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Soldiers are you ready for this....


May 21, 2006
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Published: 9 Apr 09:30 EDT (05:30 GMT)

BANGKOK, Thailand - The U.S. and Thailand will double the number of troops in their annual war games in May, as Washington restores normal military relations with the new elected government in Bangkok.

The Cobra Gold military exercises will take place May 8-21 in northern Thailand, focusing on training for peacekeeping missions, said Thai Gen. Songkitti Jaggabatara.

"Personnel will be trained not only in peacekeeping but also other types of assistance, which will help Thai forces prepare for peacekeeping missions in Sudan," Songkitti told a press conference.

About 5,250 Thai personnel and 6,075 U.S. forces will join the exercises, about twice as many as last year, when the exercises were scaled down while Thailand was under a military-backed regime.

The U.S. had suspended $24 million in military aid to Thailand after the military seized power in 2006. The aid was restored in February after an elected government took office following polls late last year.

In addition to the Thai and U.S. forces, Singapore will send 158 personnel, Indonesia 81, and Japan 67. A total of 14 combat ships and 96 aircraft will be involved.

The U.S. Embassy's deputy chief of mission James Entwistle said the exercises would help prepare for multinational responses to future crises.

"There is no better exercise than Cobra Gold in keeping our militaries ready to respond to the real-world priorities of supporting peace, stability, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance," he said.

The U.S. will spend $17 million on the war games, while Thailand will spend 14 million baht ($444,000).
Thailand, U.S. Expand War Games - Defense News





our SSG does it......during survival leg of their training....
not a nig deal.....for our comandos
i can't imagne SSG do this

This and far worse...folks (including the previous CoAS of the Pakistan Army) have eaten things far worse than those in the above picture. How does an iguana sound? :P
please remove these pic sir i can't see any more .what a bad thing they eat
This and far worse...folks (including the previous CoAS of the Pakistan Army) have eaten things far worse than those in the above picture. How does an iguana sound? :P

OMG! :eek::sick:
ok lets make it less disgusting..our SSG do it with chickens....
to b more precise...ripping off the neck of a kokar with ur teeth n then eating the fellow raw....
and to b more n more precise i remeber a SSg wala telling me how thier instructor made them to drink the same Kokar's blood...espacially when it had tht thin film formed on the blood which is natural as the blod clots....

but sir drink of blood is not allowed in islam.our SSG also seen that they eat hilal or haram
lol...meray bhai.....its the part of training....if u r a comando u got to do these things if u want to stay alive behind enemy lines....
well i cant comment much on halal n haram...
ok lets make it less disgusting..our SSG do it with chickens....
to b more precise...ripping off the neck of a kokar with ur teeth n then eating the fellow raw....
and to b more n more precise i remeber a SSg wala telling me how thier instructor made them to drink the same Kokar's blood...espacially when it had tht thin film formed on the blood which is natural as the blod clots....


You won't get banned for this :-)...but I will tell you that Kukar is a child's play. Have known of training cadres in the SSG routinely trapping, cleaning, cooking and feeding iguanas/snakes to officers during the OBCC in the past at least. But you are exactly right, its just to inculcate in them the need to make do with whatever they find when living off the land.

Although I can recount quite a few instances of nasty things being downed the throat by SSG walas, but one interesting one was during Gen Musa Khan's time (as per "Unusual Beginnings") as C-in-C PA, he visited a detachment of the SSG during a training exercise. He was shown a frog being cooked/prepped for eating and would not believe that SSG operators would eat something like that. To prove to him that this was indeed the case, the NCO asked Musa that if he ate one, would the C-in-C do as well? Musa said yes and had to swallow a frog in full (to his credit though) :lol:
lol...meray bhai.....its the part of training....if u r a comando u got to do these things if u want to stay alive behind enemy lines....
well i cant comment much on halal n haram...

In Islam, when the only thing available to eat around you is Haraam, then it becomes Halaal by default. The first preference is to save ones life and then when you have options/alternates to haraam, then you stick with Halal.
In Islam, when the only thing available to eat around you is Haraam, then it becomes Halaal by default. The first preference is to save ones life and then when you have options/alternates to haraam, then you stick with Halal.

ya thnx for clearing up the doubt....i m aware of this thing but didnt mention it coz i never wanted to start another debate on this halal n haram stuff....
well yes i knw kukar would b a treat during OBCC....but u have to go more nasty....as u will not be getting kukar behind enemy lines.....
Halal or Haram has got nothing to do to prepare you for that right time. We did our survival course and the cook was so good 1st day he cook a snake and it tasted like fish, the next day he cooks Frogs specially in Dacca they were big frogs, The way he made it, it tasted like chicken. On the 3rd day I realised and ask one of my course mates that we have been travelling for 2 days where are the cook's supplies. That is when he told us what we eat in the last 2 days. Actually the frogs and the snake they were tasty :lol:
The next month we eneded up in a desert Course lucky for us we did find a water well. when we took out the water there were small tiny red snails type things and we were really dispointed at the same moment we saw PAk Army guys and my little brother was doing his survival couese. we told them about the water and they were smart they had Goat milk, a few drops of that in the well and all the snails went and sat at the bottom and you could drink that water. In those days we were all required to were gold or Silver just in case you eject and it will come handy. 1 tola gold was so cheap at that time so we all had some gold ring or silver chain, So did the army guys. We traded our gold rings for a cammel and we all had a fantastic dinner. Tho is was quite saltish but good.
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