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    Pakistan signs peace pact with militants in Swat

    they are putting peace agreements because they keep getting killed
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    usa makes war with pakistan?

    just like they did in 1965??
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    usa makes war with pakistan?

    yes they did but usa denies resposiblity
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    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    It is obvious to even a layperson (other then complete retarded) that Pakistan gave a good stick to India in Kargil war and if it were not for Nawaz Shareef, map of Kashmir would have been different. If one reads western newspapers of the time (Kargil war and after-war), even British...
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    usa makes war with pakistan?

    many pakistanis believe (including ISI) that since usa attacked afghanistan, and Iraq, they believe the next target is Iran, and then Pakistan. So lets say if they do however manage to attack Pakistan what do you think will be the outcome? will Pakistan have any chance at all? (conventional...
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    Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons

    are you kidding me? if Israel attacks Iran, Israel well be finished without any effort.
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    Jihad !!!

    sunni islam...sunnis practice jiahd brother all true muslims do the prophet (pbuh) loved jihad.
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    Prove God!

    god never helped me so i dont care about religon
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    Interfaith marriages

    my father married a non-muslim (but she converted) so wat?? is that a crime muslims can marry only non-muslim if they wanted too its not haram. im not a muslim but i think this is ridculous
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    Pakistan Army Question Thread

    I saw a video on Youtube (cant seem to find it any more) it mentioned at the start that 300 pakistani mariens killed over 1000 Russian spetnaz soilders. That is truley amazing (like MM.Alam with his piolit skill) but is it true?:smokin:
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    Camouflage net made by Pakistan.

    sweet ....just sweet
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    Siachen Glacier, Fighting On The Roof Of The World

    hmmm Saichen although I do give credit for a 60 year old country for coming this far but I must say that India took more and achieve far more than Pakistan they even killed 40 SSG during a small shootout. I dont know what the reason is that Pakistan did not advance faster but overall India took...
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    International Movies/photos

    the only thing i hate about the Pakistani military videos on youtube is that they are such poor quality compared to some of the Indian ones i seen also really bad music in my opinion.. Im going to start making my own later on.
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    How good are the SSG's

    well I know for sure the SSG are good for: Pakistan As with their Indian counterparts, personnel of Pakistan's SSG are airborne-qualified and probably air-assault-qualified. Elements of the SSG are known to be HALO-qualified, and it is likely that they are HAHO-qualified as well. Personnel of...
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    What is the Pakistani army famous or most talented at?

    The Canadian JTF is famous for there snipers, the British SAS is famous for there Aggresiveness, and the Russian are famous for Weman snipers. What are the pakistani army or SSG most famous or talented in? or are they just all around Strong, Brave, "laughs at the face of danger" kind of guys...
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    Soldiers are you ready for this....

    omg...ew nasty stuff man lol
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