; I can see why :-)

Oh, you can ask Hindus if you want (if you aren't one already).
So a doctrine of there religion is to worship anybody and anything? Can any Hindu members verify this for me?
And with that logic I can say that suicide bombing is a doctrine of Islam or else nobody would be doing it.

Hinduism doesn't have any central doctrines at all, unlike abrahamic religions. There is no central text or authority figure, and no basic tenets.

That person is wrong, as most people who make sweeping generalizations are usually wrong.

The logical conclusion from his premise that it is a doctrine, would be that everybody will be worshipping this boy - not that if it is not a doctrine, nobody would be worshipping at all as he says in his defence.
Hinduism doesn't hve any centra doctrines at all, unlike abrahamic religions. There is no central text or authority figure, and no central tenets.
That person is wrong, as most people who mak sweeping generalizations are wrong.
The logical conclusion from his premise that it is a doctrine, would be that everybody will be worshipping this boy -not that if it is not a doctrine, nobody would be worshipping at all.

Whatever floats your boat, man. Maybe I just misused the word 'doctrine' :angel:
Still, you do technically have 'central tenets'. Weren't the Vedas holy books?
Except it isn't. It it was, I assure you the planet would be gone by now. 1.6b people all blowing them selves up wouldn't leave much behind. Besides, suicide bombing would come under 'suicide', which is strictly forbidden in Islam.
I heard some members accused you of being Indian; I can see why :-)
I've been accused of being Jewish, Iranian, Sikh and Indian. I'm sure you can see why.

Back to the topic, looking on the internet there are roughly 800,000 million Hindus, you are saying that they are all worshipping this boy? And when did I ask you for the doctrines of Islam? I only used your logic that you painted Hindus with and put it on Muslims. :)
Whatever floats your boat, man. Maybe I just misused the word 'doctrine' :angel:
Maybe. That is why you shouln't use words you don't know the meanings of. Do you want to try with another word to clarify what you mean?

The fact of the matter is that there is plenty of illiteracy and therefore supersitions and gullibility in rural parts of India, and therefore stories like this are not uncommon. If it was because of hinduism, you would find all hindus on this forum and other venues also worshipping him, which is not happening.
Hinduism doesn't have any central doctrines at all, unlike abrahamic religions. There is no central text or authority figure, and no basic tenets.

That person is wrong, as most people who make sweeping generalizations are usually wrong.

The logical conclusion from his premise that it is a doctrine, would be that everybody will be worshipping this boy - not that if it is not a doctrine, nobody would be worshipping at all as he says in his defence.
Thanks for the information, I have Buddhist family members so I have had some contact with Eastern faiths. I just couldn't get over the fact that he is trying to make a major generalisation on a faith followed by roughly 800 Million people.
Still, you do technically have 'central tenets'. Weren't the Vedas holy books?

Sure, vedas are considered holy books. As are upanishads and puranas and many other literary works. Vedas were considered holy even before hinduism began. There was a vedic religion back in those days, which was later taken over by what we call hinduism today. And even today hinduism is not a single religion, but the common name given by the british to many beliefs and practices across the subcontinent. You won't find the word "hindu" or "hinduism" in any holy book or scripture. It is a term invented recently.

There is only a very small community of people in India today who follow the ancient vedic religion.
Not surprising; Hindus will worship pretty much anything and anyone...

Ps. the word baby is reserved for tiny human offspring who cannot yet walk or speak :coffee:

Yes, Hindus will worship anything Living.

Muslims will eat anything Dead ?

I've been accused of being Jewish, Iranian, Sikh and Indian. I'm sure you can see why.

Back to the topic, looking on the internet there are roughly 800,000 million Hindus, you are saying that they are all worshipping this boy? And when did I ask you for the doctrines of Islam? I only used your logic that you painted Hindus with and put it on Muslims. :)

As you can see, best way to understand Hinduism is from Pakistani Muslims :angel:
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